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  • Warning: Spoilers
    (Note: this review may contain elements that could be considered "spoiling," but I will not try to delve into the details too much).

    When I first began watching this show, I was not very impressed. I had just finished watching "Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitensha- bu" (another recent bicycling anime series geared towards the female audience) and immediately compared the two since their plot similarities are so close.

    However, I kept watching this series and I am glad I did--it is perfectly enjoyable in it's own right.

    If you are interested in a series peddling more direct bicycling information/tips with a mild plot--"Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitensha-bu" is very fitting.

    But "Long Riders" made their approach to bicycle facts less on- point at the beginning of the series, mellowed into the plot of the story more, and had me laughing much more often than when I had watched the other show. All-in-all this show was more engaging of a plot, whereas the other show is more engaging with it's facts (if you are a relative bicycle newb).

    The other point to mention is this show focuses around College age characters and the other show focuses around High School aged characters. The latter show seems to walk you through the bicycle information, but this show lets the bicycle facts float to the surface...eventually.

    Either way, this show is an entertaining watch for bicycle-anime enthusiasts (who don't mind soft plots).