User Reviews (5)

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  • As i seen some comments have complained, yep the intro where the victim runs down the middle of road to be hit by a car is pretty stupid and uncreative. Now though that glaring flaw opens us up to the episode but in truth the rest of the episode with the different character interactions were great. You had some sexy woman getting flogged n saying somethin funny, then you had the interactions with the surfer kid also being funny too and different then the previous episodes cause now we delve alittle tiny bit into the minor characters such as the daughter of Murtaugh.

    Then my favourite moment is at the cop station when he tells his wife "you go ahead & commit crime at will baby" lol. That had me laughing alot.

    It was also nice to add in someone from Riggs past too as it helps to begin to unwind his story out ever since the previous episodes when the father in law was revealed.
  • I ended up really liking 'Ties That Bind', not for the case (which wasn't really all that involving), but for the people mixed up in it. Riggs' involvement deepens because of an old friend being targeted, and it's because he's so close to this that the tension really ratchets in the third act. Speaking of Riggs, we've seen him reckless before, but not seething. And it's a startling turn. Despite the slo-mo ending explosion (Michael Bay ion the small screen), there's depth to this and it turns into something special when all is said and done.

  • theoriginalantiblonde2 October 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    Let me preface this review with that I've been really enjoying the series so far. I had my concerns before I started watching it, but I think overall the whole crew has done a great job capturing the essence of the original series of movies. Up to now, that is.

    I don't know, I just don't seem able to get my pretty little head wrapped around the relentlessly stupid image of not just one, but two separate incidents of a woman running down the middle of a street while a car is chasing them, obviously intending to run them down. Now on both sides of these streets these women are fleeing down, are green spaces, lined and/or strewn with trees they could be running through instead -- an escape route of natural obstacles a car couldn't follow them through, but... Both women are so desperately fearing for their lives that they stay in the middle of a street where they are easy targets for the car trying to run them down? Why? Because women are just that scatter-brained and stupid about their survival? Give me a frakking break! Heck, the second victim even took the time to take her shoes off before starting her run. Takes the time to keep looking back at car bearing down on her. But doesn't even once consider diving into the trees right beside her, trees the car couldn't follow her through. Arrgghhh.

    Sorry, but it's really hard to buy into a story line so lamely interpreted.. This is the kind of lazy absence of common sense writing I would expect from that ridiculous remake of Hawaii 5-0 -- and the reason why I can't bear to watch it, despite it's cast. I'm not adverse to having my truth stretched by you (as in the second car happens to flip right over top of and misses...) but at least put some thought and effort into it. Make me want to believe you. Don't insult my intelligence with this level of lameness.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I agree with theoriginalantiblonde

    This is the weakest episode so far. I don't mind the story line that much. But I do mind the small stuff that makes it all a little too insulting to the viewer. It's hard feeling sorry for someone to get hit by a car if she's running in the middle of the street and doesn't just go run behind the available trees. Like the other reviewer said, this happens TWICE!

    The other very annoying thing is that they cast Jacob DeMonte-Finn to play a 'Dutch guy'. His fake accent sounds German-ish - but in no way Dutch. And can't pronounce the only Dutch word he has to say (lamzak). His accent was worse than his guitar playing.

    There are tons of Dutch people in all parts of the US. Is it really so hard to find an actual Dutch speaking person to play a tiny role like that?
  • wyogirl-5801027 February 2021
    Again, stupid writing. Girl running away from someone, right down the middle of the road. Are people in LA really that stupid?