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  • I have recently enjoyed going through YouTube looking at many failed TV pilots of the 1950s and 60s. Most of them turned out to be pretty poor (hence you could understand why they were never made) but a few were very good. A few, like "Chopsticks" weren't necessarily good but really deserved to be watched.

    The idea for "Chopsticks" is a bit insane when you think about it. They've assembled five piano prodigies and have made a game show, of sorts, out of the program. The kids (aged 9-14) are asked questions like "Name a song with a woman's name in it" and the like and the kids respond by playing the answers.

    Why do I recommend you see it? Well, the panelists are in some cases pretty amazing. One of the kids appears to have no eyes...and is amazingly good despite this. Another is Billy Preston (age 12)...a guy who later went on to make himself famous playing with the Beatles! Fascinating though not exactly a show that had much of a chance making it to TV on a weekly basis.