User Reviews (5)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Mike Holmes, the Canadian home building hero, hosts a reality competition where deserving families help renovate a series of beat up houses. However, instead of flipping the house for a profit, the houses are given as prizes to the competing families---ALL of them! As each house is is finished, the losing family is left behind with the newly completed project house. By the end of the season, the best "dream" house is given to the finalists in the last episode. Each family has it's own hard luck story, and none of them are aware that each house becomes a prize. I wish I had known about this before. This first season was filmed in the Atlanta suburbs, and I would love to have auditioned for this with my wife and son. I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out.
  • I can see why this was canceled. Season 2 was awful I couldn't get passed episode 3. It went from a feel good fun show to the typical reality crap. Season 2 had game play, confessional and stabbing each other in the back. Season 1 was so nice and everyone was so happy to get a home. Season 2 could have focused on heroes and still surprised thief heroes with homes but not let the people in on it. I hated season 2. I would give it a 3. Season one is a solid 8 to me.
  • I've only seen the first season so far and I love it. Great fun, feel good show. But, so scripted/pre-determined to the point I was able to guess every episode who would "lose" the house because it was so obvious the house was designed for the couple that would get it. I didn't miss one, lol.
  • I really enjoyed the last years shows better than this one. The contestants didn't know that they were going to get a house when they were eliminated. There was much more building and involvement in the actual building in the house. They shouldn't be told that they will get all that money if they win. Last year the whole premise was better with each contestant working for a house for their family not $100,000 as a prize for doing good.It made the whole show mercenary and people not being very nice to each other. Tim was a good addition to the show. The original premise was much better. I hope they go back to that next year. I would like to have seen more active participating in the decorating of the house and less games.
  • bettymk11 February 2021
    So sad that the mean girls, Ben and James, were both raised by Christians. Ruined the show! I will pray for their black soles.