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  • freddywilson15 December 2023
    This show feels like stepping into a glittering world where buying houses worth millions is as easy as picking a candy from a shelf. But let's be real, it's a bit too dreamy. The show forgets the nitty-gritty stuff most of us deal with-budgets, loans, and the rollercoaster of emotions that come with home buying. It's like window shopping in a universe where mortgages are a myth. The cast glides through luxurious estates, but the real-world struggles are missing. We're left wondering if they've ever stressed over interest rates or argued about paint colors. The show lacks the down-to-earth vibe we crave. Sure, it's fun to peek into mega-mansions, but 'Homes and Dollars' trades relatability for extravagance. It's more a fantasy than a guide to real estate. If you're in it for the glitz, you'll enjoy the ride, but don't expect to pick up many tips for your own house hunt. It's like a glossy magazine-great to flip through, but not exactly a practical house-hunting companion.