User Reviews (2)

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  • Denton's jury reach a verdict, whilst AC12 move forward in the current case.

    This is a strong episode with great performances and character moments.

    The plot thickens yet again with intriguing developments in the current case and overarching series narrative. How everything connects together is the burning question and the writers use it to make you want to keep watching. Dot's arc is particularly compelling.

    There is some quite dark material covered by the writers in this episode. A certain subject has been implied since we first saw the group photo and is addressed directly here with sensitivity and excellent performances from all, especially Jonas Armstrong.
  • Steve is convinced that Danny was looking into something pretty major from his past, be decides to take a personal interest in the case, and starts digging.

    Just incredible from start to finish, this was incredible, the story is epic and growing, and as for the acting, it doesn't get much better than this. That scene where Steve interviews Joe was utterly hear breaking, credit to Jonas Armstrong for providing such a powerful performance.

    It is genuinely a thrilling watch, I haven't seen this series since it first went out, it is mesmerized, the writing here is astonishing.

    We learn more about corruption, and why said person is on the take, it's fascinating.

    What an ending.

    Awesome, 10/10.