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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really don't get why this special event was called 'Backlash' in the first place. Yes, I know the event has a long history with the WWE, but the name sake, doesn't make much sense. Most of the matches here, are new feuds. Nor does it has to do with the results of the last PPV, 2016's 'Summerslam'. So, what is the backlash about? Unless, they secretly saying, we should invade Afghanistan, again, since they thought it would be to a good idea to host an event call 'Backlash' on Sept. 11. Who does that!? What's next WWE 'Payback' on Dec. 7th!? These are days for mourning, not for entertainment. Also, why is this PPV, even a 'Smackdown' show, when it was known back in the first brand extension days as a 'Raw' event? Anyways, this event marks the 12th show in the 'Backlash' chronology, and the first 'SmackDown' branded event following the second brand split in July 2016. One thing, I kinda wish, this PPV had, was the cool swinging hooks entrance way. It always felt right. What also wasn't right is the lack of establish stars like John Cena!? I know, he's in China, promoting the WWE Brand, but you would think, the WWE will find a way for him to be, on this show!? Also, what was the deal with Baron Corbin Vs Apollo Crews!? Their match was announced on the preshow with little to no story to carry it. This Kickoff match was alright in the wrestling, despite having no built. Yet, it wasn't anything, worth noting. It was a television show, average match. No wonder, why it wasn't added to the main show. Anyways, the show at the Richmond Coliseum starts with the weak censor version of the song 'Stronger' by the band, 'Thought Fire'. Follow up with Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan wasting a lot of time, praising the fans for 'Smackdown's high ratings, when in truth, the ratings are in its lowest ever, since the show move to the USA network. It wasn't really needed. After that affair, the six-pack elimination challenge to determine the inaugural SmackDown Women's Champion involving Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss, Carmella, Naomi, Natalya and Nikki Bella started. All the ladies did a great job, however, there were a lot of botches and awful-looking face slaps. Plus, the awkward camera shots, really did misses, some of the best spots, during that match. The Usos (Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso) vs. The Hype Bros (Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley) (Number 1 Contender for Smackdown Tag Team Championships) was next on the card, with the Usos having to go full heel, due to the overwhelming amount of baby face teams. I really don't mind this, but I kinda wish, they kept the face paint. It was something that made them stand out. Now, they look so generic. Also, much of the hype that The Hype Bros had a chance of winning, was hurt, by the very predictable outcome, with the Usos's heel turn. After all, baby face teams don't fight each other much in title matches. Talking about Championship matches, The Miz (c) (with Maryse) vs. Dolph Ziggler for WWE Intercontinental Championship was next. Having seen, these two guys fight countless times. I wasn't really invested in seeing them, do it again. After all, WWE did aired them, fighting in a KFC commercial, before this. Plus, I found Ziggler being overlook, yet again, as the real feud is between the Miz and the ex-wrestler now Smackdown GM, Daniel Bryan. The constant taunting of Bryan was distracting as it makes Ziggler look like a stand-in. Also, the in-match story doesn't make sense, as Ziggler went for a Finn Balor's dislocated shoulder angle in the match, but it's never follow up to. I really didn't enjoy the match, as much as others. Plus, the whole Jagger Eaton bit, before the match was also a bit odd. Isn't WWE Target audience 18-34 demographic, since 22% of its audience is between the ages of 2-17, 23% is between the ages of 18-34, 26% is between the ages of 35-49? Also, isn't Nickelodeon own by Viacom and USA Network own by Comcast!? Also, none of the WWE talents has guest stars on the show, yet? So why are the WWE promoting it. It doesn't make sense. Anyways, the backstage segments got worst, as AJ Styles met a few jobbers. Why were the jobbers at the PPV? They didn't wrestle. Also, another bad segment got in the way of what would had been a good match with Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt. Since Orton was unable to wrestle, due to not being medical clear in real-life and kayfabe terms. We, as fans got Kane Vs Wyatt, instead with no build up. Don't get me wrong, the No-Hold Barred match gimmick was alright for a last minute, add-on, but no amount of brutality or weaponry could save Wyatt from being misused in WWE. The ending to this match is one of the many bad decision, they had done with him as, of late. It really does make Wyatt look like a pathetic loser. The Usos vs. Heath Slater and Rhyno (Tag Team Tournament Final for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship) was next on the show, with no American Alpha (Jason Jordan & Chad Cable) appearance. Glad to see, how over Slater & Rhyno are, but that match was a bit lackluster. I really don't get, where the storyline goes from here, with the happy go lucky ending. Anyways that match end, brings us to the main event, where champion Dean Ambrose face, challenger AJ Styles for WWE World Championship. Great match from both of them. It wasn't in the boring side. Very entertaining. Best match on the show. Overall: The lack of establish stars like mixed with the misused of the limited roster kinda hurts the show. 'Backlash' was more like back to drawing board. I have to say, the movie was average at best. Not strong
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Amazing pay per view.A lot of fantastic matches were put on.It was really nice seeing AJ Styles become the new WWE champion.Also the woman's six pack challenge match was brilliant.The Miz and Dolph Ziggler put on a great show.It definitely was the match of the night.The No holds barred match between Kane and Bray Wyatt was good.It could have been better.The tag match for the Smackdown tag team championships were also good.The right people left with the titles but, match wasn't too good.Also, the pre-show match between Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews was a sweet and short match and did its work for a pre show match.The match between the Usos and Hype Bros was decent.It wasn't really good.Overall it was a good show 9/10.