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  • This episode is exactly what we all loved about the show. Non-stop action, jokes and complex ethnic and philosophic questions which our heros are done with before you manage to wrap your head around what exactly just happened. You could probably play the episode at half speed and still be glued to the screen in fear of missing out.

    In my honest opinion one of my top 3 episodes of them all has to be Rick and Morty 3.1
  • After waiting over a year for this episode I naturally had very high expectations — and they were all fulfilled to the latter. The comedy was perfect, the story was entertaining without taking too long to explain how Rick managed to escape last episode's predicament. The animation was beautiful and the music was entrancing; there's nothing not to love about this episode.
  • Without giving away any plot points, this episode has enough plot and plot twists for an entire season of a lesser TV show. That the show does this while developing it's existential themes down a darker route, and remains incredibly funny is representative of how long it took to get this episode made. Absolutely outstanding!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Before I review this episode, I have to praise the geniusness of the creators & Adult Swim for their unexpected release of Season 3 premier and that to on April Fools. This is possibly the best way to release a new (most awaited) episode. Coming to the episode, boy oh boy was I in for a lot of surprises. Firstly it was traumatizing to see how the Galactic Federation took over the Earth and that the Smith family (except for Jerry) have given up on life. Props goes to Summer's hopes and efforts for breaking out Rick (which was least expected from her). Rick transfers his conscious from C-137 to a Galactic agent, then to D- 99, then to Commander in Chief & then back to C-137. The way this was portrayed was absolute perfection. Last but not least, Rick ends up destroying Citadel of Ricks & Galactic Federation and also causes a rift between Jerry & Beth upon returning which will possibly end up in divorce. So now the big question is that will we see the Citadel and Galactic Federation team up to kill Rick? And will Jerry assist them? Not to forget Rick says in the end: "it gets darker Morty...". So I guess we are in for a lot of unexpected schwiftiness and more dark endings to future episodes. I strongly recommend you fellas to watch this episode. Because that will be the best 23 minutes of your life! Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!
  • "He can do that?" - "He is the smartest man in the universe." ....On April 1st 2017 the first episode of the highly anticipated third season aired unannounced. So when people started writing their friends that they were watching season 3 RIGHT NOW on April Fools Day can imagine. And this is the excellence of the creators and writers of this brilliant show. They manage to translate the shows spirit so flawlessly, that even the short exchange of words between two characters at the beginning of the episode(/this review) can perfectly sum up the show. None of these statements are in vain, in fact, nothing about Rick and Morty appears pointless or redundant. It's insanely exciting to watch something so inspired and beautifully crafted. And hilarious beyond believe! I'm talking about the kind of show where you can keep your high expectations and you'll still get a knockout punch of surprises and pure excitement. Rick and Morty is back! So buckle up, or don't! It really won't make a difference.
  • With the first episode in SE3 the show puts i another gear and takes it to yet another high. This episode is by far the best one so far. Rating is at a minimum 10. There is no reason to see any other modern animated show because this have set a new standard that makes any other show slowishly pale and extremely boringly stupid.

    I fully understand why it took so long to get the show ready for this season. Its a TRUE MASTERS work and the Darkness in it is wonderfully great!

    The Swede up North
  • jhuizinga2 April 2017
    It must have been an immense pressure to have to perform again after the rave reviews and great following that the show has gathered after season one and two. Like perhaps no show before the fans have cried out for a new season for what seemed like ages, and if I myself am anything to go by we the fans have refreshed the Rick and Morty google search pages and fan sites for months on end, dying for just a shred of news.

    All the more characteristic and brave is the sudden April fools' day release. This could not be more befitting to the show and creators, always going against your instincts while making you laugh.

    On to the episode itself then, did it put up to the expectations raised by the first two seasons? My oh my it did. Action packed, twists at every turn, full of both slapstick and deep-layered humour and with the dark undertone that has become the cornerstone of the series. In a day I have watched it twice, and I am about to watch it again. As with most episodes the second viewing was still as exciting to watch, perhaps even more so as the little details and layers become more clear.

    The season premiere was all the fans could have hoped for, and it sets up the season perfectly. Let's hope the rest is as good as this!
  • "Yeah, well if you think my Rick is dead, he's alive, and if you think you're safe, he's coming for you!"

    This episode blew my mind the first time I saw it, and I notice a new detail every time. Rick and Morty has a unique way of sucking its audience into a world that appears completely random, then fabricating a convoluted plot, well grounded in the apparent chaos. It's complexity veils itself in absurdity, then surprises the audience with simple clarity through the characters themselves, characters birthed in and cultivated by nonsense. This show is a perfect playground for the imagination of the writers and animators, and it's incredible to watch evolve and improve while remaining, at it's core, very silly. Three hats off to Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, who's unique and unknowable wit somehow found a way into the mainstream. I am personally inspired by this show's mere existence in a world that I expected to reject it.
  • Fast paced, lively and hilarious!This episode was great in every possible since, the writing, the animation and the rhythm.

    I really liked how they made a call back to all important events that took place in the past...

    Oh and #9seasons!
  • Seemingly out of nowhere, the season three premiere of Rick and Morty landed - on April Fool's Day, no less - perfectly capturing the show's bonkers sensibility. This has been easily one of the most fun, thrilling, exciting, and orgasmic episodes of the whole series with incredible callbacks and a beautiful story line.

    The very much awaited show has returned with a bang (many bangs literally), and this episode has been mind-blowing (quite a few times).

    No one can wait for more Rick and Morty! (And the Szechuan sauce...McDonalds>>)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So s3e1 aired unexpectedly on April first. Although, unfortunately, we're gonna have to wait a bit longer for the rest of s3, this episode still leaves me happy and satisfied, as last seasons cliffhanger is resolved in an epic and Rick&Mortylicious manner.

    Rick's genius is shown once again, but this time even the other ricks don't seem to stand a chance against him. There are some great twists, but what made the episode so strong for me were the nod-backs to previous episodes, like the bodies of Rick and Morty an the original Cronenbreg universe. Also, Morty seems to have developed a hatred towards Rick, as he thought Rick left his family to die. This will probably add to the already promising speech Rick gave, about this season being darker than the previous.

    All in all, I was definitely not let down by this massively anticipated episode, and it kind of confirmed my high expectations for s3. I'm hesitating between giving this episode a 9 or a 10, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt because of the perfect release date.
  • mikeyboy2611 November 2017
    Well the episode begins so disappointing its hard to believe how superb it progresses after that. This episode is so rich with humour , great story line, suspense action and pathos its truly worthy the of a season opener and well worth the wait. My only concern it with such a wonderful season premier they may be setting them selves up for some disappointment in future episodes this season Ha!
  • mitchlb45226 May 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    He changes a 1 to a 0 and suddenly ALL the cool things that were built up for the entire season are gone and Phoenix person is our nemesis. What the heck. I love this show, but this episode was rushed. It made little sense, and it was a copout. This isn't what Rick and Morty fans deserve!
  • Did we miss Rick and Morty.F**k yeah!!But this episode is worth waiting.The complex yet humouring plot will take you on a RickCoaster.A grand escape from the prison but also giving a glimpse at rick's dark yet intelligent mind.Taking us in a Multidimentional Time lines and plot twists will leave you on edge of your seats.This surprise release of this Episode is as amazing as every second of the 23 Min will be.This may very well be the best episode of Animated series of the year or this era.Had A Blast!!!Thank you Adult Swim for a Great April Fool's Gift.
  • This episode was amazing, it had a good amount of action, story, and visuals to it. The plot in this show is just so well done, by far my favorite animated sci-fi series, this episode also had well-written humor and even some sad moments here and there, overall, this is one of their best episodes of season 3. I don't want to spoil the details, to get the episode, you're going to have to watch the previous ones.
  • Yeah, it's better than that. For the initiated, it'll probably only take a couple of replays to see all the interwoven parts and plot-lines untangle and then re-tangle themselves, in a demonstration of how to truly reset a show... or DID they?

    I guess we'll have to wait until later this year for the next episode, which is the only thing that sucks about this mind-bending premiere. As there isn't a means of scoring something 11, this is a 10. A twisted, kaleidoscopic, demented, wonderful 10. Did I mention Mulan sauce? Thought so.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After literally a year of no new "Rick And Morty" episodes (no wonder I was missing "Gravity Falls" so much) we finally get the series back with probably the best episode in the entire series! Seriously, speaking of "Gravity Falls" this could outrank "Weirdmageddon Part 3" sooner or later. The episode starts off with Rick enjoying a meal with his family at Shoney's saying that he's gotten out of jail. But wait, it's a simulation! He's in jail and they're just scanning his mind for information. Meanwhile, Earth has become a dictatorship. I love how this show is so good with its continuity. Summer finds the teleporter from her original version of Rick to break him out of jail.

    We even get to see Morty and Summer go back to Morty's original dimension. It does make me wonder why they don't just use the cure they had in that dimension to go back there. Aww, Rick's probably just too lazy to do that! Anyway, Rick manages to escape by transferring his consciousness into other bodies. The other Ricks manage to destroy his original body but Rick keeps escaping into everyone else's body. I guess in the end, we don't exactly which body Rick took over, but it's still Rick so it really doesn't matter. We get some nice loyalty shown by all the characters to Rick.

    The ending is probably the most entertaining part. Rick successfully gets rid of Jerry Smith and then he goes into this crazy rant about how he won. It's great to see Morty get so confused when Rick keeps breaking the fourth wall. It really makes sense as he continually rants about how the show will keep going on and on and we certainly hope that! I guess the scene after the credits could have been better. Maybe this could have been a two part episode, but it's still awesome. There's tons of great jokes, unexpected twists, and awesome action scenes. Everything that makes this show awesome. They showed this same episode over and over, presumably as an April Fool's Day joke. ****
  • After watching the 4th episode in the 3rd season, The Rickshank Rickdemption is still the best by far, and enjoys an all-time high rating in my list among all the episodes.

    There's everything you liked from the first 2 seasons: the characters are faithful for themselves, as we've seen them the last time in Wedding Squanchers. There are several emotional moments, and of course, completely mind-blowing and awesome twists, along with great jokes and perfect pace.

    Whoever wrote this episode, should really take for the rest of the show, as none of the following parts were able to reach that level, but I keep my fingers crossed.
  • zamalekfan19819 June 2020
    The best episode of the whole series until now I loved very much
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Rick swapping minds, the world changing, amazing jokes, and one rant having the ability to make McDonalds bring back a special, special sauce. This episode had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through, and had me laughing 95% of the time. We were so hyped for this episode, and boy, oh boy, it was worth the wait!
  • The Rickshank Redemption is the 2017 April Fools Day that Adult Swim gave us completely out of the blue. What a surprise; and hugely satisfying at that.

    Rick and Morty is easily the best thing Adult Swim has produced this decade, and it's probably going to be acknowledged as the network's equivalent to South Park: a show that catapults the status of its network around the world into international households.

    Rick and Morty is irreverent, funny, and very clever stuff that won't lose any of its energy and entertainment value any time soon. And this season opener was equally entertaining as it was unexpected.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Rick and Morty are back with what was an absolutely brilliant come back. It's been two years since the last season, and the creators have made sure no one can miss this brilliant show.

    We return to the show to find that Earth is ruled by the Galactic Government and Summer isn't finding it too great. She wants her Grandpa Rick back from Intergalactic Jail and she's determined to get him out. Unknown to Summer, Rick already has his own master plan to break out.

    What follows next is a bloody mess of slaughter, Rick's cunning knowledge, and the fight of the space era.

    This was a wonderful episode of Rick and Morty. It was a brilliant return of the show. It was beautifully bloody, and it was a welcome return of old characters with new plots. The new developments were amazing, and I was internally yelling the entire 20 minutes. The script writers did wonders with the script and have brought a new light to the characters. Some characters grew a spine, some characters developed and grew stronger and others are still the same as usual. It was a good mix of development and the characters have come so far from the start.

    I'm definitely excited to see what comes next from the new season, and I can't wait for the second episode.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I would like to start by saying that I was quite a big fan of Rick and Marty prior to this episode, and I really enjoyed the first two seasons. However, I'm said to say it has turned to crap! Straight from the first scene, it set the formula for the next 20 minutes: Boring, dull, predictable, confusing and most of all, unfunny! Not only was it extremely confusing, there was no explanation!

    This episode has undoubtedly ruined Rick and Morty! I will watch the next one when it comes out, but if it is anything as bad this I will stop watching it.
  • I really think this show can outlast and beat all other animated shows and even non animated shows. It's got no restraints which is one of the many many things I love about it. I've probably watched every episode about 5 x over now it's that good. Highly addictive, better then family guy, Simpsons, and any other show you can think of... seriously. so be warned. You will not be disappointed. Heck why the hell you reading this! Go watch it now! Find it on Netflix or whatever but just go now and watch it. Stop reading this and go watch it. Rick and Morty forever, 100 years rick and Morty, Rick and Morty on all kinds of adventures, Rick and Morty forever.

    I need to take a shi*t.

    P.S don't be a Jerry
  • Warning: Spoilers
    That's all there is to say. This episode is literally the best since total rickall. The storyline is clever, as always. And the gags are funny. And it doesn't forget to include references, like the mention of that mulan dipping sauce. The action scenes are just as graphic as before, and still exciting to watch. So check out this epic return of you haven't seen it already. You'll be pleasantly surprised.
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