User Reviews (7)

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  • As an animator myself i definitely appreciated this film. A lot of people would like to criticize the animation because it's not within pixar or Disney standards. You have to understand that this was made under a very low budget and apparently only 5 animators which is an impressive achievement compared to the hundreds of animators in Disney/pixar that get big money from Moana, Star Wars, at yang walang sawang Cars.

    Anyway, The big part of this movie that disappointed me was the story. When they said 'a typical love story', I didn't expect it to actually be just a typical love story. I've seen this story a hundred times in pinoy soap operas.

    If it's your first time to see a love triangle then you might get a kick our of this. Nevertheless, I still believe that this is a must watch for every pinoy especially for fellow animators. This is definitely a remarkable achievement in pinoy film making
  • The movie already announced it had a very simple plot, a typical love story.

    Critics always said that it is the story that ruined the movie. But I think that isn't what the director was really aiming for. It does not complicate matters with a complicated plot with many twists and turns. It stays with a simple one.

    What makes it different is not its story but in the way it told the story. The director had to craft a way of telling how Marty sees the world. And that's how the film unfolds.

    The look and feel of Manila is captured through the painting of the city. It showed how schools really feel, with a rugged, dirty look. You can see bus stops covered with political agendas. Security guards sleeping around. Parks were cherished back then, it is shown by painting and animating these places intricately.

    It also showed the places and people Marty disliked by giving the places or people a really red look. ECP cafe, Nick, Sally's Parents, the Cinema.

    Strangers are portrayed as gray monsters since Marty doesn't really care about them. The house(or fortress) of Sally is placed on a really far cliff to show how terrifying it feels for Marty whenever he goes there. He usually walks and dreads the journey going up there. And to go there by flying is a way of showing that he goes there confidently without fear.

    When the monsters, Sally's Parents, Nick, happen to be nice, they are portrayed as humans. Sally never has a monster form, but appears in many of the artworks Marty does.

    Lastly, Love is shown as the feeling of floating and flying around in Sally land(drawings of Sally). Despair is shown as a black room with all of the drawings of Sally falling down. Emotion is what makes this film different, look at how it portrays many emotions of the main character through the different animations it does during these scenes. This emotional essence is what makes Filipino media different from all other films abroad, we have more words, more ways to describe and do emotion than a lot of other cultures. And this is what I would like people to peer more when watching Saving Sally or other Filipino films.

    I really think critics should also note that this film had been made for the 2005 audience. And I think if this had more than its hero-monster- saving elements, many of the film's magic in its animation would have been lost to replace it with the story. The film was made to try a new medium of storytelling. And I believe that this will inspire young artists to try better story ideas and better ways of telling stories to fuel Philippine Animation and Philippine Cinema to a new golden age.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The first time I heard about the film, I thought about the title-- because titles would often give me the clue about what the story is all about. I couldn't think about the plot because it was vague but regardless, it made me all the while curious. So, I dragged my friend with me and we took chances to watch. There we were watching the trailers until the movie began to roll...

    Incidentally, I was also a fan of Scott-Pilgrim (the movie) because, I haven't read the comics yet, and so I didn't feel odd or awkward with watching the film itself. The story was in it's own way, brutally honest and close to home. I've been reading more about the making of this film since I watched and I must say, I think am glad I took the time to do so. I could appreciate it even more now-- honestly, I love the hard work and dedication that everyone did for Saving Sally, the original Metro Manila slash Philippine Metropolis touch really made all the difference. I'm hoping that this wouldn't be just the first but, hopefully be one of the igniting 2D animations in the Philippine Animation Film Industry.

    My one take thou, is that I hope there were more original sound tracks or OST that could have tug further aside from the visuals but, hey for a budget-close and 10 years in the making film. I say, this deserves a wonderful 10!

    good job guys!
  • The movie took 12 years to produce and its release was halted due to financial constraints that the production outfit had faced. But after the long years of waiting this movie to release, the casts and production team behind Saving Sally deserves a big clap for their hard work and it truly inspires me as a multimedia student.

    "Saving Sally" is an epitome of breaking the barriers of the mainstream movie system wherein the real live actors are not the only one who acts within the film but they also incorporated with 2d computer graphics as a characters too.

    Even though the movie has a simple story plot but it amazed audiences through its impressive and astounding computer graphics animation that makes the movie known to others.

    Because of this, I gave this movie a rate of 10. Congratulations to the casts and production staff of Saving Sally, your hard work really paid off!
  • Story: 5/10, Just a common love story you can find everywhere with a very little twist.

    Script: 5/10, Dull, there are dead times especially on the first 15- minutes of the movie which is crucial to get the audience in touch. Should have been better if its a full Tagalog movie rather than a 90/10 English movie. Script delivery is clear and understandable, just lack some beef and feelings.

    Music/BGMusic/SFX: 2/10, Almost ignored on the whole part of the movie, could have compensate the lack in script especially on action/drama parts.

    Visual: 9/10, Superb, Classic, Unique and Almost Clean. As fan of Arts and Creativity, I really appreciate how they put real people with those paper-cut-like cartoons and background. The colors match the mood of the story. I don't know how to call this Artwork, Retro? Abstract? but this mostly the thing that brings the movie to life.

    Not a Bad Movie Overall. And you may see, I disregarded all the factors just to boast on the Art Side of the film. Props to the people who made this up, these are just my comments so please "don't angry with me" (kidding aside). I'm hoping to see more kinds of this movie in the future aside from typical Marvel/DC Visually-packed Effects. Cheers'! :D
  • As a fan of animated films, I am happy that Saving Sally made it into this year's Metro Manila Film Festival. "Finally! Something that will represent the animation field," was my first thought. And after previewing its trailer, it made me want to see the full film.

    Personally, I think the film was okay --okay in a way that nothing did surprise me about the story itself though it can be unpredictable in some parts. There was a story that the audience can follow through which is good for entertainment but lacks depth at the same time. Symbolism was evident in the film partnered with some visually yet subtle puns but I did not get any deep "hugot" from it. Not referring to punchlines though, but a meaning which the audience will not derive from the screen but from their realization because of the story's essence. I was looking and hoping for this until the end but unfortunately did not get any.

    In addition, I also have some concerns about the language preference. Personally, I think the movie's message would have been conveyed better if the writers have chosen Filipino as the characters' language considering that they have already used it as well in some parts of the film. Why not retain the consistency? Though I'm pretty sure that the writers have some reasons for such preference.

    Technical point of view, I couldn't skip, of course, to mention the cinematography, editing and the props department of the film. I do think that the filmmakers did a good job in these facets. Nonetheless, with regards to the film's visuals, I personally think that there are better shots that may have been used to create more compelling scenes in some parts of the movie but the ones presented were not that bad either.

    Overall, I appreciate Saving Sally most especially the animation throughout the entire film considering the difficulty in putting something like this as a whole. As a matter of fact, I perceive Saving Sally as a symbol of hope of the country's future animated films. I do really hope that this will initiate more locally-made animated films in the future.
  • Amazing production which also provides a wonderful picture of Metro Manila, Philippines. Created in the style of Mirror Mask, this movie was clearly put together with a personalized touch.

    This movie encountered a number challenges to be produced, but managed to overcome all barriers and finally be made available on major streaming platforms. Congratulations!

    As for the plot, take the time to watch closely. There is more to this movie than meets the eye. For those who have a more critical nature, this movie provides an opening to numerous debates and explores human nature in a creative and effective manner. One of few movies worth re-watching.

    Instant Classic! Must watch this movie.