User Reviews (9)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ian Fletcher is a small frail fifteen-year-old who has to move in with his over the top religious aunt and uncle after his parents were eaten by crocodiles during a Christian baptism. First line of movie is, "I am so glad you've come to live with us. It has been so quiet here since the Lord dried up my ovaries." It is this tongue-in-cheek irreverent but harmless stereotypical religious humor that prevails throughout the movie.

    Ian is soon sent off to a summer Bible Camp run by Gary Busey's crazy Vietnam vet character, Jack Cujo Parrish. Perfect casting. Gary Busey is a riot a because he plays it so serious. I am still laughing. In one of his "God Games" challenges, some kids have to jump off a giant tower in the middle of the lake called the Leap of Faith.

    The target audience is teenagers, but parents will get a kick out of it too. Silly characters throughout the camp, with a feel-good ending demonstrating Christian values, make this a worthwhile watch for teens and their parents.
  • nathandrawdy27 August 2018
    I accept that this may not have been written by actual Christians. So for a non-christian portrayal of christian camps then fine its a mediocre movie. The reason why I feel this way is because of the extensive use of sexual jokes that were honestly not funny. This is not because I have an aversion to sexual jokes but because it was in poor taste, no sense of timing and I found it hard to even watch the 20-30mins of the film before I was sorry I wasted my time and money on the title.
  • It was very, very poor in many aspects. Acting was terrible. Script was very bad. The characters being portrayed were pitiful and demeaning to teens who were overweight, African, Oriental, young and small in stature. Supposed to be a Faith movie but it was more insulting to God than revealing God. I would never tell anyone about this movie unless it was, "Dot waste your time by watching it. I hope every actor in it was able to do much, much better in another movie. Or send them back to pizza delivery. It is the worst movie I've ever watched. The only good in it was the last 5 minutes. I do not recommend anyone wasting 1 hour and 26 minutes and 33 seconds.
  • Camp Manna is a Christian comedy that manages to poke fun at some of the ridiculousness that surrounds Christianity, yet it never loses sight of the important messages it succeeds in getting across.

    Set in the 90's, poor non-believing Ian Fletcher gets shipped off to a summer Christian camp by his religiously obsessed aunt and uncle, where he is (somewhat) forced to compete in the hilarious-Biblically-themed Olympiad known as the God Games.

    From the hilariously titled cabin names to the crazy bible themed challenges to the weird but wonderfully entertaining counsellors, Camp Manna perfectly captures the fun side of Christianity and summer camps.

    The goofy score, hilarious outfits (I use to wear), and the sensational performances from Jimmy Tatro (American Vandal), Gary Busey, Joey Morgan, Evan Koons and Luke Klein, all make you feel as if you've been transported back in time to the lighter days of your childhood, thus, (in my eyes) perfectly nailing the 90s vibe.

    My MVP has to be Evan Koons, I've never seen him in anything before now, but every-time he was on screen, I couldn't help but laugh, wether that be because of his hilarious one-liners or because of the pure energy he pumped into the flick, either way he did a bang-up job constantly challenging the brilliant Jimmy Tatro. Kudos Mr. Koons!

    The only problem I have lies with the kid cast, everyone of them, including Ian Fletcher (for the most part) were little brats and that made them hard to like, but, then I thought... Sh**! I was a little brat at that age too!

    All in all, this low-budget indie flick is a god-send that the whole family can sit and enjoy, and who knows, it could even teach the children some valuable lessons while having some valuable fun!
  • Camp Manna has to be the best Christian movie, seriously. So funny with so many little jokes but still has a great message without being forced. It was so refreshing to see a Christian movie be able to poke fun at the some of the ridiculousness found inside Christianity, while pointing in the direction of what followers of Jesus should be about. This absolutely is a must watch if you have been "in the church" for a while or ever been to a Christian youth camp!
  • jybarra-039124 September 2018
    Very funny movie great story with surprisingly good acting from people I never heard of. I loved that there are many little detail that you have catch to get the humor.
  • If I were to recommend one Christian film this year it would be this one; not only because I believe it can be enjoyed by Christian and secular audiences alike, but also because it breaks with conventionality, it tells a story that has lots of humor for both adults and children, and most importantly it doesn't shove a corny message down your throat; it presents a situation and lets you the viewer make your own decisions about where Ian's journey of faith will go from here. Take a trip to Camp Manna- I guarantee you won't regret it.
  • From the cheesy cabin names to the crazy bible themed challenges, Camp Manna perfectly captures what it was like going to camp run by intense and 'spirit filled' counselors. But the film also remains tame enough to keep from being a total critique of a religious upbringing, making it worthwhile for Christians and non-religious folk alike.
  • Great indi film. Fun storyline told in a throwback style. Watch this film.