User Reviews (1)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    A disaster ... no different than a Bollywood super star movie ... where they expect you to keep your brains at home ... even worse than a Sajid Khan movie where he personally requests you to shoot ur brains. I would say Magadhira was a much better watch and much more believable when it came to the action scenes.

    Animation in the movie is OK, actually quite average if you are comparing it with 300 or even a low budget Hollywood movie. There is no script whatsoever at least in the first half. The first half was extremely slow which mainly revolved around the big huge mountains and the huge water fall shown in the promos and that's it. To add to it there were some painful songs thrown in between to make it a complete so called entertainer as well as there is an item number .... clearly we are not sure whether its a khan movie or a period Epic. I shall not forget the action scenes and the intention was some brutal action probably something like Ghazni but sadly it never happened and probably was the weakest point in the first half.

    The second half did start with some pace and kept some pace in story telling but then the weak script, poor animation kicked in and more songs. The best part of the movie came in the second half when the story went in a flashback and yes the movie became much better with better action, clearly some innovative epic kick a$$ action scenes but still some things just looked cheap.

    If we talk of acting, its probably the dubbing but I could not connect to the emotions in the dialogs and many a times they felt forced something I last felt in Veer. Though I must say Ramya Krishnan acted brilliantly. There was that fury, that arrogance and that anger which she instantly passed onto me as a viewer but rest of the cast was pretty average.

    I feel cheated when a movie ends at intermission time.... yes the movie ended without telling one complete story .. i.e. neither the flashback nor the present .... OK I ran out of verbs there ... Future too looks bleak to me. It is clearly a gimmick to keep some interest in the second part and cash in on the huge marketing campaign already in place where people are appreciating a gutter. They sure learned this from Twilight Crap which I hates no less. It should be a cardinal sin to end a movie like this ... please do this on tele not on big screen.

    If you are really brave and have extra 300 bucks and you want to waste it, please donate it to the poorest bloke you have seen all day and sit and relax at home. Not recommended at all but then I see the rating as 9.4 and now I really want to shoot myself.