User Reviews (20)

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  • Carrzinho30 September 2019
    As a (non) retired clubber who lived through the club life and after parties of Oldschool Dublin, I was expecting something more profoundly music based. Instead it focuses rather more deeply on the drug side. The timeline was puzzling and I couldn't really nail down "when" the events we're watching unfold. The clothes were all over the place. The cars were old but in rundown neighbourhoods. The music spanned decades. It could be conceivably set any time between 2008 and 2018 as it really didn't show its hand, bar a relatively modern dropped smart phone, which you see for two seconds. Not that it hugely matters as it could purposely have been set at any time over the previous 25 years. Perhaps all too personally aware of its litany of settings, small club, large club, house party, illegal rave. The scenes enacted therein, were for me, inconsistent. I'm not totally convinced the writer(s)/director were so familiar either, but it would comfortably pass for many. The more adroit aspect, was the back street world of drug use. The disclaimer being, I'm much less au fait with that world. Perhaps my drug equivalent would argue the opposite? The movie is quite light on plot. Jason ((writer) Emmet Kirwan) flits between clubs and housing scoring casual drugs with his ensemble of misfit friends and acquaintances. There is a love interest with an ex, which all the while feels vague and random. Jason scrounges about, in various states of consciousness. This enables a frequently revisited device, whereby when "zoned out" he remembers himself and his brother Daniel as kids in their 80's house. These scenes are well realised and give texture to the scenes with his long estranged, college educated, now junkie brother, with whom he is reacquainted. They are often very funny, amid intensity. The anguish and guilt of their relationship and shared past is palpable. The scenes are numerous and punctuate at regular intervals. They are also head and shoulders above anything else in this film. They are deserving of better and likely represent why the play this movie is based on garnered such praise. The budget, albeit meagre and probable demands of celluloid, have diluted 20 minutes of cumulative excellence, with faux club fluff and nonsense. I felt deceived by the make up of this movie, but Emmet (Jason) when interacting with the outstanding Ian Lloyd Anderson (Daniel) do provide a superior cautionary tale of how a dabbler is one weekend from becoming a junkie and helped make up for my disappointment. SIX
  • I enjoyed this film more than I thought I would. I watched it as it was only 95 minutes and didn't want anything too heavy. The acting was spot on and for people that want a decent clubbing movie then this is definitely one although the soundtrack isn't phenomenal. All round good job, though. The relationship between the brothers is realistic and Leah Minto who is as close to a female lead that there is in the film is bloody gorgeous. 7 out of 10, although if I could have given it a 7.5 I would've. Not quite a 4 star movie, just , just short!!
  • I liked this film for its very real depiction of the underground Dublin drug/dance scene of the 90s . Pity it was made 15 years too late to be relevant today .
  • brucemcv16 December 2018
    A very similar film to Human Traffic without the humour or the talent.
  • plastikfuture-646133 July 2019
    The film had great premise but tried too hard.... poor mans trainspotting.
  • This is a movie for people who understand this way of life. Incredibly relative and relatable. It's also an insight into the other side of the party seen. The down side. The side that keeps you living that life because you think that is the solution but it's actually the problem. Good times though.

    Great movie with some very good performances. Well done to all involved. Absolute quality.
  • miromoman4 December 2018
    Irish have a reputation for knowing how to tell a story. This is not the case. Boring as hell and as fake as fake can be. A waste of time and taxpayer's money.
  • The film is solid. You can totally connect with it if you have ever been in a sesh or parties in Dublin. It might be a little dull for someone who hasn't though. As I did, I enjoyed it a lot. Well done.
  • I couldn't give you one redeeming thing about this film. The acting, writing & directing were all awful. I can't even say it's a poor man's 24hr party people because that would be making it sound better than it is. It you miss one film this year, let this be ir
  • At first I was very intrigued by the story, I though that will be another Irish movie with good acting and that I will be thrilled, that I will be immerse on the story. The story on itself is deep, the actors are good too. What is missing is the reality of all of it. The superficiality of the writers and director, it comes to the eyes so often that the movie on his on it loose its meaning. All the experience watching it. was like waiting to witness a great movie and ending watching something else. After that I understand that the Irish movies directed and written by the new generation are a genuine flop. I think is reflecting the Irish situation, as a culture and as a nation who lost his identity. I saw talent though, but I can smell that the writer didn't experience any of the situation which was in the movie. You can watch it, you can review.
  • weldoninhio923 June 2019
    Decent actors, but the story is so disjointed. Had heard good reviews, but thought it was terrible.
  • smcevoy-5871031 August 2018
    Best thing I've seen all year. Deadly, savage and great!
  • pwalshy125 March 2021
    Lived the 90's in the same kind of way , thought I would enjoy this , nostalgia if you will but after 45 mins I got bored watching it. Its a poor man's attempt of Human Traffic. It was a bit all over the place really, shame cz I do love type movies.
  • Ignore the few bad reviews.. This movie had the feeling i lived my whole life.. If you love trance/techno music.. And the rave of the underground world.. You'll love it.. Even if you're not this type of music fan.. This movie will touch you deeply due to its topic.. A great movie for sure.. And the soundtracks are like the cherry on top.. Handpicked from fresh farm..
  • It's one of the worst Irish movies I have ever seen.
  • This film in equal parts ridiculously funny and heart breaking all at the same time. Brilliant casting and top notch directing. Brought me back to my experiences in life.
  • dedaddy31 August 2018
    Best Irish film to come out in a very long time that gives u a look at the side of Dublin not many see or that others films can't get across without making it cheesy. You're missing out if you don't see it
  • Exciting, moving, interesting, fun, funny, real. Loved it.
  • Now I wish I hadn't, I found it dull, boring and even depressing. Everything was so dull, even the colour and lighting were dull. Dark areas were too dark and brighter daylight shots were low in colour, it might as well been made in Black and White At least then I could have turned the contrast up and seen what was going on in the dark scenes. Too many films are relying on dark poor lighting shots to save costs on scenery and props.
  • This film did not fail to entertain me. The concept was solid. Stakes were high. Characters were well developed. But the story and I couldn't really connect that much.

    The main character had some good pieces of dialogue.