User Reviews (20)

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  • As any caretakers of a dino-manic child knows, finding age appropriate movies or shows about their favorite prehistoric giants can be a tricky thing; the reason being that it's hard to find that sweet spot between realism and lack of violence. But for all intents and purposes, Dino Dana represents a sweet spot between these two ideals. The story focuses on a young girl names Dana who is on a mission to learn more about dinosaurs through simple to understand field studies of her imaginary dino friends (portrayed amply with CGI). However, it would be incorrect in saying that Dino Dana is exclusively a show that teaches children about dinosaurs. Throughout the first season I was also happy to find life lessons scattered about such as waiting your turn, helping friends and generally all things related to being a good samaritan and/or decent person. For all these reasons and more, I'd recommend Dino Dana to any parent looking for a new show for their child.
  • Not sure if the 1-star reviews for Dino Dana are serious or just lame attempts to be edgy. In any case, this is a pretty good show in my opinion and my 3 year old loves it. There's plenty of throwaway kids TV out there that oversimplifies pre-history but Dino Dana does a good job of both entertaining and educating. The writing, special effects, and acting are all absolutely fine. I'm perfectly happy with my daughter getting her dino fix from this show.
  • embemk30 October 2021
    Jesus the morons who have written other reviews are astounding. This show is for KIDS. Specifically kids who love dinosaurs.

    My CHILDREN love this show.

    I can't believe people think she's mentally ill, taking hallucinogens, and being enabled by parents.

    Jesus Christ what are your reviews of Barney?!


    Wish I could slap the lot of you.

    Dino Dana is a TEN OUT OF TEN for my kids. Super educational, teaches about life, death, birth, moving, mixed families, owning a dog, fostering a pet, having a new sibling, the whole shebang. Highly recommend for any kid who loves dinosaurs.
  • Growing up in the 1970's I was in love in dinosaurs. I think this is typical for children aged 2 and up. This show is the first show that my 2 yo daughter and 4 yo son can't get enough of. They have watched all of Season 1 & 2 at least 5 times or more. PLEASE, Amazon video renew this show for season 3 and more. this is the first show that brings realistic science of dinosaurs into a setting that young children can understand and admire. very important show if you want you children to appreciate STEM! Marc W. - Dad of 4 children and lover of Science.
  • I recommend this show to all the mum's I know. All three of my children will watch it happily (5, 3 and 1) and I don't hate it either - in fact, I secretly love it!

    The storylines are sweet and endearing, the main character is very engaging and I like the way that they focus on just a couple of dinosaurs at once. My sons talk about Dinosuchus and Plesiosaurs and know that they swim. Brilliant!

    More like this please Amazon.
  • nmrollagal10 October 2021
    My daughter loves this show. Don't pay attention to the other reviewers saying it's horrible. It is very educational and she has learned so much about dinos from this show.
  • The entire show revolves around Dana causing mischief, destroying property, and getting in trouble only to blame it on imaginary dinousaurs and gets away with it.
  • I have a 5 year old dinosaur fanatic. He's already saying he's going to be a paleontologist. This show gives him inspiration and keeps him interested. I love that it's educational as well as entertaining. The only thing depending on how you look at it is Dana is quite adventurous which can be good and bad. I've had quite a few messes to clean up after my son is finished "exploring".
  • colinhanley29 February 2020
    My cousins make me watch this show and it is just a downgrade from Dino Dan. The special effects look like they are from a bootleg movie, the acting is bad, and Dana is just the worst type of person. Would give 0 out of 10
  • We kinda like it too. I particularly enjoy the relative paleontological accuracy of Dana's imagination.
  • matcaulier15 October 2020
    An educational show which can trigger some paleontologist vocation!
  • valeriaboccardo10 November 2018
    Love it! Our three year son love Dana. It have diferent types oficina dinosaurs, si se can learn a lot.
  • I absolutely love this series for my 2.5 yrs old toddler! He will watch this series all day if I let him. I love that they tell about dinosaurs and moral stories without making it obvious! Graphics are amazing and this little girls imagination just keeps giving!!
  • rwalk-211 August 2019
    This just proves that you can make zero effort to make a show that kids will like. This show is nauseating. Special effects are horrible, acting is horrible.
  • jocksnide28 July 2019
    This is a show about a young girl dealing with mental health issues. She claims to see dinosaurs and talks to them. The villains in the show are the sister and the parents who enable the girl and never seem to try and get her help with her symptoms. On the plus side, even though she is absolutely mental, she is quite informative about dinosaurs
  • ww1buff6526 August 2021
    A girl who obviously takes some sort of hallucinogenic drugs is surrounded by enablers who fail to get her the mental help she obviously needs. Her obsession makes her selfish and heedless of the effects on those around her. But my 4 year-old grandson loves it.
  • My son, 3 and 1/2, has a tremendous dinosaur fixation. Its dinosaurs in the morning, dinosaurs at noon and dinosaurs at night. Stumbling across this show, seemed simply a great way to feed his thirst for dino knowledge. But in the past two years it has become a quick favorite in our home amongst kid and parents. For one, its smart, the titler star Dana, doles out a breadth of prehistoric knowledge on par with a studied paleontologist. No dumbing down, instead smartly guides using language and everyday scenarios which are relatable and fun. Its kind. Centering around Dana and her family unit, with Grandparents, Uncle and neighbor weaving through, Dana's Dinosaur Field Guide experiments seamlessly sew together scientific observation, while learning about emotional sensitivity, fairness and conflict solving. Its empowering, all characters in the show both children and adults are encouraged to be observant of their world, to play and remain curious. The characters are sincere, warm and funny, the plots are clever and relevant. And the effects department seem to find a sweet spot creating loving depictions of very large and sometimes terrifying creatures which are engaging and sweet. I can't recommend this show enough to a family who loves dinosaurs, or a family who wishes to view more educational shows in their home. Keep the seasons coming Amazon!
  • If it were up to me, I'd watch The Office. But my 4-yr-old son can't watch that, so we put on Dino Dana. It's super cute and the girl is so inquisitive and intelligent. I'm pretty strict with what my kids watch, and this is something I can put on without worrying what they're seeing. It's corny, yes, but it's not for me. I can put up with corny if my kids like it.
  • My 2 year old , on the spectrum, grandson is in love with this show. Please, please, please bring on season 3,4,5,etc....
  • cameronmic31 August 2021
    The main character is horrible in this show. She's a spoil little brat who doesn't care what she does to other people as long as she gets what she wants. I won't let my child watch this any more and pick up such bad behavior.