User Reviews (11)

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  • julian-sebag14 June 2020
    The music is really good, Wilson Lambert play well. The only two good points of the movie. The movie is really cliché only, cliché... there is some shortcuts and it's really superficial on many points.
  • r-hehl11 November 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    I have seen this movie at the Braunschweig Film Festival.The film tells the story of a young self educated piano player which is discovered by a piano teacher and is lead by two piano teachers, one played by the excellent Kristin Scott Thomas, to the final of a piano competition. On this way we learn about the many social problems of the young piano player and the obstacles his environment imposes on his development. Although the story is straightforward and at times predictable it is told in a very interesting and unconventional way. The beginning of the movie is the highlight, the end disappointing. At the beginning the movie confronts us with many questions that are only slowly answered and installs a lot of interest in the story. At the end, the predictable ending is topped with a totally unnecessary addition to tell us about the destiny of the two piano teachers that took care of the young guy and his own destiny after the piano competition. Not only is it a completely different world, in another country, the young piano player appears out of place and we do not know if this is really what he wanted. The movie should have ended with the piano competition. It is even left open whether or not he won it, which is a nice twist.
  • I found the movie definitely enjoyable and touching - because I was in the right mood and went to see it exactly because it suited me at that point. I did not expect much of a plot, I just wanted a cozy and old-glam cinema evening and enjoy good music. For that, it is really sweet.

    Everything else, I have to agree with the other negative reviewers: the plot seriously is one-dimensional and predictable and not particularly fascinating - especially, because the story does not seem convincing and things often to not make sense. E.g. the mom being against the playing, yet he had years and years of practice at home. and if he can play at home despite the moms opposition, why did he have to take the risk of being caught and play in a public station? Just to mention one of the things that bothered me.

    In total I had the feeling, I am watching a draft script: the scenes sequential and explicit in their intention - Scene x1 "Mathieu is confronted by his friends" Scene X2 "Mathieu has to explain to his mother" and so forth. There is seriously no depth to be found. If he'd have carved out that style a bit more he could have turned it into another great artsy film of "gluing" together fragments of backstory with the leading, overarching theme of the great music. But, well he didn't. So the whole thing just seems a bit simplistic, novice and unaware.

    Characters are accordingly flat and unbelievable and stereotypical. I liked the musician-style romance scene. Except for the eye-rolling parts of course.

    anyway, go and enjoy it with a glass of wine and something to cuddle - just don't expect spiritual inspiration.
  • jbouwmeister29 August 2019
    I really enjoyed watching this movie. It was touchimg and well acted.
  • The plot is far-fetched to the point of being laughable and it's so utterly predictable. If that's not bad enough, the characterisation is non-existent. In particular, the main character is so unpleasant that you really don't care what happens in the end. The whole thing is so one-dimensional.
  • How music can save someone and yourself. Nicely played and emotionally well balanced. How you can positively ment be caught by music. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
  • Terrible direction. Event KST could not save the film.
  • I can only say that i watched this film from my perspective,

    as a rookie. I have no idea to play piano but i was entertained.

    And when i 'm looking films this is the most important thing for me.

    And also the message of this film was to never give up when you want to achieve

    something important in your live.

    So once again Bravo to the Filmmakers. And of course to the Editor,

    because it was a masterpiece of Editing,
  • helecz-daniel17 February 2019
    This movie is literally embarrassing.
    • No characterisation..
    -Main actor: facepalm -Very predictable -Nothing to do with reality, full of silly mistakes.. -Every details are far-fetched, ridiculous "romantic" moments. -Not even has a special atmosphere, vibe or something.

    -Only positive thing is that you can listen Rachmaninov for minutes.
  • claudia-melancia27 April 2021
    The storyline is not anything news but how the movie is put together it's touching and makes you drive in to the sound of the piano almost as the same emotion level as the main character, very touching and emotional a very deep connection to it. Thank you.
  • I thought as a musician i would enjoy the movie but i was wrong, none of the characters were likable, story was very slow and predictable, i wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone even for musicians.