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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Before Half In The Bag, before Best Of The Worst, before Re:View, RedLetterMedia mainly focused on making comedy sketches, in their own unique style. Most of them went to really absurd lengths, but none so more than The Grabowskis series.

    This is a hilarious satire of classic sitcoms. Mike Stoklasa plays the husband Cliff, while Lauren Burke plays his wife Honey in the first season, while in the rest of the series she's played by Dixie Jacobs. There are also occasional appearances of other familiar RLM members.

    Every trope is mocked to the fullest extreme.

    Cliff is shown as so passive, chauvanistic, abusive, self-destructive, not to mention even capable of murder that you wonder why someone could possibly want to marry and have a child together with him.

    Honey is on the verge of a mental breakdown and constantly neglects their newborn child, which seems to be killed as many times as Kenny.

    The most despicable personality however is Cliff's best friend Fragnon, the rapist alien wanted all over the galaxy. Yet we still manage to find all these characters likeable. Why? The show puts into question how there are so many comedies that contain all these horrific people where you'd hate their guts if you met them in real life, yet because they're portrayed by such likeable actors you brush all their nasty traits aside.

    They showcase how in TV, characters do things that would put them in jail, yet since they have to revert to the status quo every episode, you never see them get severely punished for their actions, nothing that doesn't get resolved quickly anyway. This is why they push Cliff as much as possible, making him worse and worse every season. In the last season he murders someone driven by some weird obsession he has. He doesn't even make any attempt to hide that he's the murderer, but we never see him get into trouble with the law.

    Even after watching every episode 5 times, I still go back and revisit them once in a while, because they're just that great.