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  • walesara5425 December 2022
    Until Xmas 2022 I had never heard of this series. Lived In Sweden nearly 20 years and their humour is obviously going to be different. This series is based on a particular region of sweden and one must have lived here to appreciate why it is like it it is. Think how hard it would be for non brits to understand the humour of The young ones or Bottom or earlier Comic strip presents. I guess it's no different with this swedish series for no swedes especially with undertext that's translated to something one understands in their own language. What can be hilarious in swedish won't always work in English and vice versa. For me an ex brit, (welshman) fluent in swedish, this works and I find it hilarious. Can't wait for new series.
  • philip-0019724 August 2020
    Granted, the Swedish sense of humour is unique and lends itself to few, if any, other cultures. But, even baring that in mind, there is little scope for awarding Morran and Tobias any kind of artistic merit.

    There are humorous moments, they are far between and entirely based on laughing at others shortfalls and stupidity.

    It's an odd attempt that may be described as; fim Noir meets slapstick - and tops it off with an attempt to a happy ending.

    Judging by the score on IMDb, it apparently has an appreciative audience. The feeling is, however, that said score isn't relevant to the broader audience.