User Reviews (5)

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  • I found this film well done, with unpredictable plot twists, but was mainly compelled to review it because it's listed as a "Comedy, Drama." Really?

    I wouldn't even consider it a dark comedy. Much more in the classic movie vein of one error leads to another, and pick your friends wisely.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A truly beautiful film. Beautifully shot and perfectly crafted by director Jon Cvack. Performed with the utmost truth and panache by the two leads. Laurence Fuller and Micah Parker both give performances that are worth the movie going experience. An enjoyable movie event that you do not want to miss.
  • I don't usually leave reviews here as I submit them as external reviews from Ruthless Reviews. It is a shame that movies like Road to the Well don't get more attention, but it's a tough business. Apparently, only a few people have watched this gem of a movie written and produced by Jon Cvack, but do yourself a favor and fire up this movie from amazon,iTunes, Xbox or Playstation, you won't be sorry.

    The acting, cinematography and score are riveting. This is a story about friendship and unexpected murder. The tension is electric and the twists and turns are shocking, as the viewer is led down the dark road to the inevitable conclusion. I highly recommend this movie, 9.5/10.

    Read full review here at Ruthless
  • Micah Parker does a great job here. Frank is a loser. but at least he has a job. Jack, on the other hand, seems quite intelligent and is a take-charge kind of guy. Laurence Fuller is good too but what he does is effectively give us a man who is in over his head.

    Marshall Teague does an outstanding job as the military man. I would even say Oscar caliber if this were a better or more well-known movie.

    Now, I never suspected this would be a comedy. I had to figure it out from the music at the house where Frank and Jack met up with Chris and Trudy. I went back and checked the listing on my TiVo and, yes, "comedy" is listed first, before "suspense" and "thriller". But some of the pair's misadventures are actually funny. Like their attempts to move the body in the suitcase. I finally realized a lot of the situations were supposed to be funny. But to call this a comedy? That's a little much. I've seen numerous adventure movies that were really funny where "comedy" was not listed as a genre. If this is a comedy it's a very dark comedy.

    Still, we want the guys to succeed, and "suspense" is definitely there. We want the guys to get away with it even if everything they are doing is against the law and every attempt to cover up their actions will get them in even more trouble. And we see not one but multiple murders. I saw this on broadcast TV, so there may have been more violence than what I saw.

    And on the subject of appropriateness for family viewing, definitely not. Words were often bleeped and mouths were blurry.

    Near Tahoe we did have some beautiful scenery. Though I wonder why the trees looked so brown. Not every scene was like this but this must have been a conscious choice in filming technique. Scenes which showed more close-up action had trees that were very green.

    At first I wanted to say "Bury this movie, not the body" but give it a chance.