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  • Before his downfall, prison sentence and divorce from Tammy Faye, Jim Bakker's PTL CLUB would promote the idea of God's unconditional love. Every show (and other appearances) Jim would sign-off with "God loves you. He really does."

    But hard times evidently beat that loving spirit out of Bakker. In his current program, with second wife Lori, he preaches a God who wants to punish the audience. Now Bakker preaches of a God who plans to smite the audience with a prolonged Tribulation. And the only assurance they might survive is to buy his brand of bomb shelter food; unappealing mush that even the homeless might reject.
  • Jim Bakker's show focuses on Biblical, prophetic, end times and current events. He features interesting guests that other shows won't host because they deal with current events, prophecy and end times.

    For those who criticize Jim Bakker past, years later, Jim Bakker's criminal conviction was overturned in court as a gross miscarriage of justice and thrown out. The legal witch hunt against Jim Bakker was so egregious that he was represented Pro-Bono by Alan Dershowitz. Alan Dershowitz is a former Harvard Law professor, and is easily the most famous lawyer in America, continually appearing in the news as a leading and respected legal consultant and contributor.

    For those who criticize Jim Bakker because he sells emergency food buckets, there has not been a time in world history when there were not disasters of some kind that led to food shortages. Fires, floods, earth quakes, wars, civil unrest, drought, famines, and numerous other disasters. Such as hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Maria, Fukushima, Venezuela, and on and on and on... We buy home owners insurance, what's wrong with having a bucket of non-perishable food in case of a disaster?
  • Jim Bakker's checkered former days haunt this little show. And it's not cool at all that he and his cronies say the word "dollars" a lot more than they speak the name of God.

    Jim, with new wife Lori (a cute and seemingly nice lady), has taken to selling 'food buckets'. This would not be suspect, except that Jim pitches how 'Doomsday' is drawing near, and THAT is why you NEED to order these survival buckets -- and Jimbo is not shy about asking for prices like $2,000 to $4,000 for 20 to 40 buckets or so, buckets which you are supposed to store in your basement or somewhere. Apparently, he hasn't been selling many because he's down-sized the offers time and again (he now has a 'starter kit' bucket.... a month's worth of food for $75). He measures the amount of food you receive by "servings", but who eats in 'servings'? By the way, Jim owes about $6 million dollars in liens to the IRS. No doubt he wants to pay that off fast, but one is inclined to doubt that he ever will.

    Some good guest-speakers on the show, like Perry Stone and Frank Amedia. It's actually an attractive program if you can get past the remembrance of Jim's shady shenanigans during his involvement with his old PTL Club/Heritage USA ministry where he diverted $4 million dollars of his congregation's offerings into his own personal bank account, as well as cheating on his then-wife, Tammy Fay, and then tapped the ministry's treasury again to take $800,000 so he could pay off the 'other woman' (Jessica Hahn) to buy her silence.

    All I can say is... the rubes who allow this unscrupulous crook to take their money deserve to be taken.