User Reviews (47)

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  • I've only watched one episode, but like what I've seen and am optimistic about the rest of the season. If you're a fan of Julianne Nicholson, she's the lead character. If you're not familiar with her work, you should be. In this series, she again plays a woman with a troubled past, a role she does extremely well.

    The series in not the usual legal, police, or hospital action or drama show. There is a murder, but the focus seems to be more on the characters' lives, emotions, challenges instead of solving the crime. Don't be misled by the gay-bashing reviews. That's only one relationship, in addition to the sheriff and her doctor husband, the FBI agent, her undercover agent, and the undercover's wife, the sheriff and her deputy, ... you get the idea.

    If you've enjoyed shows, as I have, like The Red Road, The Bridge, Top of the Lake, American Crime (the one with Regina King and Felicity Huffman), give this one a chance, too.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After watching Eyewitness I can hardly wait to see how this concludes at the end of 10 episodes. For the first time the leads will be a pair of very different gay teens who just happen to witness a multiple homicide.

    Tyler Young and James Paxton are a pair of 15 something kids going to a high school in their little town of Red Hook. Young is not ashamed of being gay, but he doesn't advertise it for the understandable fear of ostracism and bullying. Paxton is confused, these are feelings he doesn't want, but he's so attracted to Young and so fearful of being discovered especially by his alpha male dad.

    They go to a remote mountain cabin to finally do the deed and it turns out to be a gang hideout and while hiding the boys see a shooting of four people. And as it turns out Young is a foster kid in the custody of Julianne Nicholson who is the sheriff. The former regular on Law And Order Criminal Intent models her character somewhat after Frances McDormand in Fargo minus the pregnancy.

    I really applaud USA Network for showing the trials and tribulations and the juvenile angst of young gay teens. I'm sure we'll have raving and ranting from the religious right, but this is progress.

    It's also a good beginning to a series which looks like it will have many side stories as well as the hunt for the murderers before he gets to the Eyewitnesses.
  • Rating: 8.5/10

    Themes: Crime, Thriller, Murder, FBI, Sherrif, Foster Care, Motorcross, Serial Killer, Romance, Lgbtq+, Closeted Gay Couple, High School, Suspense, Marital Problems, Gangs, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Mystery, Small Town, Pedophilia & Drugs.

    Top three characters: 1) Philip Shea, 2) Lukas Waldenbeck and 3) Gabe Caldwell.
  • kristenwojno13 November 2016
    This show is perfect. I have heard from many young adults that it has changed their lives-- and it's only on the first season. This show is so entertaining and the audience feels drawn to the characters and can relate to them each in their own way. A strong, independent female lead police officer, real-life beautiful LGBTQ representation, coming out stories, crime and mystery, the struggles and real world problems that come along with being a foster child/trying to create a family bond.. This show covers it all. Watch if you have not watched yet. This show has the opportunity to become something big and help people all around the world. I hope it continues for many more seasons!! The outpouring of love for it on twitter and other social media sites proves that it should be continued...
  • friarharts1 November 2016
    I love this show a lot already. To have a realistic, gay relationship on a show as the main relationship is ground-breaking. There's also a lot of good representation and I enjoy the plot. This show takes place in a realistic setting with a lot of twists that those interested in mystery might enjoy. There's also a lot of dramatic irony and good character development, which also would appeal to watchers. There are a lot of characters that watchers can relate to and/or admire. There are some sensitive topics that are explored, and references to trauma, which only makes the characters more well-developed and the plot more interesting. There is some pedophilia, which I don't recommend, and inappropriate scenes in which I don't wish to explore again. But all topics do add on to the show's plot, so otherwise I suggest to watch Eyewitness, definitely, as this is an underrated show compared to many others. I hope more people watch this show and enjoy it as well as I do.
  • At first I thought it would be a bit Fargo, because it had a small town female cop not subject to crazy CSI beauty standards tackling a case bigger than the town itself - with the addition of lovers, but it's completely different. Up to ep 3 so far.

    I'm very much enjoying the story writing and the characters. It's a breath of fresh air. A lot of women are given strong characters and the casting is phenomenal. Sometimes I feel that there can be 'much butthurt' from strong female leads, but I find they did it with great subtlety, using familiar tropes and dare I say, using Helen's job for a detective procedural element to make the viewer comfortable.

    The lead 'Helen', taring is a full faceted character that we are seeing more of each episode. Other characters such as Camilla and her sister have been given a lot of depth and complication as well and I want to follow along with their stories too. - see no spoilers.

    I'm also very much attached to the future of the lovers Philip and Tyler. I have long accepted that this generation of films and books will always exist coming out stories and I am not against them. I am also not against alternate universes where everything is acceptable. Of course it shouldn't need to be this way, however, depending on where you are, everyone's freedoms may not be the same. So far, I feel that there are good writers giving people fair representation (as of yet, it is ep 3 so far) and that they are in safe hands.

    On another note, I thought Helen's husband looked familiar, maybe his role was very similar to the husband's in the Medium staring Partricia Arquette. But nope, Tommy from Shawshank didn't die! After passing his higher school exam (or the equivalent in America), he's found a loving foster home (with parents whom he still visits) and is now fostering kids himself. Andy Dufresne must be very proud.
  • This show is one of the finest I have ever seen. I fell in love with it from the very beginning and have watched every episode (along with extras like interviews) as they have aired.

    It is a crime drama thriller that deals with a triple homicide in a small town where nothing bad ever happens (until that day). The story unfolds and is told around the eyewitnesses to the crime, two teenage boys who don't report it; the sheriff, who used to be a big city hotshot homicide detective; the killer, who is not who you think he is; FBI agents, who have personal agendas; and gang members.

    It deals with a lot of issues that I haven't seen done well (or at all) in any other show or movie, one of them being internalized homophobia which is a very real and very serious issue. We see two teenage boys struggle with various problems involving homophobia and how the LGBTQ+ community is seen in a small town as well as in a big city, which definitely proves to be interesting.

    Watch this show, or at least the first episode, and you will be hooked!
  • This miniseries started well - and the muted colors worked very well for some beautiful scenes. Basically though there was not enough material (or it was simply not narrated in sufficient depth) to warrant 10 episodes. The series upon which it was based was 'only' 6 episodes and so should this have been (imho) - or even less!

    I also felt that too many significant events only happened because of the unbelievable stupidity of some of the cast. I find this to be a cheap and lazy method of introducing plot turns and excitement. Furthermore the bad guy was only caught by a last minute revelation that, if true, could/should not - for credibility - have been so completely hidden up to that point. I had higher hopes for this miniseries based on the reviews I read.
  • steamyprincess13 November 2016
    I find this show very interesting and entertaining. I feel that the characters have the necessary depths to show us aspects of a struggle that is familiar to many of us (coming out as queer). I like that the foster child-foster parents relationship is not portrayed negatively but everybody involved is friendly and understanding in a realistic way. I especially like Helen's character which would frequently be portrayed by a man but not in this case. She even has a good relationship with Kami: the perfect amount of antagonism and snark mixed with the beginnings of friendship. Finally, Philip and Lukas have a chemistry that makes this show really amazing and I can recommend it to anyone.
  • Headturner19 November 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    I found this the other night not expecting much and ended up enjoying it( mostly for Ryans character). They should change the synopsis as they're not a couple really... Any ways yes the police work was horrible( but remember there's what 2 cops there) and things were a bit far fetched but it kept my interest every episode. I never glanced at the clock or looked to see how much time was left each episode.

    SPOILER: I don't know why this scene was so funny to me when Phillip finds Lucas in his garage frantic. " I just spent 100 on these drugs and there mints"! That was my whole weeks allowance"! Help me find something to sell." That made me crack up just the way he says it and acts. Any ways. It was a decent watch I'd recommend if you like thrillers.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    There are very few shows involving queer personalities that crawl outside of the (largely) sexual aspects of the character's life and motivate an understanding behind their growth. Accurately screening conflicts and current struggles of queer teens is incredibly difficult and can often times can go wrong if it does not capture its targeted audience. Most of the time, the entire depiction of a gay relationship is highly sexualised, dramatic, and far from realistic struggles, but I think Eyewitness maintains its quality interpretation of what it means to be a queer teen.

    Philip and Lukas are but two, rather awkward, teenage boys in love who have to go beyond battling the trauma of witnessing a homicide, but also to put their little secret relationship until lock and key. The series shows the transformation of several characters and explores several key themes that are often ignored when it comes to family relationships, careers, and LGBT struggles. The most prominent of these elements are:

    1) The correct and honest visualisation of internalised homophobia and anxiety. Eyewitness succeeds in creating a fascinating and heartbreaking perspective of a boy who struggles with accepting himself, and battles the presumptions of many people in his town. They show the fear, the discouragement, quick panic attacks, sweat, and suicidal tendencies that come with it. They show the rash anger, uncertain feelings, and regretful mistakes that can be a result of it. It is something that has touched the hearts of many fans.

    2) The brave development of Helen, from her life onwards from the city and into the small tow of Buffalo where she is forced to juggle her career as well as her relationship with her husband and foster son Philip. It is a unique representation of a woman who is fierce and utterly determined, and strives to empower her stance as a female in charge, as a mother, as a wife, and as a friend.

    3) Diversity in the cast is outstanding. It's wonderful to see not only new faces on screen, but to see POC representation as well.

    4) An honest and rather innocent perspective of a teenage queer relationship. Not quite as risqué as other shows would have it, Eyewitness shows two boys in love, but in the most realistic way possible. It's nothing certain, never rushed, hardly exaggerated. This is the story of two hesitant, shy, embarrassed, awkward boys who do not understand how to convey their feelings, and in trying to, often fail or struggle in the heat of the moment. It shows the confidence Philip has in his identity, his patience and demand for respect with the closeted mind of his partner Lukas, and the hesitancy that Lukas has to face in trying to accept who he is.

    For critique, the series is brilliant with much of their work, but a mutually identified flaw distinguished by the audience would have to do with: 1) the lighting and colouring of the show. As beautiful as the screen play is, the colours are simply too dull at times. 2) The timing of the show, although is a grand total 42 minutes typically, seems to be unsatisfactory at times, almost making the episodes and each individual story progressing within the show appears rushed.

    Nonetheless, a fantastic watch! Incredibly funny at times, full of suspense and warm teenage love. Surely anticipating a second season. Thank you Eyewitness Team!
  • What should have been a perfect 6 episode mini series became a messy and highly frustrating 10 episode series .Towards the end it felt like this maze where you just keep going around in circles and you just can't get out of. Sure the villain was smart and always 10 steps ahead but it seems like they were too many idiots around him therefore it wasn't that hard to fool them .

    Also I really don't get why Phillip had to reveal like legit towards the end that he was also there in the cabin.We all know he got the best look of the shooter as he was under the bed. A sketch could have been made much earlier thus avoiding the confusion about what the dude looks like. I struggle to understand in this day and age how one would rather be hunted by a serial killer than admit to being gay and cough up who was there in the cabin and what they were doing .Ahhh!! FACE PALM!! It could have been masterpiece!!
  • I am sorry to all the lovers of this show, but I do not think that this show lives up to the standards of the original at all. I watched both the American and the Norwegian version during a couple of days and I have to say that this version of this tale manages to fall flat.

    I became really interested in this show because of it's thrilling plot and the fact that it portrays a gay romance. The main actors are not bad, but the script is really awkward. Because of this, the only thing that interested me were Philips and Lukas story-line, the rest I just felt like skimming through. I also do not like the way that everything is filmed. Maybe it's a style preference, but I feel like they shoot (film) from some angles that are a bit awkward or inexplicable. Because of this I don't feel like we get to see what the actors are really portraying, and instead everything just feels awkward and stressed.
  • Two teenage boys have a haunting secret. And one of them is the foster child of the sheriff of Tivoli--a small New York town. Her past is shrouded in secrecy and she is happy to live unobtrusively where crime is small-time. She, Helen, is the center of this suspenseful series that starts with a murder and spirals out of control.

    Fortunately, Helen is played by Julianne Nicholson, who is eminently watchable. As she tries to juggle the demands of an alarming new case and the difficulties of fostering a teen whose mother is a junkie, she unexpectedly finds exhilaration in the gritty relevance of a "real" crime.

    Shot with a muted color palette, "Eyewitness" feels shadowy and filled with ominous intent. The musical score is moody.

    Even as the clues lead Helen into a wider story of corruption and crime, Helen is upbeat, bolstered by the support of her husband, Gabe (Gil Bellows. They are both veterans of "Ally McBeal) and her sense of accomplishment.

    The rest of the cast is solid, including Tattiawna Jones as Camilla Davis, an FBI agent who is determined to control the case and thwart Helen's efforts.

    This series is tightly written and manages to encompass many characters without feeling thin. I recommend it to anyone who likes suspense.
  • one of the boys, Lukas, is very popular, he enjoys motocross and has a girlfriend, Rose. He's terrified of being outed, and goes to extreme measures to make sure he's seen as Extra Straight™.

    The other boy, Philip, is new to town, he's being fostered by the sheriff and her husband, he films Lukas's bike riding, and doesn't care if people know he's gay.

    Living in a small town is frightening for a young LGBTQ+ person, and Lukas is relatable representation for the internalized homophobia and anxiety most people face in his situation. Dealing with the confusion of his feelings and PTSD from the murder they witness is difficult, and he's trying his best.

    Philip doesn't go around shouting that he's gay, but he also doesn't hide it. When asked, he will tell the truth, and he doesn't put up with the things Lukas does in his struggle, but he doesn't shame the other boy for it either.

    There's also multiple other main characters who get lots of screen time showing their plots, gang members, cops, FBI agents, other teenagers. It's a murder-mystery, so all the plots are tied together in some way, explaining everything.
  • Eyewitness is one of the best things on TV I would say. It's not something that has a lot humor and if you can't watch drama, probably not your show, which is okay. However, it's not a show that is gonna make you depressed to watch. It has a very good story line and plot, it is not simply just about Philip and Lukas witnessing the murder and struggling with not being able to tell, mostly because of Lukas being paranoid of people finding out he's gay. There are many plot lines in this, like a ex FBI agent (now Philip's foster mom and sheriff in a small town), a FBI agent with a sister in serious trouble, and of course the killer. So you aren't just seeing things from Lukas and Philip's eyes. The writing is not predictable and you will be surprised and entertained.

    This isn't a show that is in poor LGBT taste, there aren't any gay stereotypes in this.

    This cast is really great, despite the fact that most of these actors aren't known. everyone on the show does a amazing job, I really love what the actors who play Philip and Lukas are doing.
  • piajax28 November 2016
    What a great show!

    The intriguing writing is complimented by visually interesting direction. strong images, good camera work and an eerie musical score. Not to mention very natural acting. We have strong women more messed up than their slightly more sensitive men, we have a young gay man way stronger than his closeted, popular "friend".

    Refreshing to see the male/female relationship in a new light.

    And there is a lot of horrible murder!

    It's a great Whodunnit as well! Damn, you must check it out!

    I wish this show a strong following and many more years on air!
  • Eyewitness is another one of your typical murder mysteries. It's nothing groundbreaking, but keeps up a consistently entertaining (if sometimes confusing) story line. A lot of the focus is on the characters. The relationships between them are developed realistically and shy away from many of the stereotypes you will see nowadays.

    Eyewitness does a good job of representing women and minority groups, which is something to be appreciated. Julianne Nicholson's character in particular, Helen Torrance, is one of the more well written female characters I've seen.

    My only problem with the show is the color tone: it's way too monochrome and gives off an awfully dreary atmosphere at times.

    Overall, the show is a fun, light watch, if not entirely memorable.
  • mtshaneyfelt1 December 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    This show is honestly terrific and has many needed themes that need to be portrayed in modern television. It's a roller-coaster of a show, before the 10 minute mark we have a make-out scene and a triple homicide. That is the opposite of boring. It's clear the actors put so much effort into bringing their characters to life. This cast deserves more seasons to come. The kinds of themes include internalized homophobia, gang violence, pedophilia, the foster care system, corruption in the system, and so much more. It challenges stereotypes not just for the LGBT community, but also people of color, parenting, and what a criminal looks like. It's not just intense, but intriguing. We see a million crime shows that all seem to be the same, and this show provides something refreshing and new to the table. 10/10 recommend.
  • The dark toned scenery was pretty dooming in a way,but the show is great.some gooey lines annoyed me at times,but it was alright.the whole series is focused on a murder case which expands and progresses with every episode.some characters were tasting my nerves all the time.the only word i can describe it with is's very inquisitive,suspenseful and dramatic.some very endearing,wholesome family moments are also's a great miniseries with only 10 episodes,it's not a waste of time,so put it to a test and if you like it,you like it - if you don't,you don't.
  • Such a fantastic show, full of suspense and has a very good and accurate representation of a gay relationship. Love Helen and Gabe's relationship, as well, they're not just two older people who live for the young protagonists, they have lives and personalities of their own. Every character has a very unique and rich personality/past, and very interesting. The plot is so fantastic as well, I'm immersed in every episode and every character arc. NO criticisms here, one of my favorite shows I've ever seen. Definitely one of the best shows on television right now, I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good suspenseful drama.
  • Among tv shows I've finished/binge-watched, that one was one of the least intriguing tv series. Unnecessary characters. Unnecessary episodes. Genre imbalance. We didn't get enough of those... you know what I mean. Video quality sucks. Like it's been filmed in b&w, only cold colors. Ending might have been a bit close to the expectation. Overall good. But still not highly recommended tv show.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    One of the worse programs ever produced. Two gay boys see a murder and so decide not to tell. Duh, they could say they were there drinking not having sex. But then the whole rest of the series would fall apart. Then having the killer be the FBI agent in charge. What a weak plot. But you could always tell what mode he was in because like Jekyll and Hyde he was either smiling or scowling. And the script-- OMG was this written by high school kids? And the female sheriffs husband--he had one expression whether he was mad, or sad it said confusion. Like the whole series.And, to make the series "moody" they decided to take all the saturation out of the picture so it looked kind of like black and white. All that did was make the file muddy not moody. And, to top it off, feeling they didn't have enough action shots to warrant the number of episodes each one was filled by a long irrelevant conversation between two people about feelings or understanding. OK, and here's the real spoiler they wanted to show that the female sheriff was conflicted and in this small town running away from something. So some kid dreamed up--Hey lets have her have killed a baby in Buffalo. How lame can you get.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I found out about this show through some video I saw on YouTube and was intrigued. Found the whole show online and was instantly hooked. Of course, Catherine Hardwick has her 'Twilight' filter/coloring on, which drives me a little crazy but still, the show is shot beautifully. Suspenseful, frustrating, heartbreaking, touching, this show spans the whole emotional board. The relationship between the boys was very well done. Not a gratuitous love story at all. It's a heartbreaking and touching portrayal of someone coming to terms with who he is and the journey the two take in discovering each other.. all while keeping a secret that affects the lives of others. Found myself frustratingly yelling at the TV during the investigations through all it's twists and turns. All the characters were well developed and played really well. Was really disappointed to learn there wouldn't be more of this show. Great casting, gorgeous cinematography, intriguing story lines. This show really has it all.
  • ralphcrowhurst-706-37862611 December 2016
    love it
    Warning: Spoilers
    i find myself enjoying the show as each episode goes by , the characters are great the story ,although taken from the Norwegian series Øyevitne has been done very well, just wish i had leaned Norwegian as i would like to watch the original but the US story is grand out WOWSER, The main FBI agent who we all know is the killer and is privy to all information on the case Phillip had to come clean to Helen that he too was at the cabin when the killings all went down , because he saw SS Ryan Kane at a gas station .He gets to the hospital where Helen says she needs his help ,while Ryan is out of the car ,Helen finds a bottle of fragrance then looks around and sees a baseball-cap and sun glasses puts it together ............i am very much looking forward to the next episode
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