User Reviews (7)

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  • walkertechie30 January 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    I found this by chance. I love these types of apocalyptic dramas. The series does have several flaws from weak acting, mediocre writing and plot, bad costume and set design, questionable science and much more. However the concept was interesting. It's a humanistic view on survival and trying to thrive when the world goes dark after a CME. I give them points for trying to get things accurate, i.e., prepping tools, collapse of civilization, and how quickly everything goes to pot. It should also be noted, this is a Christian production that tries not to come on too strong in its message. I appreciated that as religion need not drown out a moralist message and be entertaining. Reviewing the series webpage, the producers designed thus as some sort of vehicle for new talent to both explore their options, as well as showcase what they can do for the industry as a whole. God knows, pun intended, we desperately need an alternative to Hollywood. Despite its obvious flaws, it's still a worthwhile watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Unrealistic but hang in there and in about 12 episodes you just might contInue on tIll the end so you can say you did...Why kill a gal on her wedding day so the new preacher can put his faith on exhibition, cheese overload! Opps, guess that was a spoiler.
  • The acting is terrible. Too often it feels like the people doing the acting in work required hr videos. Like they're trying to teach you something but make it more interesting by trying to act.

    We won't even talk about how the cooking influencer and no one else actually know how to make mayonnaise.

    It's completely unrealistic, as well. Too nice and polite in many ways and too reliant on the apocalypse theme in, really, a non-apocalyptic scenario. And, of course, the science is just plain silly.

    It is obviously a faith-based show but, to be fair, it is not quite shoving it down the throat of the viewer. It is easy to ignore those bits except that the whole Christian message is, quite heavily, what makes it feel so unrealistic. Even the bad guys are, at their hearts, good Christians. It becomes sappy and saccharine pretty quickly.
  • jcook-4563110 January 2023
    This is a low budget series with everything following that. For what it is, it isn't bad. The show is plodding and predictable with few surprises. Every once in a while they do a lot more with the little they have than would be expected. Special effects range from awful to be barely noticeable.

    While faith based, it's about as religious, cheesy and wholesome as summer camp. Religion seems only to play in the Christian Rock soundtrack.

    Overall they stick with the "prepping" message to a point past pedantic. So if you want to watch it for that, dive right in. Everyone could use a refresher class on counting calories.
  • This was truly great in every way.. i got such a surprise.. the acting was good.. and i love that it was completely unpredictable and very realistic. Theres action as well as a few love stories thrown into the mix.

    The events that unfold, really do show how vulnerable and dependent everyone in our society is on electricity and our modern conveniences.

    It shows how some had some preparation for a random disaster and this proved the difference between life and death.

    For centuries people passed on basic life sustaining knowledge and everyone knew the basics; now unfortunately many dont even know how to cook or start a fire.

    I thankfully was able to gain loads of knowedge just through watching season 1 of Daily Bread. Now I cant wait to watch season 2!
  • I can't decide if It is the forced, unnatural, over-acting, trope story line, or misogyny that made this movie so ridiculous. The topics this show attempted to address could be compelling If those topics had been inverted, deconstructed and presented with alternatives, or explored countered arguments. Instead the writers assumed that the viewer has an ethical and intellectual social development of a third grader. The viewer is only offered rules to follow without unpacking them or asking whether those are even actually the rules, and if they are, whether they should always be followed, and if so, what that looks like in complex, realistic, or hard situations. This TV series does not add to the conversation on humanity, identity, and ethics. Instead its sole purpose is to reinforce conservative social values in the context of American evangelical and charismatic Christianity. Instead of starting a conversation about Christian thought and life you will find trite Stereotypes and instructions for lower middle-class, uneducated , conservative evangelical Americans.
  • This has to be the worse acting we ever seen. ALL these millennials were probably told they were great actors. LIES. Stupidity supreme. However, being unfair here. ... the older actors suck as well.

    Waste of time, money, electricity.