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  • Mandotees30 April 2021
    Hard to find tgis movie anywhere. We all know why.
  • The film has most of the important parts from the book. They have intermingled modern day success stories with the success principles stated in the book. Moreover, the important stories like three feet from gold and burn your boats have been highlighted in a proper story form to emphasize the points.

    The movie is epic.

    However I would also recommend one to read the book too on a regular basis, like may successful people like Daymond John and Bob Proctor say.

    Thanks for reading!
  • nirmalashetty22 June 2021
    Can anyone please tell me how to download and watch this movie.
  • I don't know why the hell this movie isn't among the world's most famous movies
  • This one is a life changer! WATCH IT! With all the drama in today's world, Think and Grow Rich is salvation. You'll wonder why politicians don't teach this stuff...
  • I had the honor of attending this year's annual Orlando International Film Festival sponsored by JD3TV and Leigh Simons production -where I watched the film and met special guest business entrepreneur and speaker, John Chin and James Dentley, and it was fabulous. The film touches on groundbreaking truth about many of history's failed successes from a business perspective and personal development. I highly suggest tandem workshops centered around this film to whomever decides to invest their time. Although, I've never read the book itself, I don't look at the movie as an easy alternative. The visuals are really good. The diversity of stories and people is far more accurate and less evading than a book. I highly recommend this watch.
  • You should watch it, with your friends, your families, because you know the darkest time can create the outshining future. Find it. Watch it. Now.
  • This shows different aspects of life. Very motivational. The presentation is damm awsome. Short video clips covers the very big information required for anyone to get inspired. This define every details book wanted the readers to aware.
  • I'm not sure where all the high ratings come from, but unless you like people that talk about themselves as if they are the greatest gifts to this planet, there's really nothing to see. The movie shows some of the great entrepreneurs, but all the other people featured in this piece are either coaches or motivational speakers. And as we all know, these are a dime a dozen. Anyone who can't do in businesses, coaches (I admit there are some exceptions but those are rare). I was hoping to gain some insight into what makes certain ideas or values stand out, but all it tells you is 'to believe in yourself'. I would assume you're not starting a business any day soon if you don't either believe in yourself or at least believe in your business (idea). And honestly, the speakers (coaches) in this film are just crazy in love with themselves, to a point where I think they measure success by how long they can listen to themselves and believe that other people see the same 'magic'. So if you're looking for some inspiration, try and find it elsewhere.
  • Haven't watch yet but was dying to find it and figured I wasn't the only...