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  • Greetings from Sweden

    My first reaction of this game was "wow" this is amazing, i haven't play ACII but brotherhood was the first AC game that i played and after i played the rest of the games. ACII was a awesome experience because i haven't play it before but i must agree it's a awesome game, the story, the characters, the enviroment, intressting, great soundtrack, amazing graphics and a badass Ezio. I think ACII is my favorite AC game despite how old it's. For the players who haven't experience Ezios story you should go for it because you're gonna get a great felling and awesome experience.

    Well Done Ubisoft

  • If you enjoy true cinema, you will love this story, let alone be able to conduct it yourself. The score, the voice acting, the quotes, A+; The story, the characters, the historical references, the gameplay, A+. The video game is unmatched, but I can see this being an amazing series or movie broke into parts. Only if it has the proper team behind it, because cinema potential like this can't be kept away from people who pass by video games.

    It was very special for me to play, not playing it during their first releases, but I always respected the story and what I did already know about it. Playing this trilogy remaster has left me very satisfied, yet sad to finish off such a great story.

    The revelations trailer was my favourite before even playing any assassins creed game, now that I've completed this ezio trilogy story, it is so much more appreciated.


    And the embers short film, a lovely ending to the main character's story.
  • ocesarebr17 January 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    AC2: 10/10 Without a doubt, it is my favorite game franchise. I remember playing the first one there on the X360 and since then I continue to love this franchise. AC2 is not my favorite game in the franchise, as I still think Brotherhood is superior as it is a perfect game that I will never get tired of playing. If I'm not mistaken, I must have already platinumed this game more than 20 times and it's really nice to platinum it. Nothing more fair than this wonderful game being my first platinum on this profile, which will be my definitive profile.

    Platinum #1 Game platinum on December 2, 2023.

    AC Brotherhood: 10/10 My favorite game from this franchise and any other franchise. Even though it's the hardest Assassin's Creed game to platinum, it still brings surreal fun to me. The story is very well told, the open world has a lot of things to do, 100% of this game is very good to do. Some 100% synchronization is very difficult, especially Da Vinci's flying machine, some tombs and the last mission of Da Vinci's DLC. But having the crossbow makes it 90% easier to platinum. All the characters fulfill their role well. It's incredible how, for me, this game managed to surpass the second game in the franchise, and that game was already perfect too.

    Platinum #20 Platinum Game on December 22, 2023.

    AC Revelations: 4/10 For me, this game is the worst in the franchise (I've played from the first to Unity). Because I always want to platinum in chronological order, I've already had to platinum this one about four times. For me, this game is not fun, the most forgettable villain in the entire franchise, bad characters, the atmosphere of Renaissance Italy was infinitely better. And of course I couldn't forget the controversial Desmond's Memoirs and The Lost Archive, which without a doubt are the worst things ever created in Assassin's Creed. The only positive point for me is the hook that Ezio acquires for his Hidden Blade. Even though Ezio Auditore is my favorite protagonist in the franchise, he doesn't save this game for me. Platinum #40 Platinum Game on January 17, 2024.