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  • I had no idea what to expect from this, most of the cast I knew but only vaguely and for nothing standout that I could recall. As it turns out most of them turned in a really good performance. Stand outs were Chelsea Edmundson, Karli Rae Grogan, Michelle Lombardo. Sarah Otey and Roberto Aguire.

    Sadly some of the acting was straight our of amateur porn, and some of the teenage uptalk was irritating to say the least. It'd be fine in a movie about 12 year olds but not with adults dealing with an adult subject.

    The dialogue was mostly though spot on, it reminded me of some of my "morning afters" and in that way was most enjoyable too. The photography was delicious and flawless albeit very stock. A really fun movie, I liked it a lot.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is obviously a low budget film. The shoots are only indoor. A hostel, a hotel, an apartments, a big mansion. Phones play a major role of being the outlet to the outside world. It is both the gateway of drama as in the case of Sara and Jeremy. A protector for Diego and Ava's. A Rosetta stone for Dan and Stephanie. There are no points or big resolutions. Just a collage of life. Yet it's a not a realist movie, the actors are all surgeon-tly beautiful and the scenes are archetype-ical and not lacking of kitsch. A lot of sex is involved. The actors are scantly clad. I liked the subtlety of some things - they are not explicit, but you get what's happening anyway.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Yes I liked it...maybe a little bit of Steiner, maybe some Jung. I wouldn't expect many would understand the concept of a dead man walking himself into the future...something like the spear-holder at Gethsemane. I know you won't understand my review, but that's OK. Death, dream, its all the same...walking my way home. The land of the dead, one forgets what one journey is all about. See it twice. You might understand? The acting isn't great, but doesn't have to be... One needs to understand Greek myth. Death and life overlap eternally. Really, not much one can say, watch it. Hello, hello, what more can I say? Tell me? What?
  • It's not about the morning after as one would think. Its a movie about people pretending to be looking for a steady relationship.

    There are different contemporary poses that people take in order to excuse their habit to wake up every morning in the same way as they are used to.

    Only thing that connects this people is not having a relationship.

    Relationship is not what they are looking for.

    When this generation grows old and ugly they will be a sad lot.

    Unless there will be a sex portal for elderly.

    Good luck with tinder.
  • This film takes an authentic perspective on the aftermath of unexpected/expected overnight connections. It's quirky humor quickly becomes relatable to real-world awkward experiences one may have had at least once in their dating life. At times, Raw and unapologetic, yet capturing the exhilaration of the moment, The Morning After doesn't shy away from exploring the deeper emotions and arguably devious motives behind each of the characters actions. Overall, A real and undiluted film worth checking out. -Great cast -Great direction -Great cinematography Director: Shanra J. Kehl Writer: Shanra J. Kehl (as Shanra Kehl) Stars: Markie Adams, Roberto Aguire, Tina Arning.