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  • I'm attempting to give the most unbiased review that my soul will allow to to write. I love the Halo universe and looked forward to finally being shown the fate of the crew of the Spirit of Fire. For this I was not disappointed. However everything I loved about Halo Wars the fine folks at 343 once took a dump on it. For what I played it for, which was for the story, I enjoyed it. The cut screens were very nicely done and didn't just "drop off" or end awkwardly like they did in Halo 5, they actually told a story with is nice. But I have to ask 343 why they decided to completely change the look, sound, personalities of the main characters ??? Were the original voice actors unavailable? Did they even try? Doesn't seem like it. The game is very distracting because the whole time Captain Cutter is suppose to be the one talking to you and giving you orders but I kept getting lost thinking it was Spartan Jermone. Then I discovered they used the same voice actor for the Cutter as they did for Jermone in HW1. So I guess 343 did try to find the original cast, except complete switched it up on us and hoped nobody would care. The characters even look different. The Professor, who had a clear Asian ancestry is now a white woman in this game. And Cutter looks younger than he did before ? So upset and disappointed in the controls as well. The way building and units are upgraded are completely different and honestly I get why, they gotta keep it fresh, but I did not enjoy it at all. Just my opinion. I hope this does well enough that they continue with the story. But come on 343 you have been in charge of 3 games now and you have let me down every time.
  • Strategy games had a touch life on consoles till the 360 came along and the prequel ended up being one of the better such games of its time. The sequel sure took a while and everything seems great at first. The basic idea for the plot is strong and could work as a standalone Halo film. The technology is very impressive too (the army size in the last level is staggering!) and the controls are very fluid. The campaign´s content on the other hand proofs as surprisingly restrictive. You again only play as the humans and nothing happens in the story till the final cutscene. You don't even get to face the game's antagonist at ANY point, meaning that Halo 2 doesn't have the worst ending in the series anymore and Halo 5 now doesn't have the worst plot. Lol. The campaign is still fun enough and the multiplayer modes are also solid, even if I can't judge how balanced the new Blitz mode is. That one also relies on real money to buy new cards, which serve as your units. Halo and RTS fans should obviously get the game but I expect more from a sequel, the game´s campaign even finishes in a paid (!) DLC which stinks, so get the HD version of Halo Wars 1 first. 6,5/10