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  • This movie was intense. You followed thru the days with Robert Partridge from his perspective on life and how he was feeling or seeing 1st hand the decisions he made. He was part family man and part crazy man. Left you more curious and questioning what you just watched. Did that just happen? So good. I would watch it again and again.
  • I Am Going to Kill Someone this Friday keeps you guessing right from the start. It will make you question everything as you witness Robert Partridge's descent into madness. Watch as the seemingly normal family man transforms into a psychopath. Brilliant!
  • The cinematography and the score make you feel like you are "in" the movie, not just watching it. They also keep the person watching the movie from falling into a lull - it's basically a two-hour thrill ride.
  • Durden Godfrey has passion. It is evident. When passion is embraced and explored in any medium good things happen. But, Durden Godfrey has more. Durden Godfrey has instinct and it his instinct that takes this film to the next level. Exceptional writing and directing, impressive acting, creative cinematography, and a gloriously haunting sound track all come together to make this film an awe-inspiring production.

    This film makes you think. It slowly creeps up on you and the next thing you know, you are imprisoned by your own thoughts and emotions. I Am Going to Kill Someone this Friday is like a trancendental hit of acid. The trip is different for everyone. What will your journey be like?
  • There is a reality for many artists that they are overly critical of anything they are a part of. I had a small part in this movie. It was an honor to be asked and to be a small cog in this very complex labyrinth of pistons and gears; but, with that invitation comes my very critical eye (and spirit).

    You hope you didn't become a part of something you'll regret or, worse still, be embarrassed by in the long-run. That is why I was biased, and not in a good way.

    But then, something changed... from the moment the promos and trailers began playing I knew that my bias was misplaced.

    Fast-forward to having viewed the finished display of artistry and talent, I can say that not only am I not worried, I'm far more honored. All involved put their heart into this production and the result is something not often seen in the independent film world - an experience worthy of any big screen - something destined to become a cult favorite.

    Well done to the amazing Durden Godfrey and the team that assembled around him (how he managed to get one of his producers red-faced with a protagonist's open hand slap is a feat most directors would like to accomplish!). :)

    Well done, well done, well done. You must watch it - especially if you are biased, and not in a good way.