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  • One of U2's most beautiful and important songs of the 1990's, "Stay (Faraway, So Close!)" not only is part of Wim Wenders sequel to "Wings of Desire" which carries the subtitle of the song but the video reflects the exact idea of both film. Bono and company play angels who follow common people in their daily routines while living in Berlin. It has more in common with the 1987 movie than the one from 1993 since it's all shot in black-and-white while the most recent film is mostly in color. But the main idea from both films are all here where they guide people, they are close to people but they're invisible to them since they're angels.

    Since I'm a big fan of both Wenders' movies it's quite obvious that I'd enjoy this without any reservation - Wenders also films this and includes few clips from "Faraway, so Close". My favorite moment is when U2 angels are behind a group of musicians rehearsing a song and each member stay behind their player counterparts as if being teachers of the young musicians, and Bono keeps whispering to the girl singing but she can't see him even though he's practically on her face. It's the idea of having this powerful force around you but it's all invisible to you - but for those who believe in it they know something out there is protecting you and guiding you through it all. Hardly ever music videos tend to get this magical or this beautiful.

    Another great moment for the group and one of my favorite videos of all time. I never get tired of it. 10/10.