User Reviews (8)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I just saw this at the Toronto Film Festival, where the director and two stars also talked about the movie.

    They apparently started shooting this movie (bad choice of words) a day or two after the Bataclan attack. This gives it added relevance and inspired the actresses in their performances.

    Let me preface the review by saying that I have studied Arabic for nine years, have a near-PhD in Islamic Studies, have taught at universities in Saudi Arabia and Egypt for seven years, and for the last two yeas have been immersed in the world of Da'ish and Islamic terrorism. In other words, I know something (!) about the subject.

    The director was spot on. Every nuance was absolutely true. There is nothing that could be improved on. If you want a movie to explain why girls (including French girls who are converts) turn into Jihadis, this is THE movie. The director spent months doing research, including talking with girls who had been radicalized, the families, and an Arab de-programmer (Dounia Bouzar) who plays herself in the movie. The research paid off--this will be THE definitive movie on the subject.

    The story follows two girls. One has an Arab father and a French mother. She was raised Muslim. The other girl is simply a 15-year-old French girl who is filled with radical ideas. She is groomed by online recruiters, and soon she is an Islamic extremist who leaves for Syria to join her "family." Chilling.

    It also follows the parents of the girls, and their guilt and depression. Where did they fail??? And, in fact, they DID fail. Esp. in the case of the French girl, the mother didn't see the signs, because what it led to was unthinkable. But it happened, as it does happen to hundreds of girls.

    Apparently the Minister of Education in France has seen the movie twice. Every politician in the West should watch this movie. As well as all high school teachers, parents, and high school students. And if you have any curiosity about the subject at all, this is the best movie out there.

    If you spend time on youtube, you will find literally thousands of extremists and Jihadi videos. The opposite point of view is almost completely absent. There are about six pathetic State Dept. videos that are laughable. There are very good (and funny) videos by the evangelical David Woods. But that's it. Mainstream churches--including Catholics--have abandoned the field of battle to the Islamists. There is not even an attempt at apologetics. This makes this movie even more special since it is almost unique.

    Even if it weren't acted well, it would be essential watching. But the actresses are brilliant, the story is dramatic and captivating, and leaving the subject material aside, it is a suspenseful and dramatic movie. So on every level it succeeds. This is one of the best movies I have seen in many years (and I see over 75 movies in theaters every year). I can't praise it enough.
  • My opinion---

    With Heaven waiting, we plunge into the pitiless universe of young, influential adolescents who drown in social networks and are projected into a universe full of illusions and manipulation. All these young teenagers who are influenced by all the obscure currents of the net. This movie shows us with all its brutality, how young teenagers fall into the radicalization of extreme religious movements, in order to get rid of everything, their brains are taken hostage without even realizing the Danger that threatens them. What director Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar signs her striking movie of truth, an essential movie, terrifying of realism, an uppercut in full face and facing this realism of our present society. One can also say that the interpretation of the two actresses: Noémie Merlant and Naomi Amarger interpreted their role with an impressive truth, that it was even cold in the back and gave this movie all the power to movie, facing these scourges And facing the strategies of recruitment of this youth so easily malleable. A movie showed in the middle school to precisely show all the terror that will follow after, to be trapped by these crazy terrorists without any scruple. A movie that raised my tension so much, I thought, is to say the strength of it. A movie really meditated on the future of a certain fragile youth. But I still end by force and presence in their respective roles of the two young teenagers, they really amazed me.
  • bavandurairaj27 October 2016
    I don't give reviews for each and every film I watch but this time I couldn't control myself for not giving my opinion.

    "Le ciel attendra" what a film. The film has everything to keep you in your seat along the film. I was very moved by the subject of the film. I wanted to see the exact transformation from a normal person to an anti-citizen. The cinematography, the editing, the narration, the dialogues, actors performances, direction and everything was awestruck.

    Once I came out from the theatre, I started doing publicity of the film everywhere and with everyone.

    Long way to go...

    Thanks for this nice film!!!
  • Living in Paris and having lived through the recent terror events, either because of people I knew were there or I was there myself, I was really interested in seeing this movie.

    We saw it at a preview in La Defense last night and whilst the subject is indeed great the movie in itself is super slow. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting an action movie of sorts but this is just too slow. The movie won't catch the attention of young people and that's kinda what it should do as well, simply so that it can prevent harm in addition to being entertainment.

    The director answered some questions before the movie started and she said that her original cut was another hour longer than the one that made it to the movies. I'm sorry but that's simply insane, even the ~2 hour cut we saw is super long and any longer would've caused the audience to fall asleep.

    It's a little confusing right around the start since both girls live around the same place but have no obvious connection to each other, yet that's not entirely clear. It's great to see how one goes in and the other one comes out, so to speak.
  • How can our youth become involved with terrorisme and religious extremism? This movie tries to address that question and does wonder in my opinion.

    It may be sometimes a bit too didactic for some but I enjoyed that part and actually learned things, even after having watched documentaries on that topic. It show and deconstrut really well how a lost young adult could fall to the sophisticated method used to enrol them. They really becomes prey of recruiter, that are trained, and which actually happened to be djihadist. They could "sell" another ideology the result would be the same.

    Of course, they are a few weaknesses and the timing difference was a bit disturbing for me but that didn't prevent me to enjoy this movie, learning but having a nice time as well.

    Nota: it is also appreciable to see French movies tackling contemporary social and historical issues, and that with high quality, both cinematically and in research on the topic.

    To watch if you want to understand better than the "it's the parents / child fault!".
  • Don't know much about Islam or jihadism, but this movie really hits you and teaches tou a lot about the subject. Performances are excellent, the narrative takes you step by step on the brainwashing journey these girls go through, where they'll loose everything they've known for a promise of a life after dead that will finally cost them every piece and connection that makes them human. Movie is slow yes, but it pays off. Highly recommended if you're not in a hurry or want watch something meaningful.
  • Loneliness, fragility and a world filled with superficial thoughts take the best of the main characters and make them vulnerable. Performances are deep and true, the story is slow and complex interrelating how both characters became prey to a hunter. It is not a film about faith, is a film about feeling alone and wanting honesty and love.
  • hamwimais31 August 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    It is amazing movie because its subject very important to spotlighted ... all over the world has this horrible problem ... it need to translate to many languages specially Arabic