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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This wa sperhaps the most memorable quote from this awards ceremony said on at least two occasions, one of them being Robert Downey jr. Anyway, first things first: Here we have the 2015 edition of The 41st Annual People's Choice Awards, so this one is already almost five years old now and the event still exists. The one we got here runs for 100 minutes (plus 20 minutes commercials if you care) and I will spare you the (not) surprisingly many names of the writers and directors. You can check them out for yourself if you care. But there can be a lot said about the people who shop up here be it as award winners, presenters or performers. Or the hosts. These two would be Anna Faris and Allison Janney from Mom. While this show is still running now in 2019 I think, a lot changed since then though. Faris is no longer married to Chris Pratt who is featured very early on. Janney is an Oscar winner now for playing Tonya Harding's mom (no kidding). And Betty White is still alive at 97 now already. She also won an awards that night and received a standing ovation. Oh well she is not a bad (comedy) actress, but still I believe that she is pretty overrated and only appreciated this much because of her old age these days. I mean it is a pretty big thing to make it to almost 100, but it has little to do with talent or so. Anyway, what else? As for Pratt early on, it is kinda cringeworthy to watch how they comedically say how awesome he is. With this I am referring to stuff like "when his career was going nowhere" or the 12 films he has to shoot till Friday. Oh well, maybe Hollywood can understand because he is way too much exposed right now, for a while actually leading Guardians and Jurassic Park etc. I liked him on Parks&Rec, but that was then. Okay now about this awards show. I did like that they included 3 stage performances here in terms of music, seems like a good number, even if nobody from this trio really blew me away. They weren't bad either except Iggy Azalea, so it is good. And I have seen many of these awards and actually I did not know the people also pick the categories for this one here, so I guess they made better picks this time than with other editions, or especially what categories the Kids and Teen Choice Awards have. Still I highly object to the idea that they mention winners and awards just in-between. So disrespectful really. Either cut down the number of awards or let everybody have their moment on the stage. As for the winners, there weren't too many I like. Big Bang Theory is okay and if this is the event that has the pretty likable Adam Sandler still win awards, then I'm fine with it. However, Lawrence, Downey, Davis, DeGeneres and a few others I cannot prasise at all. By the way was Maleficent even presented with winning such a big award? Very random selection. I guess they just picked those as winners and inclusions who showed up that night. What is worse though were the people they picked to present the awards. I did not mind de Pablo and Dennings, but even I who quite likes these two cannot really call them stars. And Goodwin, Anderson, Hart, Arquette just nah. And these are not even those I have never heard of, which aren't just 1 or 2 and I say that as somebody who probably knows way more of these starlets than he should. Okay this is all then, a very mediocre awards ceremony overall. I cannot recommend it. The (intended) entertainment moments were also not too great. best example are the closing credit dancers. The cringe... especially when Faris joins in with them. Oh well. Janney was still solid, even when she had mediocre material. She just is that good. But she alone cannot save this show. Watch something else instead.