User Reviews (7)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Storyline- 9/10 This grips from the first scene. Strong story line- I like the definitive turn at 20 minutes- love the way the tension was built up.

    Cinematography- 9/10 Nice attention to detail here. Everything looks authentic and nicely in place- the surroundings, the characters, and the backgrounds- all work nicely with each other

    Music- 7/10 Being a musician myself, it is natural that I listen for music everywhere :) In the movie about Indians in America, it would have been great to use some fusion pieces, some very melancholy pieces to really assist the filmmaker in showing emotions. Not that the actors needed a lot of help with their terrific acting but music with some Indian touch would have given such a different feel to this whole story and enhanced it even more.

    Pace- 7/10 I felt like the pace could've been picked up somewhat after the first 30 minutes. Definitely understand that the filmmaker wanted to underline the anguish of the central character (Dad) by repeatedly showing some examples of how lost he was in the real world after his son passed but you did that really well in the first few examples and really the audience knows already how much the central character misses his son.

    Poems and Hindi lyrical transitions- 8/10 Very Nice- Ek Ajnabi was so poignant, so touching- as a mother my eyes welled up during that piece. I had read somewhere that your child is a little piece of your heart walking around. And its true and you realize that after becoming a parent. A few more of the "Ek Ajnabi' type lyrics would be welcome (in musical form even more!)
  • I really enjoyed this movie because it carries a serious warning to all.And a special warring for pharmaceutical companies: (When you sell a product, you are responsible for its safety and what it suppose to accomplish). I see people taking food supplements that suppose to make life better for them. But unfortunately it's not always the case. Many people were hurt or even killed by such products. The story line and the acting was exceptionally good. The Indian great and rich culture gave the movie an additional quality and substance. Thumps up for all the film participants.
  • The Last Smile is based on a true story and I find that incredibly inspiring to watch. The film keeps you on your toes till the very end. It entertains with twits and turns yet touches your heart with warm emotions while stimulating the mind at the same time.
  • fmwongmd16 October 2020
    There isn't a lot to like about this movie. Sadly it is lacking in plot, direction and acting.
  • The Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act of 1994, known as DSHEA, does not require substantiation or testing of new products, allowing them to go directly to market, carrying unfounded claims about what the product does. If the product is later found to be unsafe and harmful, it is the FDA that carries the burden of proving the product is unsafe. The movie draws attention to a healthcare system badly in need of reform, the growing alternative health movement and the unregulated supplement industry. Though falling short of establishing indisputably that the supplement manufacturers were culpable in the death of Amit, overall this was a powerful film that did an excellent job highlighting the dangerous lack of regulations in the over the counter health supplement industry. Ultimately the film accomplished its goals of raising awareness to the aforementioned issues in a well delivered, emotionally moving picture.
  • In The Last Smile, writer-director Shankey Srinivasan, demonstrates that he has the material and the skills to make the movie a thriller in the style of neo-noir detective films. But he wants more. He wants to convey not only an important message(risks with unregulated health supplement industry) - but wants to give the story a transcendental dimension. He succeeds in doing so by adding beautiful poetry in Hindi and surrealistic montage to his movie. It sounds like a strange marriage. A Neo-noir thriller and Hindi poetry? But it works. Where different cultures meet, unique things are born. This movie is one such example, born from the marriage of East and West. Well made indie film.
  • All the actors looked very natural. Awesome story line. Nice screenplay and direction. Could really feel the actor playing role of father doing it effortlessly. A must watch for all movie-buffs!!