User Reviews (57)

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  • I don't know why they wanted to make it a fantasy movie towards the end. This documentary would've been something good if they just stuck to making it a doc. Talk about the business, talk about the psychology behind it, the lonely guys that these women prey on. Do some interviews with people in the same fetish industry, some interviews with the clients if they wanna be blurred and modulated.

    I feel like this was such a waste making it a kidnap movie like wtf lol. I watched this thinking it was a documentary about the underbelly and the psychology of this fetish industry, it was far from that. Just a guy having sex with 2 girls and fake kidnapping. 5/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I went with 5 starts because it's the most neutral option. Half the people who watch this film will absolutely love it while the other half will write it off a joke.

    Ceara Lynch, the real life humiliatrix, this film is clearly something she was passionate about bringing to life. The ins-and-outs of an online dominatrix alone sounds like a great concept for a documentary film. But for Lynch, the film clearly is going a step beyond. I think it's fair to say that a lot of the elements from this film (with some obvious exceptions) are based in reality. What we see on screen covering the behind the scenes might not be completely true, it could very well be how she sees her life. We do get a glimpse of some very real moments from her, which provide some interesting perspective. For those documentary bingers, this is where the enjoyment of the film likely ends.

    After around 20-30 minutes into the movie, you start to realize that this isn't really a documentary (if it wasn't clear already). I'll avoid spoiling anything, but the movie goes from being a documentary about Lynch to a thriller where she's at the center and Julian Shaw (the interviewer/co-star) realizes things aren't as they seem. In a way, it's the Blair Witch Project, but with camgirls.

    The film is ambitious, with the vast majority of people involved clearly trying to do something different by combining the two genres. In the end, fans each genre will probably end up disappointed. The documentary fans only get a glimpse of what goes on in the online fetish world, while the thriller fans are left underwhelmed with the plot that unfolded. I don't know how much either fan will enjoy the other half, but I think many can respect what the filmmakers are trying to do. In the end, I would've personally preferred watching two separate films: one about Lynch's online persona, one thriller revolving around an online dominatrix. Ultimately, it would be better if one genre was done really well rather than two genres done okay.
  • I read somewhere this is a documentary but it isn't. This is basically trying to promote a nobody to mainstream. She's not interesting and rather boring. Zero charisma. Just another young body with a face that looks pretty with makeup. They take "real" bits about some cam girl and add fiction to make it seem legit. Kind of like how "reality" tv is made. And if you're hoping to see this cam girl fully naked then don't waste your time with this. You'll see some footage of her cam sessions where she's wearing lingerie whilst posing in a sexually suggestive manner and that's about it.
  • 2 stars because it does show a little (very little) into this fetish. Horrible plot that took about 15 minutes into the film to see where it was going.

    Ms. Lynch should stick to cam shows and phone sex role plays, because this is played out horribly via a movie/documentary or whatever you want to call it.

    While everybody has different tastes in movies, it's easy to see 10 star reviews for a movie I find borderline unwatchable. However, there simply is no way in this world that all of the 5 star reviews are legitimate.

    Only part that made you think is when Ceara was talking about using men/financial domination and she even makes the point that she is not sure she is really using the men since they are getting what they want and basically telling her what to do and then paying her for that service, so maybe she is the one getting used.

    Of course that is pretty much how everything sexual works when two (or more) consenting adults are involved, so nothing mind blowing. And there is nothing riveting where the lines are blurred between reality and fiction. It's painfully obvious.
  • wiseguy23314 November 2019
    It's the worst type of film.It is somehow elitist while being gaudy and cheap. It is pretentious but the confidence emanates from entitlement. Talent is assumed not earned or revealed. The plot is chaos without point, cohesion or a flicker of creativity. Watching this is like being around a gaggle of teenagers, giggling and shrieking while telling a story that they assume to be a riot but is just noise that goes on endlessly, way past the time you can maintain your polite smile.
  • It started out trying to convince us that it was real but then it was all fake. And honestly I enjoy my time and the fantasy presented as reality just totally killed it for me. I might recommend saving your time and skipping over this one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film start with a filmmaker "Julian" having a video call with his ex-girlfriend "Rose", and flashback 71 days earlier, Julian filming a girl "Ceara" who provide adult content scene! As turnout, this film is about Rose want to ruin Julian life by hire Ceara to humiliate him! Entire film full of boring overuse of the archive footage scene! The film also not intense at all! Barely watchable scene is the naked scene in the film! Pathetic! At the end, Julian found out he setup by Rose! Julian stop filming and back to Ceara house! Still have one post credit scene! Julian saying "Adios" to the camera! That's it! Another super bored film! Don't watch it! Unless you have nothing to do!
  • As a viewer, the thrilling part of experiencing this film is trying to ascertain where the line of reality begins and where the fiction ends. Particularly when many players in the fetish scene make cameo appearances and footage from the annual Las Vegas sex expo is integrated into the story. "These characters are kind of ourselves, or like the dark sides of ourselves" explains Shaw. "Even these fictionalised versions of ourselves come from some place of truth and I've just greatly blown it up for dramatic effect"
  • theadicts7730 December 2019
    Could have been great as the subject is fascinating, just a shame the director is a narcissistic that has to make the movie about himself.
  • dperignon19 December 2019
    Julian Shaw and Ceara Lynch have collaborated on a film with surprising twists and turns. It gives a view into a world few of us are aware even exists, the world of Financial Domination. Ceara portrays herself and her lifestyle, where she brings her clients' unique fetishes to life.

    It's part documentary, part fiction, and a compelling drama with a shocking twist at the end. There are a couple great cameo appearances that fans of the genre will recognize right away, who are not listed here in the credits.

    Fiction always has some root in reality. You are left wondering throughout the film whether some of these things actually happened to Julian outside the intended story, for they would be hard to make up.

    This is definitely worth watching. You'll end up contemplating what you saw for a long time after the credits roll.
  • Well, at least the Catfish film was well crafted even if it was BS.

    Pretty much knew this was fake straight off but other obvious tells. So, the bill for bottle service in Vegas like almost matches the funds raised to the dollar? (If there really was a kickstarter)

    Also, don't cast someone recognizable as the poor 'schmuck' who was scared of her ruining his life. This guy was married to Shannon Elizabeth from American Pie.

    Also, why are these other women in the industry say she's psycho on film. Makes no sense.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film is trying to be catfish meets vanilla sky. It makes light of severe traumas and works with basic, and cheap psychology to exploit its viewers. You can tell this film is made by narcissists who want to find a way to be famous- there's no art to this, no integrity. The beginning is a little interesting I'll give that some credit because it presents itself as educational- we do start to see *some* truth of Ceara's work and backstory, but the later half is an absolute disaster. No one can act especially NOT the filmmaker. BDSM is about consent- that's the bottom line, before it becomes about power. I knew this was a cheap ploy when he didn't blur out the slave's face, because it's such an invasion of privacy, and the whole plot line is someone's desperate and self centered bid for attention which means violation of privacy and inserting oneself where he doesn't belong. Ceara should not be acting as therapist and trying to help people when she herself seems unstable and invasive. Please anyone who watches this don't think this is any representation of BDSM.
  • I really wanted this to be a good project. It could have been a reality based docudrama, but it just went no where.

    To see the dozens of 10/10 ratings from brand new, one review only viewers must have been very expensive to pay all those shills. (Or maybe they were all paid by Ceara in Skype videos.)

    Don't waste your time.
  • A great insight into the realm of financial domination and its assorted fetish offshoots, coupled with the thrilling story line, I found it very entertaining. Fans of erotically charged drama will enjoy the series of plot twists, though I was surprised by the course of the overall movie.

    Ceara is stunningly gorgeous, perfect in her role, and Julian truly relishes his (envied) role. While I admit, this may not be the movie for the masses, but having experienced the rush of this particular fetish myself ,made this must watch media. I was literally on the edge of my seat for the last several minutes.

    a worthwhile 90 minutes to say the least.
  • Pretentious, poorly-acted (if you call this acting), unlikable characters, not the least bit sexy and just pure garbage. Not worth your time to watch...hardly worth my time to review.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Picture me, an engineer working on a project that tracks all the work of femdom content creators, looking at the list I arrive at an row named "Ceara Lynch" and after a few days, I start the scrapper for her name. It returns a website for this movie project among other things, and I think to myself: "That's a first, gotta check it out" and oh boy, was I in for a ride. This movie has no plot, no soul, nothing. It's just a white dude with a camera banging chicks. It tries really hard to give Ceara credibility as soon as it starts, but the viewer has no idea who she is, and the depiction of her is nothing short of "annoyed teenager" + "really important and smart person". I guess the director realized it wouldn't make for a movie so he decided to slap a kidnap history to make it seem "difficult" and "fancy". Initially when Ceara mentioned that she didn't think she was controlling anything, as the guys told her everything she needed to do, I thought to myself "great, let's expose the patriarchy, the financial exploitation of vulnerable people with psychological issue" but no, it would require professionalism, so they cut to the director banging her. Don't waste your time, if you want to watch trash watch "Everybody dies", at least it doesn't pretend to be teaching you anything.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    This film follows a man who repeatedly crosses the line of film and journalistic ethics because he goes on a 'white man knows best' crusade that misrepresents bdsm, kink, and financial domination.

    Julian decides to film a documentary on an American 'humilatrix' Caera and ends up filming them having sex.

    He then decides that he has the right to question her ethics, violating her and her client's privacy before seeing Caera 'kidnapped'. He for some reason cops a ransom of $45k by Carra's kidnappers.

    To make the money to 'rescue' her, he sells off her sex tape for 'her own good'. Not only is this a crime, but he tells her that he was doing this to protect her because he apparently knows what is best for her.

    In the end, it's been a long con to teach him a lesson about his incessant filming and documenting his life.

    This need to record everything despite his subjects not giving him consent leads him to exploit the people around him, lying about if he is filming or not, and several other incredibly murky filmmaking practices that aren't resolved or explained later to help the audience understand the serious lines crossed by Shaw's character.

    This bizarre film is a mess from start to finish about a man who inserts himself into a woman's life and decides he knows best. He is a sexist pig who has no limits, and what is more concerning there seems to be no breakdown by (director) Shaw detailing the serious rules his character violated throughout the course of the film.

    Honestly, this quite a dangerous film that misrepresents the sex industry, journalistic integrity, respect for women, and privacy (unless it is that of the man who decides he is the white protagonist of course).

    I find this disappointing as someone who has been a sex worker, a woman, and as someone in the media. It's illustrative of the inherent misogyny white men still believe they have over women who are making their own decisions about their own bodies.


    Oh and the twist of the film? Predictable and was obvious a bloody mile off. Don't bother unless you want to just feel furious at a man repeatedly violating everyone around him in serious and harmful ways because he throws a mantrum about a private issue that had nothing to do with him in the first place.
  • Absolutely loved the overall representation of all characters. Ceara plays her role with absolute conviction - making you strongly desire her and wishing her in your life too!
  • "Use Me" is the latest film from director Julian Shaw. It's a riveting post-truth docudrama with strong character development, and an attention commanding backstory.

    This is the first film I have watched this year that truly made me forget about my theater-seat-posture induced back pain, and transported me into an exhilarating world of addiction, submission, control, and mind-bending plot curveballs. Plot enhancing clues are sprinkled throughout the movie and the ending is truly a masterpiece in high-voltage drama.
  • Don't believe the one person saying this movie sucked. Obviously no taste, class, or inspiration for a creative story. And is clearly a cuck to some "hooker" (lashing out in shame for their humiliating kinks). This movie will make you reflect and question your own debaucherous habits. The cinematography will leave wondering what was real and what is actually real. An accomplished fictionalized docudrama.
  • A movie that seemlessly blends fantasy and reality. Thrilling and fascinating right till the end.
  • anna-macdonell28 November 2019
    Unexpected. Eye opening. Sexy. Dirty. Intense. Twisted. And oh so engaging.

    There are so many moments you think "Oh I've figured the ending out"....

    but... No, no, you haven't.
  • wmax-9548130 November 2019
    The whole cast is brilliant! Great story line, had me completely guessing what was going to happen next. Love the blurred line between what is fact and what maybe fiction.

    I would recommend this to everyone who loves a good drama thriller!
  • I'm at a place in my life where I don't get to see many movies and when I do, they bore me fairly easily. Use Me was a movie that kept me enthralled and engaged until the last frame. It's style and plot are obviously well thought out and, maybe more importantly, well executed. I highly recommend this movie. If you have a chance to screen it, do it!!
  • glitter-punkin21 October 2019
    My attention is not easily held. During most movies I find myself checking my phone to see how much longer I have to sit through it. This movie is riveting! Fascinating subject matter that blurs the line between reality and fiction. While I don't think this movie is for everyone, fans of erotic thriller movies will be very happy.
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