User Reviews (42)

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  • First I must concede that I have watched all episodes until episode 6 and I will probably watch the rest as well. So I would not be completely honest to rate this under 6.

    But oh boy this is terrible. The acting is ridiculous even though I have watched some of the actors doing a better job in other shows, cinematography is the worst, it looks like a brazillian soap . Editing is so bad, directing is inexistent. Fights are not realistic. There are a few hot girls though, and their interactions with the other characters are hilarious at times. Fundamentally, the story is random and looks like a collection of ideas stolen from Jack Bauer's 24, including the dramatic clock effect, without a general plan or destination.

    Yet I watch this. It is like watching students with no experience nor talent but a propensity to take surprisingly bad decisions when developing a project. I wonder what catastrophe is coming next and I enjoy it. So yeah, this is bad, but this is entertaining too once you accept this as a failed experiment.
  • pub-211 October 2020
    Don't waste your time, unless of cause your best friend or relative stars in it. Every aspect of this show is amateurish for such garbage to be made in 2018 is an insult on the intelligence of the viewing public.
  • natashachocolat17 March 2019
    I'm watching it, knowing quite well how terrible ti is. The way it's shot with the black fade out slomo is just mind blowingly bad. I gave it four because bad shows are something entertaining
  • chishaacem14 November 2018
    It's like a very very bad rip off of 24. Am only 3 episodes in and struggling to keep watching. The acting is quite bad and the storyline so far seems stretched. The president is far from presidential. It's bad. It's worse than this review
  • On paper it looks promising but it's let down by Simon Phillips, the man behind Downing Street Siege and other action films best avoided. The acting is terrible, it's been badly researched and there are so many glaring errors it's unbelievable. It looks like a teenager has watched a few seasons of 24 and a couple of episodes of Seal Team and had a go themselves but removed all the reality.
  • goutzibilly28 December 2018
    They should have put a zero on the rating scale. After watching 2 episodes I ended up wanting to shoot myself...
  • davidjcartledge18 November 2018
    If you are going to create a series, at least do it professionally. From bad acting, to oh so bad blood spattering. to uniforms looking ill fitted. Take a note from Seal Team. or actually go get their people to make your series. It is laughable that stuff like this gets made.
  • Where to start with this shocker? The script is ridiculous, and so full of plot holes and continuity gaffes that it appears to have been written by eight year olds. To say the acting is appalling is to give it to much credit. Cardboard cutouts delivering cliched dialog, much of it yelled ....not to mention the cheap sets and poor visual effects. Who made this rubbish? Shame on you.
  • I just learned about the usefulness of THIS page. Wish I had come here SOONER. Wish I had read these comments BEFORE I wasted my time on this series: "No Easy Days 2018". Season 1 ends with QUESTIONS, etc. Thank you to all commenters. ✅👍
  • I really enjoyed this series. Lots of action and twists. Definitely worth watching!
  • PutuNix8 December 2018
    Shockingly bad. The acting is strictly am-dram, the framing of the scenes is perfunctory, the faux West Wing walk and talk is tragic. This pale imitation of 24 is not worth watching at all.
  • So many people do this film down and it is understandable, but it does everything that I've ever wanted films and series like this to do, no happy ending, main characters dying, I've watched this twice now and recommend it to everyone I know

    Yes the acting is bad, especially the backup president, but I can't get enough of it, just don't take things seriously in life and chill out with this series. I wish there was a series two
  • Maharg232 December 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Little unrealistic but the drama was there. Acting waant as bad as people say and the story was awesome with major plot holes. Like how sis Holt escape? They never explained rhis to us. Realy bugges me I gave it a 7
  • musoke21 June 2019
    Had to stop watching during episode 1 when they showed secret service agents with name tags and badges in a nightclub protecting the president's daughter. Pure Comedy!
  • samuelnjugia30 November 2018
    Wouldn't have imagined watching such a poor quality film in this decade. Not with all the technological advancements and highly talented actors we have. All taken down by one lazy director.
  • sonorb27 February 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is an 8 episode version of a movie " He who dares " That movie was about the Prime Minister's Daughter ... this is about the President's daughter . Same actor played leader of the "Gang" in both . Hopefully this could not possibly happen ... armed forces surely have to be more sensible!
  • Such a good idea for a story, why hadn't someone thought of this before? Oh wait, He Who Dares and He Who Dares: Downing Street Siege told the same story a lot better in it two movies!! In fact the same actor reprises his role as the psychopathic villain for this poor rehash drawn out into 8 episodes.

    Just when you think the evil is all over, there's a twist at the end of this nonsense saying, "Now come back for Season 2!!" Uh, no thank you. Poor acting is bad enough, but to replay previous scenes over and over would only sell to a goldfish.

    I've been impressed with Amazon work, but this contrived mess is really not worth the effort.
  • joannehafner11 December 2018
    I always give american shows a chance to be watched. although canadian, this was basically an american show. the acting was so terrible, that no matter what the show was about, it wouldn't matter. zero emotion, zero connection. please don't waste the 15 minutes that i did.
  • So upfront I'll say that I did watch all the episodes only because the storyline is interesting, but it's one of the WORST shows I've ever come across.

    Acting is atrocious except for maybe 2 actors. Directing is pathetic While the overall storyline is interesting, the writers are terrible. Even the Cinematic Fight Choreography looked like teenagers planned it out.

    And what's amazing is that there's TONS of actors in this show.

    The costumes were terrible too barely fitting the actors properly.

    It's a Canadian show.
  • I found it to be entertaining enough. It's not as good as Seal Team or other military shows, but literally it's good for the 8 episodes it got. I love pierce brosnan, so to see his son act was cool.
  • The first episode was so appaling I just didn't have it in me to watch the second....we have no idea what is happening. People seem to be dying left right and centre for no reason, it's plotless, disjointed and looks like a series of random shots all strung together and your job is to try and make sense of it all. It would be more productive to watch grass grow. I think I get the title now, it's definitely not going to be an easy day trying to watch this...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It makes you think about the political side of things as well.
  • Complete copy of UK's He Who dares.....Including the same villain Holt.

    Fairly poor acting but still fun with only very subtle plot changes from the UK show
  • Poor script!! Where is the creativity guys?! I totally predicted what was going to happen next! Well, I understood the direction the story was trying to take, but it was clearly poorly directed.. There are too many questions not answered... you just can't 'cheat' the viewer.
  • michael-1953412 April 2020
    If it wasn't for the Coronavirus lockdown I would have given up after 2 episodes. The story seemed great at first glance but the plot lines were just so clichéd, the acting very amateurish and the casting could only be described as unbelievable. Who ever thought an overweight, middle aged bloke who sweats doing up his pants would be part of an elite Seal Team, let alone his bacci chewing offsider. Do not bother wasting time.
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