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  • Warning: Spoilers
    ==Minor spoilers==

    Let's get a few things out of the way first. Number one being the lovely Puss, which in this series is not voiced by Antonio Banderas, but Eric Bauza instead. And the second one being that this show is targeted for a young audience, mainly kids, in comparison to the Shrek series and Puss' own major flick, Puss in Boots, which were both meant for more of a family audience.

    "The Adventures of Puss in Boots" follows the adventures of a fancy cat in a hat and fine leather boots, protecting the city of San Lorenzo, a hidden place that got unveiled after a slight mishap, from bandits and the likes... And as of this point, that's pretty much all there's to it. The plot itself is incredibly shallow, but filled with new villains, different locations and a ton of witty remarks and puns. Pretty much all the ingredients for a kids' show are in here, but does it all mix together? Well, yes and no.

    It's not as much the plot, as it is the execution of it. As I mentioned before, this show is targeted for a younger audience as the movies, and it really shows. The subplots are fair, the characters quite standard, and the jokes and puns are... okay. The plot is also quite innocent, teaching you the basic lessons such as "friendship is important" and "always fulfill your promises". Not that I mind all that myself, but it made me feel a bit old as I was watching it. There is no real progression in the story as of yet, and the characters don't exactly change either. Though Puss is still how he used to be, if not a bit better in terms of skills and moves, but also a bit more corny.

    The characters are enjoyable, but slightly forgettable. Though most of them are shown in pretty much every of its currently five episodes, they don't really stand out too much other than like three of them, one being the Puss. Their personalities are quite standard, but fun either way.

    Now let's get on the technical aspects. Being a Netflix Original, and still produced by Dreamworks, one would expect this to have about the same quality as the before-mentioned movies. Unfortunately, it seems they had a bit of a tight budget to work with, and the animation greatly suffers under this. The character models still look fairly decent, but are rendered a lot rougher, and the movement of the characters tends to be either a bit clunky or unrealistic, and worse than the original Shrek movie. Though the special effects they put in are pretty nice at times, I do wish it all looked a bit more smooth, but it's something I've overlooked while watching.

    The voices are quite good. Every character's voice fits nicely with its personality, and props to Eric Bauza for being able to pull off a pretty good Puss. It really feels like the voice actors put their hearts into the voices, which is expected from a show using Puss in Boots as its base plot, known and loved by many. It is the reason I've watched the first season all the way through and liking it, simply because it's enjoyable to even listen to, accompanied by good and fitting music.

    Long story short, "The Adventures of Puss in Boots" is a kids' show, and fun to watch if you're in the mood for it. The animation is slightly sub-par, and the plot simplistic, but the characters are enjoyable and at times might even make you laugh. It all really depends on what you're looking for, and if after reading this review you feel like watching it, then it's probably for you. If not, then there's a big chance you've grown out of these kinds of shows. Either way, I enjoyed it as something in-between, and it's definitely worth trying out if you're a fan. After all, he's still the cat with the hat and the boots, still causing trouble, and looking good while doing it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I normally wouldn't write a review for a series like this. It's an over the top, childish, and makes-zero-sense kind of show. Yet somehow, just like All Hail King Julien, the series took a turn for a plot and end game. Yeah, it was a nonsensical ride, but it actually had some good characters and the way the story was written made it (and bear with me on this) so I was invested and actually wondering what would happen next. Having just binged the last season, I have to admit I'm kind of sad it's ending, but it makes sense. Somehow the writers for these DreamWorks spin offs have made something that is great in its own right (and in the case of AHKJ it exceeds the source material in likability). While I wouldn't say this is my favorite series ever, it was... nice. It certainly wasn't the drivel you see put on TV these days and after a long day of real life it's nice to just turn on Netflix and let my brain melt a little.

    The entire style of the series was random and it didn't take itself too seriously, which was probably the best part about it all. However, I didn't give it 10 stars for a reason. I really didn't like some characters throughout the whole series. While some were written to be actually kind of fun despite their wacky tendencies, some were just... eh. Not a big fan. The orphans were probably my least favorite characters out of the whole thing and in a lot of the episodes where they were involved I just couldn't like them. Especially Toby. He's probably the main reason why I'm lowering my review score. I know it's a lot to downgrade something just based on a single character, but honestly I wish he hadn't been given such big roles in the last couple seasons.

    At the end of the day, however, what I like most about this is that it gave us the ending that Samurai Jack wouldn't let us have. For that, I actually like this series more. How this all fits into the Shrek universe, I have no idea, but I can say that I'm quite happy that Puss and Dulcinea got to ride off into the sunset together in a proper happy ending. (I'm looking at you, Tartakovsky. You broke my soul.) I am a little sad that both this and AHKJ are now gone, but I'm hoping we get more things like this in the future. This style of writing is just fun all around and a pleasant change from main stream television.
  • There were 6 seasons until the end of the series, we went through incredible seasons like the fourth, which is the best among them all. However, we had the first one, which is certainly the worst among them all because it doesn't have a story being told, it's just loose episodes and they're not that fun. There's no way to say last season's episodes are pointless, but they have the same problem as season 1, they're not fun. Most of them are boring or just average, something I didn't expect from the series finale. Not to mention the last episode which is very dull, it only sustains itself because of the attachment to some characters. This series started being very weak, but it evolved a lot until the fourth season, but the last two left something to be desired. However, it's not a waste of time to watch all 77 episodes because many of them are fun.
  • This is a great spinoff animation series for all viewers to watch. The crew could have improved this series a bit more but it was fine enough. The crew did an alright job in creating this spinoff animation series. The whole cast selection throughout the series was alright. They connected too well to the storyline and to their respective characters. The chemistry between all of the cast members could have been a bit better. This spinoff animation series reveals to viewers the real and true definition of friendship when someone has been alone. I have been alone, bullied, depressed, and hated all my life. I will never know what true friendship will feel like. This is a fine spinoff animation series for everyone to watch.
  • jakep324 August 2019
    I watch it with my daughter and it keeps me laughing along with her. Highly recommend!
  • This is a great kids movie but unlike a true kids movie, this series has a lot of appeal to other ages. I would suggest watching at least a full season before judging it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am surprised so few people reviewed this show. Likely, most people assume "it's a Shrek spinoff" and think it is childish. Frankly as someone who never liked Shrek I only checked this show out thinking I would not watch more than a few episodes. Instead, I was instantly hooked, and after it ended, I rewatched it again, all seasons.

    The show is smartly written with characters who are each memorable in their own way with great voice acting and often ridiculous characteristics, but they all have a "human touch" so to speak, that makes you understand them and their way of thinking - even for minor characters. The show is also very cleverly written, with plot points dropped in season 1 that start to make sense often seasons later - like the identity of the Great Mage Sino. But mostly, it is the way the show builds its characters, who actually do evolve and change (with some villains becoming heroes even), and learn lessons, to become almost a sort of mismatched family.

    The jokes are smart too - there are plenty for the kids, but also a lot of more nuanced ones that adults will understand.

    The story starts with Puss in Boots (Eric Bauza), adventurer and thief, finding the hidden magical city of San Lorenzo. Inadvertently, when he steals a coin from the treasure house, he breaks the spell keeping the town hidden, and swears to safeguard the town and its inhabitants from thieves and worse. Joining him are Dulicnea (Jayma Mays), a sweet and initially naive cat who takes care of the village's orphans, Artephius, a scatter-brained old alchemist, Toby the pig kid, Mayor Temoroso the town's incredibly cowardly mayor who hides in barrels, Kid Pickles an eccentric orphan obsessed with pickles... and many others. The town over the seasons gets new guests from a valley-girl like Sphinx, a gentle giant Golem to a literal crew of skeleton pirates.

    While the initial plot seems simple - Puss has to find all the missing treasure to make the spell work again - soon it becomes obvious there was more than treasure hidden in San Lorenzo. As various enemies within and without trouble the town, Puss and his friends have to go on quests and face danger and solve problems - in often hilarious ways - to save the day. And often it is Puss' giant ego that causes the most problems.

    I heartily recommend the show. It has a well written story and as I often say, I came for the jokes, I stayed for the characters.

    100 STARS OUT OF 5.
  • It is clear that the writers had real fun making this. I often catch a line while getting things ready for my boy and am blown away by how funny and clever it is.

    My son loves it; I don't get bored and annoyed by it; and we have played it beginning to and a half dozen times.
  • We watch with our Granddaughter. It is a tradition when she is here that we finish evening of TV viewing with an episode or two of PussnBoots.

    Only complaint is that volume is so variable. It goes from super loud to very quiet.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Man this was a smash hit I never knew Netflix had in them like honest to god all the characters have an episode where there all memorable and they get there time to shine. Also puss and dulcineas loving relationship like goddamn after season 6 where puss was forced to leave and he says goodbye to dulcinea like that one had me crying for a good moment I definitely gotta say this is one of Netflix and dreamworks really good shows.
  • jfzs28 June 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    I gotta admit, that the end of the season 6, last episode. I cried. Felt bad for Puss with Boots.
  • erhanipekciler11 July 2020
    I wish puss was real, those eyes and paws :)) Some jokes are very clever, black is the new orange :))) very Watchable, funny.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Adventures of Puss in Boots" is an absolute delight from start to finish! This animated series brings a beloved character from fairy tales and Shrek movies into his own thrilling and hilarious adventures. From the moment Puss in Boots straps on his boots, you're in for a wild ride filled with action, humor, and heartwarming moments.

    First and foremost, the animation is top-notch. Every frame is vibrant, colorful, and bursting with life. The character designs are charming, and the attention to detail in the backgrounds is stunning. Whether Puss is navigating the bustling streets of San Lorenzo or embarking on a quest in the mystical realm, the visuals never fail to captivate.

    But what truly sets this series apart is its fantastic storytelling. Each episode is packed with clever twists, witty dialogue, and unexpected turns. Whether Puss is outsmarting villains, unraveling mysteries, or simply enjoying a bit of mischief, his adventures are always engaging and entertaining. And thanks to a talented voice cast led by the incomparable Antonio Banderas, every character feels lively and memorable.

    Moreover, "The Adventures of Puss in Boots" strikes the perfect balance between humor and heart. Beneath the swashbuckling action and laugh-out-loud jokes lies a touching exploration of friendship, loyalty, and redemption. Puss may be a cunning and fearless hero, but he also learns valuable lessons along the way, making him a truly relatable and endearing protagonist.

    In conclusion, "The Adventures of Puss in Boots" is a must-watch for audiences of all ages. Whether you're a fan of fairy tales, animation, or simply great storytelling, this series has something for everyone. With its captivating animation, engaging characters, and irresistible charm, it's no wonder that Puss in Boots continues to steal hearts and inspire smiles with each and every adventure. Don't miss out on this purr-fectly wonderful show! 🐾