User Reviews (3)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    As a watcher of this show for all 3 seasons, this episode left me feeling depressed yet satisfied--but not wanting to watch anymore future episodes.

    The interaction between Joe Carroll (James Purefoy) and Ryan Hardy (Kevin Bacon) was just what I wanted to see--they both shed some tears together when Ryan admitted that he felt satisfaction when killing (most likely Ryan's satisfaction comes from those that "deserved" it doing heinous crimes) and Joe shedding tears knowing that he was responsible for Ryan's satisfaction when killing.

    The last five minutes of the show would have been perfect for a Series Finale. Since there is talk about canceling the show, and not renewing for a 4th season, it would have been a great time to give fans closure--Joe Carroll finally meeting his maker and Ryan Hardy toasting to Joe Carroll by saying, "Here's to you..." and Joe (in Ryan's head) correcting Ryan by saying, "To us." This, I speculate indicates that Joe will live on through Ryan in his head. I couldn't help but wonder if Ryan would become a killer, only killing for the good, and not just for satisfaction as a true serial killer like Joe would.

    I was depressed when Joe was executed, satisfied that Ryan and Joe had a tearful "moment of truth" and if it was the last episode of this show, I would have had the closure I need to not feel like the series was canceled out of nowhere--which may be the case if they don't renew for Season 4. I'd also like to add that James Purefoy is a great actor and made the show as well as this episode.
  • tea-stipan28 April 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    this was one of the best episodes in season 3 so far. i simply adore this season in whole, mainly because of the new characters and plot twists. Joe's and Ryan's relationship is amazing, if you can say such thing for a serial killer and FBI agent. it's sick and beautiful at the same time. i'm looking forward to see how will Ryan manage without Joe in the future. the best thing about this episode is that even though Joe is the main character, this is an exact way this whole story should have ended. we all knew that he couldn't live forever and that at some point will have to come some new villain who will be Ryan's main preoccupation. in short, love it!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode is very bad and the whole series is getting very bad, do they really think we are that stupid, somebody controlling the whole country from his laptop, he better transfer all the money in the country to his accounts. and also the prisoners they took the hostage outside and Ryan followed them and then here go inside again, and all the FBI and the other forces can't open a door to get inside.

    I really liked the first two seasons, but this season it is very bad and the tricks in it are getting really stupid. even Bacon's performance is not as good as the first two seasons.

    i really hope they can find new twists so we can enjoy this series again.