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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was a good episode with a lot of funny moments especially involving Cisco and Elongated man. But how Barry can literally surf through playing cards while everyone around him is paused but gets caught in a security footage anyway is beyond me. I love this show but their are so many plot holes, it feels like my mind will explode with them someday.
  • jwwalrath-227-854873 February 2018
    Loved this episode. I thought Joe's fiancee getting telepathic powers was an unexpected concept that really entertained. A lot of humor was mined from this. In fact, all the jokes in this one really landed.

    Yet, they managed to keep things both light and dramatic. The Flash's connection to Big Sir and belief in hope and Harry's frustration over not being able to save Barry were both played out nicely.
  • Remember how last week's episode was a pleasant surprise after diverting from the DeVoe storyline a little bit? Well, tonight's episode actually did more of the same, and in a surprisingly effective way. I did not expect to laugh out loud watching The Flash tonight, but sure enough, I did more than once.

    I'm beginning to enjoy this Shawshank feel (which was actually referenced tonight) to these prison sequences. Barry and Big Sir developed a nice back and forth within a few episodes and the latter's arc in tonight's episode provided a nice emotional weight to something Team Flash was doing (help prove him innocent), while they had a humorously charged villain to deal with on their own. Is that two straight weeks where the tone of the episode was the highlight for myself? Yes, it was. Should we just keep Barry in jail for the time being?

    But the great thing is, these two plot points (Big Sir's escape and Team Flash taking down Dwarfstar) were complemented well by the fact that it still proves just how ahead of them DeVoe really is. The best of villains are felt even when they're not on screen. While I still don't approve of the actor change to DeVoe, I can't deny that he's definitely made his mark on Team Flash's usual shenanigans in Central City.

    Aside from the random reveal that Cecile has mind control powers (has no one made the connection that it could be related to DeVoe or maybe he's inhabited her body now somehow too?), the episode was a feast for the eyes and ears. With laugh out loud humor and a dramatic undertone, there was a lot to like. Also, does anyone find it weird this episode aired the same day that the Ant-Man & the Wasp trailer debuted? Probably a strange coincidence.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode of The Flash we had a few story arcs play out. The first was Cecile and her newly found mind reading powers. The second was another one of DeVoe's metas, this one with the ability to shrink objects. The last being the growth of Barry and Big Sir's relationship.

    I thought each arc in this episode played out wonderfully. The humour and character growth that came out of Cecile's arc with her getting powers were fantastic. The focus on the humour, this sort of humour is humour that is straight out of season one. This season has done a terrific job in bring back some of that campy humour from the earlier seasons and this episode really showed it.

    Moving into the villain of the week, I thought he was great. I think the decision to tie all these villains to DeVoe was a great decision because the show can still have this villain of the week type format without making the episode feel like a filler. The big thing however is how well they tie them all together in the end. Without that, the build up throughout the season with all these metas would have been for nothing.

    The prison aspect of this episode was again great this week. I really liked how well they have built the relationship between Barry and Big Sir and in many ways it is sad to see it end. This arc is the one that of course has the biggest effect on the rest of the season. As seen at the end, Barry's identity has now been found out by the Warden and he is now in the process of being sold Amunet. For me, this seems like a way for Barry to get out of prison, especially if the Warden removes Barry out of the system in the process of this sale.

    Overall, a fantastic episode from The Flash. This season has really captured the humour that last season was missing and the show is really benefiting from it. On top of that, where they have headed with Barry's arc in prison has really interested me and I am excited to see where they take it in the weeks to come.

  • Yes, the episode had a fun tone. But we don't want fun. We want serious. Of all the things this show needs, Cecile needing powers is definitely not one. And its been 2 episodes since DeVoe actually appeared on scene. Please go back to basics and focus on the story and nothing else. That's what this show did to gain its initial viewership and that would be very much appreciated instead of these useless fillers.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was yet another fun episode. It was great to see Barry help Big Sir and Team Flash tackling yet another villain by themselves.

    The episode opens with Barry playing cards with Big Sir, former mayor Bellows and the guy who has tried to rob him twice in the past. Quite nice that they follow up on these characters even though they don't matter to the story. We get another slow mo scene with Barry cheating at cards to win pudding which is pretty funny as we know he needs to consume a lot of energy to be able to use his powers. We then learn that Big Sir got put in prison because he got framed for murder just like Barry was. Being the goodguy (when he's not cheating at cards) he is Barry decides to call Team Flash to find the real culprit. It is nice to see that Barry can still do good as ordinary Barry Allen.

    For the members of Team Flash that aren't imprisoned this was a good week. I finally got to see more Harry-Cisco scenes and it was great fun. Actually it seems fun is something this season is doing pretty well. The meta of the week offered a lot of fun as he shrunk both Cisco and Ralph down to 5-6 centimeters. Seeing tiny Cisco struggle to make breaches and Ralph getting stepped on by Iris was hilarious. Harry got to be the hero of the week as he battled Dwarfstar.

    Dwarfstar was a pretty interesting villain of the week as he simply used his powers to make things into toys for his collection. I thought it was an interesting concept as he could've easily collected tiny animals and put them in miniature nature that he shrunk down basically creating his own little universe.

    In the end Big Sir doesn't get to go free as Dwarfstar doesn't confess and Barry whisks Big Sir away to China. Then the warden reveals he's shady which wasn't much of a surprise as he seemed mysterious the whole time.

    All in all it was a great episode and I'm glad that Harry got to do more stuff. Next week's episode looks interesting as The Flash does Prison Break (shame Leonard Snart isn't here for it) but how will Barry escape without revealing to the other metas that he's the Flash? I hope DeVoe returns soon, surely he must be up to something.
  • I really want to still like the Flash but I don't get the high reviews. I used to be biting my nails at the end of every episode but I think DaVoe was a poor choice of antagonist and I'm so over caring about figuring out his big plan. Celine has also taken over as one of most annoying characters on TV.

    I really hope they have a way of shaking things up a bit because I don't think having a non speedster villain is working. I know they were trying to break the mold but they could have been a bit more creative.

    Soon there will be a show called "Kid-Flash" with Barry doing guest appearances.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was another fairly mixed episode of "The Flash," continuing from last week's. Some of the things that I definitely think worked this time around was that Cecille - a character who have had almost nothing to do in this season - has finally gotten a storyline that is interesting and could add some new tension to the plot. It also gave Joe some reason for concern, not only because of his girlfriend's new and mysterious powers, but because he is finally realizing that he is going to be a father soon. We have already seen Joe deal with that realization once when he found out about Wally, which was a big thing, so it'll be interesting to see how he deals with a new little one. I also don't believe the explanation that the baby is fine, and I think it will have an impact on the progression of Season 5, when it's revealed that the new little baby is actually a secret metahuman.

    The big pull of this episode is the storyline that Barry's fellow inmate Ratchett was framed for the murder of a security guard. I didn't really like anything about this particular arc, because it was sloppily written and it got lost in coincidences. Everything that happened in that specific storyline, happened because Ratchett was at the wrong place at the wrong time, which then leads into the fact that the criminal who actually committed the crime has become a metahuman, and that he so happens to be the same guy who managed to go free. It was very lazy writing, and I think the writers needs to up their game going forward.

    However, I will say that I was very happy to see more time with Barry in jail. The first scene where he is playing games with some of the inmates, was a great and funny little scene that didn't disappoint. Other than that, there weren't that many other scenes that showed Barry's relationships with the other prisoners, but I do think that one scene did something to build up the anticipation of what is going to happen in some of the upcoming episodes. I am really happy that the writers are taking their time with this storyline, and aren't rushing it along like they did with other storylines, most noticably the "Flashpoint" storyline.

    Even though I wasn't that impressed with the villain of the week this time around, I do think that the subplot of Cisco and Dibny being shrunk gave some big laughs and some great cultural references. It reminded me of the tone that made me fall in love with the show to begin with, and also reminded me of the episode last year when Barry lost his memory. It puts that light tone to the forefront, which is something that is needed sometimes. This season has been a good mix of both, and I hope to see that continue through the remaining episdoes.

    Some of the nitpicks with this episode were that the therapy storyline has gotten too much screentime already. I don't think it's necessary to constantly go back to that part of the show, and I think this should be the last visit we make to that couch.

    I also had some problems with Richard Brooks, who plays Warden Wolfe. I don't think he gives it his best in this episode, nor in any of his other appearances this season. He isn't convincing in this role, and I don't know if it's because his acting abilities ain't the best. I like the material that he is given, so it may come down to the fact that he simply ain't that good of an actor to have in this role.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Barry meets an innocent man in prison. Ralph and Cisco get shrunk. And Cecile has new found telepathic powers. When I read the title, I knew how this was going to go, it was going to suck. I wasn't too far off because this episode sucks! Well, 2/3 of this episode sucks to be more specific. The Barry in prison stuff was very wholesome and put a smile on my face, it was really satisfying. The other 2 storylines not so much. Cecile getting powers was probably the worst decision the show ever made, but that becomes a bigger problem later. Don't get me started on Ralph and Cisco getting shrunk. What was going through the writers heads? It wasn't even funny or weirdly enjoyable or good at all. It was just stupid. I think I lost braincells watching this episode! It's horrible! Maybe even worse than Girls' Night Out!

    3.3/10-aRrOwCuRsE Episode.