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  • I had asked a friend of mine to watch Thomas in love (2000) and Demonlover (2002), he had liked it. Later on i told him to add Videophilia in his watchlist. After few weeks, he ranked it as one of the worst films ever made. He said the plot was almost impossible to follow, poor image quality with a lot of grain and pixelation. Despite that, it is one of the most interesting films, it has a story centered on digital dystopia, drugs and internet consumption. It has more heart, passion and characterization than most films today. The visual side is a bit like Phil Solomon, Takashi Itoh, Dakota Ray or Mark LaPore and Shuji Terayama . Anything goes in an excessive work, the director decided to subvert all the conventions, limits and prejudices of contemporary cinema. Having said that, the story itself was gutsy and twisting to keep you hooked till the end. I still was left with plenty of issues through my mind for hours after. Unpleasant to watch, the film certainly is discomforting, cold and even freezing, too. There is not too much talk in the film, the deeds speak for them, that is, the deeds of the demented characters. How can such an extreme life be sustained and how long can one endure a tremendous amount of burden?

    That being said, my conclusion is that it is a very difficult to rate a movie. Anyways it is for the acquired taste for sure, distasteful to many. I'll attribute my rating to not yet really knowing where I stand in that regard.