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  • dnshuford96 June 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    This show does an Okay job of getting at least a little information out there on each subject. However they do seem to be a bit too obsessed with the Catholic church, and even go so far as dedicating an entire episode just to saints of the Catholic church. In Episode 12 they go over secret orders, but seem to keep their focus too much on just secret orders with ties to the Catholic Church, completely overlooking two very big and influential secret orders like the Odin Brotherhood, and the Brotherhood of Assassins (I know they go by other names). It is a kind of crazy show with minimal information, and seem to be the opnion of only one or two fairly sheltered people living in London(?), but still kinda fun and a ittle educational to watch, just take it all with a massive grain of salt.
  • Like someone else's review title says: "like a bad youtube video". All that's missing is the robotic voice. This is a spectacular idea, dealing with fascinating topics. Like yesterday they were talking about secret cults like the Bilderberg Group etc But they don't dig, they do no research, they just name names ("titles") and leave you to do your research. Shows last 30 min. Very unsatisfying. I wonder how many more they can make like that. Right now they're having the Jack the Ripper one and they casually just showed gruesome photos of the crime victims, some with their eyes missing. Why? They wouldn't do that with nudity! NO warning given. To make matters worse, the graphic close-ups on some of those pix are displayed at IMDb's homepage for this title! No everyone is an insensitive robot!

    Some of it is idiotic like "who is the tank man from the China footage?" Who cares!? He was a protester, not a celebrity. What does it matter what his name was? He stood for the people. It's no mystery to be solved, really!

    Travel Channel has taken to airing only 2 shows in the early mornings, before their usual boring fare of ghost hunting shows. Anyway, can't they give these ideas and these titles to a crew and producer who is not completely inept? Why go thru the trouble of recreation footage if there's nothing there?? Sadly I rate it at 4/10 and I see I'm way too generous compared to the other reviews on first page. (I was giving it 5 but removed one for the graphic pix.) I look fwd the one about how long can you live without food.
  • Full of already long-debunked 'mysteries' with little to no information given beyond a 5 minute or less synopsis of each. Citation of known hoaxes as legitimate sources and narration which regularly contains sentences very poorly constructed.

    This is basically something you would see on a sketchy Facebook page. Avoid.
  • schwa-521 March 2019
    Basically just the first paragraph of any wikipedia entry. Everything is like, "he was last seen drowning in the ocean.... But did he really drown..... Or was is something more sinister. Chinese submarine? Aliens? Sentient yogurt?". You get the idea.
  • Very well produced and entertaining...however they offer as fact events that have been proved to be hoaxes...heck one thing they are talking about...the picture they show as proof, the guy who took it publicly admitted to faking mention of that however...and they like to site Yuri Gellar as having real powers..except he was busted out and proved to be a fraud live on national TV...but the don't mention that either. so i give it 2 stars for offering very wrong information and things that were proved beyond a doubt to be a hoax.
  • No one what's interested in scientific facts and explanations should ever waste their time on this. All it has are vague claims without credible sources/evidences or any sources/evidences at all, plus many of the "proof" has been debunked as complete hoax...
  • When you guys say shaman it's pronounce as if it's an o not an a so shaman as if it's an o or like you're saying Sean Shaw or long you realize how you say long just saying pronunciation is a big play watched a lot of your guys's shows you guys putting out stuff very wrong and it's very just disrespectful
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was listening to the part about the usage of h20 as fuel. I can understand why this idea never went through. Why people decided to kill him for it, If we were to use water as a source of fuel... Civilization would be in ruin. Using so much water early on would be catastrophic. You guys unearthed some pretty good mystery there. Which one? SECRET! Keep up with theese, I like those kinda stuff.
  • Hey, idiots who made this. You're either stupid or expecting your audience to be stupid, but I barely made it through episode one before I was hit with so many historical inaccuracies that I almost passed out. Remember Agent 355? Didn't you have her placed during the Rev. War? Then how come almost ALL your stock war/battle footage was of the American Civil War or the Mexican War? At first I though it might be a mistake, one wrong video and I could ignore it, but it continued to happen! I was blown away. Next time you make a documentary, you might want to hire people who know a thing or two about history and the time periods you are reporting on. Ridiculous.
  • m_dage7 July 2018
    I struggled through two episodes before I couldn't handle any more. Everything is presented as fact, even outright lies (eg. "Komodo Dragons are venomous." They are NOT they have horrible bacteria in their mouths that can poison their prey). The narrator continuously uses ambiguous sentences like "Many experts believe in bigfoot" (seriously??) and even regularly mispronounces names of animals and places. This is one of the worst examples of making believers in 'alternative facts' sound like total crackpots. Have absolutely no idea how this got on to netflix and should be removed asap.
  • oddbod-3260821 March 2019
    How can I trust anything to be accurate when during the entire Revolutionary war spy segment they are playing Civil war re-enactments?
  • sdromeo13 April 2019
    It's P.T. Barnum, not "B.T. Barranam". This less than amateur production has so many incorrect facts, mispronunciations and editing flaws that it could be considered comedy if it were not so infuriatingly stupid.
  • I only got through about 10 mins of the first episode. They give just a few mins to each "mystery," and all the information (and more) could be better found in a quick google search. The info seemed quite disjointed and just left hanging with little thought as to how it connects, what is fact, and what is speculation. (Most of it is speculation.) What made me stop was when they got to Agent 355, the Culper ring spy, from the American revolution. The historical re-enactments they showed? Yeah, from the US Civil War. Smh, so so awful.
  • I'm really not comfortable with this 'documentary' - it asserts all these odd beliefs without offering balance, e.g. an expert explaining what scientific consensus is, or a representative from a state government being accused of some cover-up.

    It's for this reason that I think it's deliberately targeted at neurotic people; those who are essentially vulnerable and worry about the truth of the world around them.

    I genuinely think this programme could exacerbate issues for vulnerable people and therefore there's ethical questions about how its content in various places
  • Genuinely felt so uneasy watching this because of the problematic statements made by the narrator.
  • mikker-807666 April 2019
    Almost entertaining for a few minutes. As soon as you decided tro fact check any of the episodes details you will see they are either purposely lying to sell their show or just lazy. They list Mt. Kailash as being 6,666km in elevation (very interesting fact if it were true, because what are the odds!?) but it is openly listed online as being 6,638km. Clearly they used this misinformation to entice viewers, and for that reason I don't believe anything they say.
  • Dear m_dage,

    I couldn't have said it any better than you did in your July 7, 2018 review.

    How could anyone enjoy, let along take seriously a program that isn't historically accurate, doesn't get the facts straight, etc.

    Additionally, the narrator (I assume they are also the writer, the research assistant, the stock film researcher/purchaser, ad nauseum), says that the two children who are dressed in "strange" clothing, and have a greenish tint to their faces (quite possibly not of this world -- later determined to be Flemish), are twins.

    I had to laugh when the creator of this dribble showed footage of two children walking through a field; twin, hey? The girl was about 2' taller than the boy; she looked to be seven or eight, he maybe three or four.

    Don't waste your time folks!

    P. S. Gotta love the question at the bottom of this page which reads "Does this review contain spoilers?" lol -- how do you answer this with a straight face???

    "Yes". I am potentially spoiling the viewers opportunity to make their own decision by steering them away from this program.

    "No". The creator of this program did the spoiling!
  • gymnasm28 May 2019
    For a start, they got the location of the village of Woolpit wrong from S2E1... Anyone with google maps could have done a better job.
  • Hahahaha! Stock footage of the "American Revolution" was actually lots and lots of Union soldiers! The fact that these wars, 110 years apart, were repeatedly confused in the first episode, was enough for me. Avoid this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If you want to get the info from each episode (and it's scares to begin with) just fast forward to each item (i did it for the interesting places in one of the episodes), other episodes are utterly stupid and hold no info whats so ever. Done for people who live under the rock and don't know anything (and apparently can't even look it up in Wiki. Someone said Trump? I'm sure he'd enjoy watching it)