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  • felt i had to add a review to balance out the 'cynical' one already posted

    I really enjoyed this documentary & I certainly didn't feel it was just a 'self glorified ad' - nor do I agree with the other criticisms in that review

    Frankly I believe what you take from this documentary depends on your mindset

    Persoanally I found it mildly inspirational & motivating & also enjoyed watching how the competition panned out & the discussions with the main competitors as it progressed

    The other reviewer is just a glass half empty type & overly cynical & I suspect has no real interest in fitness
  • Build up, behind the scenes, event parameters, event itself....... And the aftermath. This is how a sports movie should be done..... Unlike the new reality show version in Fittest in Dubai. They're not even telling you what the workout is in the newer shows, much less showing any of it. And we're all here for the aftermath which was huge in this 2017 edition. You wont be disappointed.
  • Nothing much to it, you learn what Crossfit is, what it "allegedly" stands for and how it is growing as into its own culture.

    Most of this documentary is about how much better these individuals are, now that they have embraced the cross-fit "lifestyle".

    There is as much depth to it as a BLT sandwich.

    But it's well made and not a pain to watch. If you wish to embrace this lifestyle, this will be a great introduction step. But if you wish to learn anything other than the obvious, you are in the wrong place.