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  • am-by6 February 2021
    Stock up on food and drink for this long long tv movie that goes nowhere. And when the credits role acknowledging the real life individuals, you almost expect to see your own name for having sat through it. Give yourself a round of applause for staying awake.
  • MrBattat13 January 2021
    Great movie . Amazing story, but whoever made this movie has the worst marketing team in the world this movie wasn't publicized will enough so it didn't get the media attention it deserves. This movie is great for people who like prison movies .
  • In rural Texas in 1928, teenager Clyde Thompson (Mateus Ward) is caught in a situation gone wrong and kills a man. He is convicted and sentenced to death, but when the sentence is later commuted to life he grows into a hardened inmate, kills again and earns a reputation as the "meanest man in Texas" before later finding the Bible.

    Based off a real story, the film tells a literal description of events. It is adequately done and well intentioned, though it is blandly handed while Thompson never seems to age in the film.
  • tgunn-4153314 July 2019
    Total waste of time...cannot imagine it is rated as high as it is. 84 people reviewed it and must be that many on the payroll. Turned it off with 45 minutes left, can't believe I waited that log to do so.
  • I thought this was going to be a tough prison movie but its so bad, it was a very low budget film and was all about some made up god, acting was terrible and I can't believe it has such a high rating. I wasted 100 minutes on this DONT you do the same
  • During the last few years, there have been quite a few Christian inspirational films that have made their way to theaters. Some were pretty good and some were awfully bad (such as the rather mean spirited "God is Not Dead"). Well, one of the latest and best is "The Meanest Man in Texas"Â…a true story that is unusual in that it is great for all audiencesÂ…not just church goers.

    Mateus Ward stars as Clyde Thompson, a man once termed 'the meanest man in Texas' by prison authorities. While I have never heard of young Ward before, based on his terrific performance, I think it's a lock we'll be seeing a lot more of him! Also quite impressive is Jamie McShane as Captain Colt. He has a lot of credits, but I can't recall having seen him. All I know is that I was blown away at their performances and both left me wanting more.

    The film begins with a senseless double murder. Three young men are the culprits and Clyde is sentenced to death for this. At this point, you can't help but feel a bit sorry for himÂ….as he's incredibly young and the folks in town are screaming for his execution. Shortly before the execution, however, the governor commutes the sentence to life of hard labor. And, hard it isÂ…with Clyde living a hellish existence which helps make him a vicious, bitter young man. He soon is shot while trying to escape and later ends up killing an inmate who tried to sexually assault him. Now, he's a thrice convicted murdererÂ…and not the least bit repentant as well as very angry. He also has another escape attempt to his credit as well as an attempted murder of another inmate! This is when he's given the moniker 'The Meanest Man in Texas'Â….and he certainly lives up to this. In fact, he's so violent that the prison decides to put him in solitary confinementÂ…where he remains for many years. What's next? See the film.

    There is just so much to admire about the film. In addition to the terrific acting, the story is very engaging and I appreciate that it sticks very close to Clyde's real life—something all too rare with bio pics. In addition, the film looks very professional throughout— with excellent direction, editing and production values. Most importantly, while the story is about eventual redemption and Clyde's conversion to God, it is never heavy-handed and the message is handled exceptionally well. I could see Atheists, Buddhists or anyone else enjoying this film and aside from very young children, the movie is something I heartily recommend for everyone. So, it's not surprising that the film was recognized as the Best Feature Film for the Influx Magazine Film Awards. See this one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Based on actual historically verified events. I hate "based on a true story" which is the same as" based on a true fiction"...a fiction is also defined as a story etc) Clyde Thompson was paroled in 1955. He was in fact a reasonable prolific serial murderer even for the time he was operating. His alliance with a devoted woman and prisoner finds christ routine, which in his case was likely less of a con then today's this triple life sentence murderer paroled early. The story is remarkable ...but not because of the con finds christ thing, or the marriage he lucked into, or the viciousness he was capable of, or the sentimentalized guts and honesty that is trumped up here for the final emotional payoffs...... I find it for the historical illustration of the complete dehumanization of the species that has occurred in the last decades. For his crimes , if sentenced in the last 30 years he would have been executed 10 times over, or if in a jurisdiction where the capricious garbage surrounding the legislation on capitol punishmnet allowed it...given multiple like sentences with no chance of parole EVER under any circumstances. But, It isn't that "TIMES" have changed...people have become so viscious and inhumane, this movie is interesting as a portrait, a tragically sad one, of how even if a man does become a saint, he will still be incarcerated or killed by the Fed. there is ZERO humanity anywhere in the legal system...I wpork with it and know intimately that money rules every desicion. Payoffs dominate every aspect of everything. Guilt or innocence are completely irrelevant. Prisoners, commodities of the criminal industry, can be guilty or innocent...the point is to give them a smuch TIME incarcerated as possible, or kill them. Why, when you have a person that kilss, lets say 4o people, abd admits it, is allowed to appeal for 30 years? That is another 30 years of income for the Gov. there are ZERO ethics, moral sanity, or any humanity at any point in process. the cops, lawyers, judges are all hypocritical whores . All existing to profit from the crimes they process and encourage. Why do cops hide in the dark and bushes to bust t"traffic offenders" instead of drive around to discourage unsafe driving?....obviously thew WANT you to "offend" because their stinking income derives from your behaviors. But at this period in amerikkkan history. on occasion human realities could sometimes prevail...SOMETIMES, as in this case where the person they let go went on to become a very important influence for "goodness" . This would NEVER happen today or ever again. At present, we are "led" by the most evil monster in human civilization after decades of increasingly awful monstrosities. So, I know how heavy handed and sophomoric and verbose I can be for a "non-intellect" ...but the interest in this movies lies in it as a biopsy tool for a social illustration of how far we have fallen as a species. Our humanity is gone...within a few years automation and the obviously engineered and manipulated plague will have wiped out ALL jobs, hundreds of millions of lives , and that is its intent. i was born well before Clyde's parole and have witnessed the total degradation of the species in ll ways. It is shocking and terrible. It is not simply because a coca cola that cost 5 cents when i was a kid...a can of fake coke now costs $2.00$ is not simply the hyperinflation that trump will super nova in a few years to make us cashless..the goal..tht is merely a financuial bump on the way to utter moral and physical death for almost the entire human race except for a few trillionaires...with inflation billionaires are now the new millionaire class. Poverty will go from merely rampant to TOTAL....with no food and people dying in the streets...exactly what the corporations and their handmaiden gov afilliates are designing.......... and this movie is just a wek sentimental reminder of that but the SUBTEXT is powerful. People used to be HUMAN...not anymore. They are highly censored robots destroying each other for hyperinfated worthless paper. This film harkens to the final days before this evil transition became the NORM.
  • Hated this movie. it was so so so boring. The lead actor was bland and monotone. And the supermodel with the deformities irritated me. Wish he'd have gotten the chair then there would have been a film.
  • Clearly it's a low budget film, with some technical flaws, but it is so inspiring! I see that some critics and reviews are calling it a Christian film, though I would argue after seeing it twice, this is a film about hope and inspiration. The message is clear, no matter how low you get, no matter how far you fall, you can always find hope and pull yourself up. Clyde Thompson never gave up. If he can rise out of the ashes, so can anyone. This is a man who found a faith, a love, and a calling... you don't have to pigeon hole that into a genre... it's just an incredible story!
  • Ed-Renouf9 October 2020
    I thought it might be a bit dull cliched and preachy, wrong on all counts. Excellent performances drove this film, the script was tight gritty and packed a punch. A story of redemption is not welcome from all quarters, but as something like this has happened to me I did love it. Praise the Lord.
  • Please go see this movie! You will be glad you did! SUCH AN INSPIRATIONAL STORY! 💜
  • This movie shows nothing is impossible when you deny yourself and follow God. He will do more than you can think or imagine. The prisons in the 20's and 30's were hardcore. Enough to change the most innocent person into a harden killer. If you are a follower of Christ, this story will give you a great deal of hope in your trials. If you're not a follower of Christ, this story will give you a great deal of hope in your trials when you realize everything you've tried doesn't work and you're ready to try what does. If God let's you do whatever you want, then you are your on God. Thank you God for leading Don Umphrey to write this story and bringing it to life on the screen for all to see your Glory.
  • The Meanest Man in Texas is an amazing true story put together over many years by producer Brad Wilson. For some reason I had missed it when it came out just a few years ago but this movie features incredible acting performances by lead actors Mateus Ward and Jamie McShane. There are a few scenes that might be a little tough to watch and possibly be inappropriate for very young children (under 10 years), but this is a MUST SEE movie with a very inspirational ending! There is no gratuitus excessive violence added in that is not part of the actual story and the unexpected love story twist at the end was very heartwarming. I absolutely loved this movie and so glad I finally got to catch it.