User Reviews (1)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's a good thing this series comes to an end after this season. It is getting insulting the way the FBI is depicted, and in fact the way every official is so easily taken out and each villain, how simple they may be, are able to take out numerous well trained cops. It is tiresome. After each serial killer, there is another one and they just go about stabbing, shooting, strangling, hanging, drowning. And of course, yet another wagon-load of FBI cattle.

    Viewers nowadays are much more critical and aware of the real life situations. What makes a producer think that he can walk away with yet another series where law officers are slain by the dozens, just as if they have had no training at all and cannot think logically for themselves? And the moment you (as a viewer) are aware of this the series completely looses its credibility.

    One other thing: the IT possibilities are laughable. Open an entire cellblock from your home computer after simply hacking into the prisons system? Having incredible hi-res images from simple surveillance cameras? Really, when you have to pull out these IT myths to get stuff done, viewers will get bored.