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  • HEART: Flatline to Finish Line is a remarkable and truly inspirational film. The film follows several people who have survived cardiac surgery who are now attempting to complete the grueling IRONMAN race. The organization that David Watkins, also director of the film, has created to support these athletes is an amazing one. Each of the athletes in the film have their own amazing personal stories and you can't help but root for all of these inspiring individuals on their journey.

    I found myself moved to tears of joy and sadness at multiple points throughout this film. If you are looking for a heartwarming film (forgive the pun), please check out HEART: Flatline to Finish Line. At the very least, you will be motivated to get off your butt and go exercise after the film :), I know I was. I highly recommend HEART: Flatline to Finish Line to anyone who likes great documentaries, inspirational films, or simply great films.
  • dv7278 September 2020
    I was already competing in and training for distance and multisport races when I underwent triple bypass surgery. My friend, a retired nurse, found this movie and we watched it just after I was discharged from the hospital. I have a way to go before I'm back to where I was and/or beyond, but this started the path and is motivating me to get back on it.