User Reviews (2)

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  • For an independent feature, this picture has all the earmarks of a Hollywood production. The writer, producer, cinematographer, editors, directors and the entire creative team managed to deliver a genre movie that truly satisfies, and, on a shoestring budget. The stellar cast takes the viewer on a roller coaster ride of excitement with just the right touch of humor. It's a motion picture that keeps you in your seat even though you may desire popcorn or a trip to the rest room. For lovers of crime, comedy and caper movies, this is the ticket.
  • This was not your typical gangster film. It was darkly humorous with a clear and interesting plot. The acting was superb. The cinematography was excellent-- above and beyond your typical indie film. The sound track was perfect... I get one of the songs stuck in my head and I love it.

    Is there blood? Yep. Is there violence? Yep. Is there sex? Yep. Is it too much? Maybe for some people, but I'm actually a middle aged mom and I loved it. Nothing is gratuitous-- if it's there, it drives the plot. It serves a purpose.

    Fantastic film. A must see if you're a fan of dark comedy.