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  • All the new characters and settings were a bit overwhelming, but helped to expand the world and the story. It feels like it is building up to something big.
  • I really liked how this volume expanded on what Volume 1 built, and how it helped things along. The animation improved, and overall, it's still a fun show that's well-written and has good characters. There are moments where it could be better, but I find those to be nit-picks. Nothing is perfect, but this is definitely getting close. I'd recommend watching it as soon as you can.
  • A good follow from Volume 1 events. This is were RWBY starts getting a little darker, but without losing the funny atmosphere that distinguishes RWBY. The better animation allows even smoother fight scenes. It's creative, funny, and characters from Vol 1 are starting to develop. Just as its predecessor, it has some clichés. It's not perfect in narrative terms. With all that said, 7/10.
  • RWBY volume 2 is a great follow to the event in Volume 1. The first volume of RWBY had some incredible writing and great character development but to be honest the animation could improve with volume 2 these problem got partially fix. The animation seem a lot more fluid and vivid with some amazing fight scenes. Volume didn't fall behind with the writing either, in my opinion these volume introduce us to a deeper and darker era of the world of Remnant but didn't left the classical RWBY humour behind. To be all honest we can't compare RWBY to other anime shows, while other shows are produce by big teams and have a very well develop animation, Roosterteeth isn't that big, yet, but they use all there potential in hand to make this one of there main shows. Yes, with the tragic death of Mounty Oum the series creator we don't know what to expect from RWBY future but I have faith that even if its taking more for them to develop it it will still be a great series. That why RWBY has a 10 out of 10 in my standard.
  • Volume 2 sets the tone for how dark the story will go, but we still weren't ready.

    Lots of improvements over Volume 1, with better animation, introduction to new characters, better writing, and even better fight choreography. The voice acting has improved significantly over Volume 1, as well as great character development. While it does still have janky animation here and there, it still keeps its charm. The volume starts off with two new characters and probably the most epic food fights an animated series has ever had. This volume also introduces many new creatures of Grimm, as well as a slightly dark backstory of the kingdom of Vale.