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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Recommended! Democracy and a good society or informal interest group(s) controlling the agenda. Pick one.

    This is one of those documentaries that gives you a look behind the veil of what is supposed to be democracy, letting you see what the large informal interest group(s) are up to for YOUR (sarcasm) best. If this doesn't win a prestigeous price (asuming its claims are accurate) something is wrong with the world. It clearly illustrates that when it comes between maintaining the plutocracy (rich for rich) it goes ahead of religions for those who claim it doesn't/wouldn't.

    The main idea is to give better insight into USA ties to Fethullah Gülen and expose ties into yet another overthrowing of democracy. The presented intention before viewing this was (as far as i could tell) about privatisation of property owned by the people and selling out public schools, it does mention Gülen but more as an anecdote. What is revealed is state agencies setting thousands of children's lives second in granting Gülen space to collect funds through missmanaged schools.

    Pro's • Fresh • Gives what i perceive to be new information that quells any doubts about the Coup d'état in Turkey (if correct). • Has a contemporary (the irony of calling it contemporary in the context of USA foreign policy does not elude me) international impact.

    Con's • Could have better documented at parts (showing the addresses on the buildings/roads as one example) • Not linking the Department of Foreign Affairs or the CIA to it.

    End notes: Neo-imperialistically speaking the Coup d'état in Turkey most likely were to put EU's traderoutes in a worse position (paraphrased: "destined" to fail) after TTiP (and it's fascistic circumvention of accepted practises and laws became public) fell through. Turkey is the key to the middle east and putting Erdogan on odds with EU would strengthen USA relative to EU.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Yes, charter schools are undercover projects to funding some secret objectives of Big Brother.

    Because, this way you can spend billion $ of taxes every year and call it education expense.

    Yes, US taxpayers are funding Gulen charter schools.

    Yes, these schools' mastermind use huge amount of this money for its political/ideological goals, mostly in Turkey and similar countries.
  • There is nothing inherently wrong with charter schools. This documentary attempts to demonize them with a broad brush. And the hypocrisy is astounding. So it's ok to indoctrinate children through public schools but when the people want to stray from their world views and teach something other than what they deem appropriate then it's evil. Freedom to choose is one of basic rights as Americans. Parents should have the choice and then ugh this choice the bad will be weeded out. Our public education system has agendas, and now it's grooming children with the LGBTQrslmnop agenda. Teaching pronouns and wanting to start as early as possible. Let children be children and let parents choose what educational program they want for their children. There is no question that public school education is not the best and only choice. Are there going to be bad private schools? Of course, are their bad public schools and teachers of course. But we should have the choice for our children. Big goverent wants to parent our children. And if you don't like that they will demonize you.