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  • Greetings again from the darkness. Rather than the usual biographic approach, this is quite a personal and intimate conversation piece as the "poor little rich girl", Gloria Vanderbilt, recollects her life of fame with her journalist son, Anderson Cooper. Expert documentary filmmaker Liz Garbus (Oscar nominated for What Happened Miss Simone, 2015, and The Farm: Angola, USA, 1999) delivers what amounts to video memoirs as Mr. Cooper guides his 91 year old mother down Memory Lane.

    This is an HBO documentary, and it will have a theatrical run in addition to multiple showings on the cable behemoth. Some may view it as an ego piece … two persons of privilege reminiscing about their "tough" lives, but it's a stark reminder that no amount of money can prevent the heart from breaking, or the lasting effects of grief.

    Gloria Vanderbilt turns out to be a relatively pragmatic lady who, with age and experience, has come to accept the unusual path her life has taken … from a basically parentless childhood, to being at the center of custody battle that created a national media frenzy, to four marriages (the first at age 17), to a personal and social life that bears mention of such names as Frank Sinatra, Richard Avedon, Charlie Chaplin, Truman Capote, Sidney Lumet and Errol Flynn. Along the way, she has been constantly involved with art … whether in the form of painting, writing, sculpting, acting – or designing the iconic jeans of the 1970's that bore her name.

    She kicks off the film by quoting Faulkner: "The past isn't over, it's not ever over." It's the perfect beginning, as the hook here is that her son Anderson Cooper has spent a couple of years going through her storage units, and is now depending on her to fill in the historical life gaps created by her letters, photographs and paintings. Much of the discussion focuses on young Gloria's beloved nanny, as well as the custody case featuring Aunt Gertrude (who founded the Whitney Museum).

    Hers may not be a life that altered the course of mankind, but now 92 year old Gloria Vanderbilt has experienced the highest highs and lowest lows, and is willing to discuss the fascinating specifics … thanks to the coaxing by her little boy.
  • (RATING: ☆☆☆☆ out of 5)


    IN BRIEF: A well made documentary that has enough style and flair to hide a few deficiencies.

    GRADE: B

    SYNOPSIS: A up-close look into the relationship of a well known mother and her equally famous son.

    Newscaster Anderson Cooper produced this documentary as a means to connect more openly with his mother. Their atypical lives are on full display and while the film may want to express a candid view into the Vanderbilt family and their past, it does not go into much depth about Mr. Cooper's private life and sexuality, his mother's digressions, or her estrangement from one of her sons, Chris, from another marriage. Some areas are still taboo in this supposedly tell-all biography, but there is still plenty of footage and facts that remain fascinating and of historical interest.

    Ms. Gloria Vanderbilt is now 91 years of age and her tumultuous life is shown from her "poor little rich girl" beginnings and the "trial of the century" child custody case through her three failed marriages including rocky relationships with Frank Sinatra and Sidney Lumet, to her successful sojourn into the world of fashion, art, and business. Less time is spent on Mr. Cooper and his own personal rise as a photo journalist and reporter, including his private gay life and his deliberate break with the family to achieve his own fame and fortune, an aspect that would have made the film more involving and honest.

    Director Liz Garbus uses many imaginative ways to create a video scrapbook of the family's mercurial events by incorporating Ms. Vanderbilt's colorful art with archival footage that explains the many detours and obstacles in her life. The film is expertly assembled, with strong photography by Tom Hurwitz and skillful editing by Karen Sim, to help portray the various events that cover nearly a century of American history. Interviews with family members and friends add other points of view, although the film rarely shows any negative treatment of either Mr. Cooper or his mother.

    The film focuses on little Gloria origins starting with the sudden death of her father and the abandonment of her court-designated "unfit" mother. Her life led her to rebellion and an abusive marriage at the age of seventeen. Other marriages failed including her relationship with famed conductor Leopold Stokowski, who was 40 years her senior. She dabbled in acting, modeling, and painting along her journey before finding true love with a Hollywood screenwriter, Wyatt Cooper, and giving birth to two sons, Carter (who committed suicide at the age of 22, as his mother watched helplessly) and his younger brother, Anderson.

    The film is stylishly done, using popular music to help define certain eras. The images are uniformly strong, although some of the interviews between mother and son seem a tad rehearsed, purposely avoiding some topics. Certain scenes dwell on tragedy, such as the sudden death of Gloria's devoted husband and a staged visit to her dead son's grave-site. These segments are poignant but manipulative as well.

    Nothing Left Unsaid: Gloria Vanderbilt & Anderson Cooper is an intriguing look at this wealthy heiress and self-made business tycoon, even if some important details are missing. Perhaps, Ms. Vanderbilt's own words can sum up this woman succinctly: "I have inside me the image of a rock-hard diamond that nothing can get at, and nothing can crack, and I've always known that about myself." Her hard outer shell protects a fragile beauty that continues to shine. So does her film.

    NOTE: The film is now showing on HBO and CNN. It was recently in competition at the Sundance Festival.

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  • gmknier10 April 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    Maybe it is my age 58, or maybe because I am a Social Worker, but I was deeply moved by this production.

    You have to move beyond the money and the fame to listen to the content. Gloria was deeply affected by all the tragedies in her life. You could see it in her eyes and the pregnant pauses she would take after some of the things she said. If that doesn't sway you then this should. Before any documentary and all through her life she recorded her true feelings in art. Many of her pictures speaks volumes of loneliness and sadness. As a social worker and therapist kids art speaks volumes as it tells of the true feelings they cannot put their words to. It is clear that Gloria has been painting her feelings from a young age on. The ghosts of people in the painting, the facelessness of people. Her paintings displayed a very sad and lonely life to only continue with the death of Cooper, her son and the absence of her older son. How can she talk about it when she may not know. It was clear his brother had no clue as he said "he has not spoke to any of us in years". I left he documentary terribly sad. Money does not bring happiness.
  • Are the rich different? Living a life right out of a John Irving novel, in which the invisible strings of fate seem to undermine even the most glamorous and financially secure lives, the answer is "apparently not." In this unflinching look at the tragedies of his mother's life, some self-created from her very publicly scarred childhood, Anderson Cooper is also unafraid to show his personal pain as these tragedies have played out quite tangibly in his life. Anderson Cooper lays bare the family pain that most of us spend a great deal of energy to conceal, and the result is not only a love letter to his brave and unflinching mother, but to all of us. A transcendent experience that brings us beyond class structure to an understanding of how tragedy can shape our lives and bring about beautiful contributions - in art (Gloria) - and in bearing witness to others pain (Anderson). I can't quite put my finger on it, but this film feels as if it has created a new genre - beyond reality TV into REALITY TV. It is as if we were able to listen in as the Kardashian's attended confession. Moving, vivid, sophisticated, unrelenting, honest, and a true gift.
  • I watched this movie for 2 hours

    It was quite possibly the saddest thing I have ever seen on color TV.

    Liz Garbus does a fabulous job on this documentary, but it does not take away the fact Gloria may have had money but not much more in her life.

    I live a modest life myself, my parents loved me, my husband and I live together and our kids may have not have everything, but we had each other.

    I would not trade my shabby little life for a cash mountain if it were at the cost of losing children and family

    bottom line, if you don't have your family and or good friends

    you may just only have a full wallet

    signed sad in New York
  • My girl put on a movie for us - Nothing Left Unsaid - this quietly tumultuous Sunday. She has this innate sense of depth that is beyond any ocean I have ever sailed upon. Her dark beauty of mind, body, and soul that is simple in its complexity and steps forth to me already behind any walls I have raised about the keep of my castle self.

    And there buried in the movie, a poignant tour de force, the Rolling Stones song that always wrecks me, far more than "Out of Time (from yet another movie soundtrack). But until now, only did so in the most private way. And never in such a backdrop. Who would have thought I could relate to the losses and regrets (and art) of Gloria Vanderbilt, and yes, even her youngest son, Anderson Cooper.

    There are parallels here. A tightrope in crossing through life, perhaps. Her reflection that once you realize life is a tragedy, you can begin to live your life seems telling.

    Someone once told me there are stages to grief, and wondered that I wasn't traveling through them in a timely manner after my brother passed. That approach confused me. By the time my Mom passed eighteen years later, I had finally figured out that grief doesn't care what stage you're in. It always has an undefinable intensity that you are either sharply aware of or that you have muted for a time, to do other things that life asks of you. You change in how you handle it, but it doesn't change.

    Such a story, hopefully enough to overcome the shallow sense that would question how a "poor little rich girl" could be just as human in her losses and regrets as the anyone else. And more so in her expression of it in words, and most definitely in her art. This honest film has an undefinable intensity that you need to see if you subscribe to having a human heart.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A reflection on Nothing Left Unsaid

    I dropped into the lives of Anderson Cooper and Gloria Vanderbilt Sunday. Cooper's touching tribute to his mother who died on my birthday motivated me to watch the exquisite documentary they did, Nothing Left Unsaid.

    This film is a piece of art: through a mosaic of pictures, music, film clips and conversations it shows Gloria as a role model for coping with loss, love, and life.

    I met interesting people: Dodo, Wyatt Cooper, and Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney. They helped Gloria find her soul and live it. I saw a woman who did not give up on love despite the worst tragedies imaginable. For all her privilege, nothing compensated for many things, the worst: watching her son jump to his death.

    But Gloria went on through her losses and she used art. The film shows Gloria's dream boxes and fantasy paintings..."I had a lot to work through in my life," says the famous designer. We all do and watching this film shows the universality of art and love to heal the wounded and broken soul.

    The film also shows a lot of courage!
  • Yes, it was a really great look at a fascinating subject; however, what was left unsaid -- and not even mentioned -- were the people of color that influenced Gloria Vanderbilt's life. Arguably, there are few, but the biggest was her decades-long love affair with the late Gordon Parks. It's rumored that he's the once who encouraged her to never stop painting, but since he wasn't even mentioned -- Sinatra was, and her affair with him was very brief -- how can they leave out the one who's the reason behind why she still paints today? Either reshoot and sell a "director's cut" or change the title.
  • The story of her life is full of great moments. Exquisite taste and superbly elegant. I highly admire Anderson Cooper because of his bright mind and full of content. Always his tv work is a guarantee of seriousness and full of insights. I would never miss anything by any chance a work made by Anderson. He is a contemporaneous tv icon and wishing he lives long long in good shape to see him working hard as as of now, really hope that.

    I was really delighted listening the music of this documentary and the amazing amount of memories collected either physically and memorable accumulated and conserved.

    Long life to Anderson!
  • fedexsusieq18 January 2020
    It was a very candid look into her life. Well done. But gosh the whole family is a bit sad and cold. At the end of the film. Anderson said he was visiting his brother's grave for the first time since the funeral'. This had been almost 30 years. Why? Definite lack of closeness in this family. So sad.
  • I always thought I knew who Gloria Vanderbilt was and a bit of her history. I also learned early on that Anderson Cooper was her son. I did not know the continual tragedies she survived in her life, or how optimistic she was about life in spite of it all. After reading her It Seemed Important at the Time: A Romance Memoir I became more curious and learned about this documentary. So touching. Also very heart wrenching to hear her talk of her son, Carters suicide right before her eyes. It brought tears to my eyes. All I can say is she had a zeal for life that was almost childlike yet love was all she really wanted & wanted to give. Anderson was lucky to have known so much about her through their mutual communication before she passed. She was a remarkable woman.