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  • Warning: Spoilers
    **** SPOILERS ****

    In the future (?), memories are able to be downloaded and backed up. During a procedure a man wakes up in a body that is not his own and proceeds to act in an illogical way. That pretty much sums it up. It didn't really make much sense.

    EDIT: To clarify, I understand the plot, and what happens, but there's unanswered questions and some illogical points that don't make sense.

    It's very Black Mirror-esque, which is good, but it isn't well written. There's too much that doesn't make sense. I spent a good 10 minutes afterwards trying to put it together but not in a fun, mind-bending way. More of a "huh?" kind of way and then just gave up. Whatever. Life's too short to spend on films that don't make sense.

    It's an interesting idea to begin with, and throws in some tantalizing concepts, but then proceeds to not follow through with them. I think that the writer had a good initial concept, but tried too hard to make the plot twist and turn rather than laying out a film plot that connects together.

    **** SPOILERS ****

    Who is Gavin? Why did he pay Emma? What's her daughter got to do with any of it? Why does he goes bonkers? Rather than leaving things for the audience to think about, it instead just doesn't tell a coherent story. I tried googling it in the hopes that someone would explain it (since the plot doesn't really make any sense), but alas I couldn't find anything.

    Watch it for yourself. Maybe it'll make more sense to you.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was shown on TV split into to 30min by Ch9 Australia 2016 and I think that was a bad idea as watching the first half would not keep you engaged to watch the second part. The story leaves a few plot lines unresolved. It feels like the story was compromised to contain it in 60min. There was a plot twist in second half that I thought was clever to resolve the blackmail. The main problem with this movie is the plot but production and acting were OK.

    **** SPOILERS ****

    The concept of wiping memory to hide a crime is an interesting one. The sci-fi about memory backup and replacement bodies is better told in the book Pandora's Star by Peter F Hamilton - see The hardest part of the plot is believing your backup would be willing to kill your original self and body deliberate or accidental. I suppose you could argue that mind + body interacted to produce a killer or perhaps the backup is not complete copy. Extra points for pointing out clones would smell different.

    **** SPOILERS ****
  • wolfen24418 September 2019
    I'm in the middle of watching this for the 2nd time trying to figure out this Rubik's cube of another DUST up. Get it? DUST up...sorry. Anyways, Dust Always does this and now it's a little too frustrating. They have these shorts that are usually 15 minutes too short. Fine. So make 'em just a tad longer to explain stuff so I don't have to watch it 15 more times you Fellini ding-a-lings. Then finally I see this one that's 50 minutes long and I say to myself, "Finally a short that is long enough." But no. It's a short that is about 25 minutes too short. Thanx a lot. So now I'm going to make the best of it if I can before I throw up my hands again and realize that I've been Dusted once again.
  • I really enjoyed this film. The premise is wonderful, the acting great, and the sound design is fantastic also.

    As a film, the story didn't go the way I expected it to, which is always a good sign when watching any movie whether sci-fi or not ... it definitely surprised me. I'm the kind of person who tends to map films out in my head ahead as I go, but I didn't get it right this time - some surprising events. I guess my only complaint would be I would have enjoyed it being longer! Definitely has shades of Black Mirror and things like that, so if you enjoyed that you will enjoy this.

    I also spent some time thinking about it afterwards, which is another good sign. Recommended.