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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Mick and his Dracula (the book) focus was vintage Mick, bringing the laugh but never distracting. The same goes for Jax and Ray stumbling to find a way to separate Firestorm which also served to move the plot along for Martin's eventual exit.

    Darhk and his watch, and fighting to R&B music were good signs that he'll be more like LoT Darhk and not Arrow Darhk.

    Sir Richard Stein was a clever way of getting screen time for Garber without it feeling shoehorned.

    Rip stopping time with his doohickey was cool!

    Not feeling revisiting Sara/Darhk. Ditto with Rip repeating the same mistakes.

    For those who care about this kind of thing, the Amaya/Zari scenes passed the Bechtel test. (This is how it's done, Flash.)

    This was a fun, scary ep that moved the various story lines along. Score: 9
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What a past couple weeks for Legends! Could potentially be the best 2 week period in the shows history. This episode was set in London 1985, dealing with a potential vampire. While vampires are not something I'm fond of, I found myself enjoying the premise if a potential vampire terrorising the streets of London, and Mick's surprising obsession with wanting to kill one made this plot almost perfect.

    We get the return of Rip this week, as he is away from the Time Bureau hunting down someone called Mallus, which I believe is the person Rip name dropped in episode one. So we finally get a sense of who the main villain of this season is, and the episode was centred around this new character who we are yet to properly see. But we learn that part of his plan is to bring back Damien Darhk. Not a fan of this. I have seen enough Damien Darhk over the past couple years and have had enough of him being a big bad. He served his purpose last year as a part of the Legion of Doom, but pls, that's enough. Hope he's not around for too long. But the threat of Mallus seems promising.

    Zari once again had a big part of this episode as we see her bond with her totum growing. And she shared some great scenes with Amaya about using the totum and all the family stuff she is dealing with.

    The final arc of this episode picked up from last week where Jax said he wanted to split up firestorm so that Stein could go back to 2017. As expected Stein wasn't happy with Jax going behind his back. But it looks like we could potentially have a new member of firestorm in the back half of the season, or for season 4.

    Overall a strong episode this week, and I must say I enjoyed all of the "Return of the Mack" moments of the episode. Absolutely hilarious!

  • Warning: Spoilers
    It was one of my favorite episodes. Until the ending. The idea that he would return to the team was exciting. The betrayal at the end of the episode ruined it. Rip Hunter as a suede-enemy of the Legends is very hard to swallow.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode brought many poignant and funny moments. I would like to point out the best ones: 1)Mick Rory has a fear of vampires! 2)Martin Stein has an ancestor from London, UK (a nod to Victor Garber, who was born in London, but this time Ontario, Canada!) 3)Ray has turned into crazy scientist 4)The interaction between Zari and Amaya is becoming stronger and stronger. 5)Rip Hunter and Damien Dahrk are back, and wonder, how the latter's acts will influence the plot line. 6)Jax and Marty have many on-screen great moments in this episode, including their heart- to-heart in the last scene of theirs in the current episode 7)We have gotten the chance to hear Victor Garber's velvety singing voice again!

    Best actors in the episode: Arthur Darvill as Rip Hunter, Franz Drameh as Jax Jackson, Victor Garber as Martin Stein and Sir Stein, Maisie R.Sellers as Amaya Jiwe, Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory
  • Leave it to Legends to have an episode based around vampire hunting and the Mark Morrison song, Return of the Mack. Yep, sounds like a usual day around the office.

    Where last week's episode was a nice character piece for Zari and Ray, this week's episode featured some fun vampire related material, even if the return of Damien Darhk is completely random and just a tired plot thread at this point. There's not a single part of me that needs to see more of Darhk on this show. Neal McDonough has done a great job as that character for a long time, but I just feel like it's dead at this point.

    Jax decided last week that they need to get rid of him and Steins connection as Firestorm so that Stein can go back to his daughter. And while the whole "keeping Stein out of the loop" thing was completely unnecessary and convoluted, I do appreciate something of consequence actually happening on this show. Yes, Stein should be with his daughter, and there's no denying that the show needs a bit of a switch up at any rate with its cast.

    Speaking of the cast, new member Zari continues to play a pivotal role in each episode as she dealt with a mind-reader/witch/whatever the heck she was, who used Zari's amulet to bring Darhk back. I think the idea of amulets and communicating with the dead is going to continue to be a plot point this season, and I'm starting to become fascinated with Zari's character. There's just enough mystery left untouched so far that is keeping me locked into her character. Tala Ashe has been a wonderful addition to the crew thus far.

    The return of Rip Hunter was less than welcomed. In fact, he's another character that I just don't understand why this show keeps bringing back. It's just as big of a mystery as it is why the Waverider still obeys his commands? How has the team not figured out a way to override anything Rip says to Gideon? It's honestly the most frustrating thing to see the team constantly be fooled by Rip's misplaced confidence in the Legends.

    Overall, this episode was a bit jumbled with plot. There wasn't nearly enough vampire goodness to be memorable in that area and we even had a random Curtis sighting as the team found Oliver Queen's fingerprints on the watch. Only a few more weeks until I don't have to get upset with the lack of quality for the individual shows and hopefully be thrilled with the outcome of the crossover.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    I never expect anything time-travel related to be able to follow every single rule that they set up for themselves. It is hard to keep up with everything, and when your show constantly moves through time and space, it can be difficult to keep up with every storyline that has been written. However, there are some things that the writers should be able to hold to a certain standard. I think the consistency when it comes to time on "Legends of Tomorrow" have been jumbled for so long, and I take issues with some of those things. Why would Eobard Thawne spend time in 2017 as the owner of S.T.A.R. Labs, when his entire mission in the first season of "The Flash" was to get home to his own timeline? Why would Rip Hunter set up the Time Bureau in 2017s Star City, when he is from the 2166? It's those things that really irritate me about this show, because it is about time travel, so they should have some boundaries. And exact thing, comes to play again in this episode.

    So, there are some good things about this episode. I think that seeing Rip back with the team was something that I really needed, because he has not felt like a true member since the first episode of Season 2. This was the first back-to-form episode for the team, which I really appreciated, because I also loved the original line of the members, not including the two hawks. If we only has Leonard Snart in this episode as well, I would have been extremely happy and very pleased with the lineup of the episode.

    I also think that the storyline with Dr. Stein is going in the right direction. This is a storyline that feels necessary, and we know we have to say goodbye to Victor Garber, but that doesn't mean we need to lose Franz Drameh. I am glad that they are coming up with an interesting way of saying goodbye to this character that we have enjoyed ever since Season 1 of "The Flash," but without removing the presence of Firestorm. This is probably going to be one of the more memorable storylines for the show.

    However, there are some glaring weaknesses with this week's episode. First of all: the presence of a new villain felt weird. I like that they are finally getting into the real core of who the villain is going to be with Mallus, and I love that they got John Noble to do the voice. However, the character and his abilities are still so confusing to me, and I don't think his introduction was that effective. It was cool to finally get something, but ultimately, I felt like the writers missed a great opportunity to really introduce a villain that will be a force for the Legends later on.

    Let's get into what I was talking about in the beginning. I think that this episode missed some very important beats when it comes to time. Somehow, Zari was able to communicate with her dead brother through a witch, but if we look at the period they were in, her brother should not even have been born yet, which means he is not dead yet. So it wouldn't be possible for Zari to speak to him, as he is not yet deceased. I also missed some connection to why they had to revive Damien Darhk, and not just get back in time to before he died. And his entire return, I am a lttle skeptical about, because it seems like they just want Neal McDonough on the show. I love to see him because he is great as Darhk, but I don't think he should be a big villain.

    This episode also had some really bad writing. There are multiple scenes where the dialogue felt laughable and forced. And then, there some parts of the episode that felt really jumbled and weird. There is a cameo from one of the "Arrow" guys, but why they had to get in contact with him, I didn't get, because that part of the story ended up being ... well, being nothing. I think the writers need to step up their game when it comes to the connectivity of their show, as well as doing some extra polishing on their dialogues.
  • franktutor18 October 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Loot's of Beta male, and female, in this episode.

    If you're supposedly a leader, but someone else is in charge, that's beta.

    Captain Assassin again loses control of the ship to one of Rip's secret commahhhhhhhhhhhnds. Any captain who let's someone else have control of the ship, who doesn't even know enough about the ship to not have someone else in control, is a beta.

    That's OK. Rip is also a Beta. He founded the time corps or whatever it is, made it for his purpose, yet it has a director that's in charge over Rip. Beta.

    Taking advice on how to treat women from Muslims would be Betta. The Muslim woman from the future comments on how horrible conditions are for women in 1897. That's interesting from the follower of a religion that in 2021 (or 2017 or whenever this was made) practices slavery, honor killings, restrictions on women's behavior and dress.

    For some reason, Haircut has a ready made serum to cut the psychic tie between Auto Mechanic Who Can Fix Futuristic Space Ships and The Professor Doctor. When Jax asks to separate, Haircut goes to a fridge, pulls out the serum. Wow.

    As always, the not heroes don't use their powers - that creates a dire situation, and then they have to lamely use their powers at the end.

    More spinny, posing fighting from lesbian, or is it bisexual, or is it just likes men Assassin Gal. It looks absurd.