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  • Pros: -Great pacing -Nice Gunplay -Variety of weapons/tools -Advanced stealth tactics -Better plot than the first game.

    -Deeper customizations -The ability to play however you want.

    Cons: -Enemy variety much better in first game.

    -Not as chilling as first game.

    -Disarming traps, hiding, match system removed.

    -Too much open space doesn't create tension at times.

    Overall both games are really underrated survival horror titles and I recommend them to anyone who enjoys the genre.
  • theblowerfamily18 November 2021
    This game reminded me of all the good things resident evil, silent hill and dead space. Great pacing, great story, have to say absolutely loved. No spoilers here just love for the game.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The soundtrack in the games very exciting and force Gameplay very Good , especially Boss Fight 9/10
  • croitorupaul21 September 2019
    I really liked the first game and I loved this one. I think that the story was great, it may be a bit confusing but that's what the series is all about. The gameplay was good too, I just wish I used the crossbow more because I belive it's the best weapon in the game. It really got me hooked, the end was amazing because of how invested I was in the characters, and let's not forget about that beautiful end song. Amazing.
  • mitog1 November 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    The Evil Within 2 is a well done horror game. Better than the first Evil Within. The story in Evil within 2 is good you go back in the stem to look for your daughter that died in a fire but really didn't. The boss fights are great for the most part I also really enjoyed the open world of the game there's more freedom and some side missions. The game is perfect in my opinion I really hope they make a Evil Within 3
  • That's a very good second entrance from Tango we got here.

    I've just beaten the game in Nightmare and I was overall delighted with the way the game handles its new orientation. It has an interesting way of delivering its core elements to the player.

    The whole game is taking place in the city of Union, pivotal place giving off plenty of room for exploration through semi-open areas. The game design is thought in such a way that you alternate between narrow places focusing on frenzied chase scenes and more open scenery prone to exploration. As far as I'm concerned the parts unfolding "inside" were the most thrilling as it's mainly during those closed sequences that the real survival/horrific touch springs. I recommend playing in Nightmare because the challenge is present and also because the game design choices won't make you feel uncomfortable or frustrated in any way. If you plan your escape properly relying on infiltration (you'll have to do so in Nightmare, trust me) the outcome will be rewarding because you'll save bullets and also sweat a lot from time to time for fear of getting your head topped off - some death scenes are horrendously graphic, good thing in a TEW game. While sometimes you'll be forced to run as fast as you can, you'll also have to bring out the big underloaded guns so as to make heads fall off. Given that ammunition is more a of rare commodity in this mode (though the lack never turns out to be an artificial attempt to spice up the global challenge if you thoroughly search your surroundings) shooting at enemies will always require a good aim just as did the first episode and this is an important element when it comes to inducing anxiousness. The game itself is not as terrifying as an Amnesia or Outlast primarily because of this alternation between the inside and the outside - the outside being thought as a way to take a breather between two insane sequences.

    The atmosphere is absolutely riveting and spine-tiggling. Both the pretty graphics (especially on PC) and FX sounds are the root of this result. A lot of questions find answers and the scenario more personal this time is very pleasant to follow. I find it good that the developers put Sebastian in the center of the plot this time. It was high time they set him forth. He's a lot more well written than before, giving rise to a more human, touching and sensitive figure. Big up to Stefano Valentini who is to my mind the best-rendered ingame antagonist alongside Obscura.

    Good Points : - Well-written story - Stefano Valentini has a great

    personality - Pretty-looking (especially on PC) - More accurate aiming system than in the first - Shooting, running and stealth scenes feel good - Awesome bestiary chara design, gruesomely beautiful enemies (Well Sebastian's definitely a classy detective) - Quite lengthy for such a game (20h) - Smartly implemented crafting system - The bosses (Stefano) - Clearer story - Alternations inside/outside, a good idea...

    Negative points : - ...resulting in a less blistering terror pace - Rigid animations (movements) - Minor collision bugs

    This game doesn't revolutionize anything but the execution of its mechanics is indubitably qualitative. We get to delve into a hellacious story with many strong points one should definitely consider experiencing. Do not expect this game to turn your blood into ice like Outlast or Amnesia because it's not as terrifying (neither was the first game btw) but do expect however a wacko journey that will have you venture into a twisted and impressively well rendered mad world where rationalism seems to be an intruder. A really good experience. If you loved the first iteration of the series and are fond of singular survival-horror experiences, you definitely should consider giving TEW 2 a try.
  • sundby-3958320 March 2018
    If you're a fan of survival horror and a die hard Resident Evil fan, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with Evil Within 2. I wasn't too keen on the first one, but this one really is simply amazing. It reminds me a lot of old school RE (Code Veronica) because of the setting and scenery, it's an eerie game, but it comes with an open world feeling to it that the classic RE's could never do because of the technology at the time. Like I said in the title to this review, and I hate to say it, this could have been RE 7 because, simply put, it's better and you actually KILL zombies! The director of this title is The Godfather of RE, and he doesn't disappoint with this installment. Give it a shot, you won't be disappointed. I had hours of fun with it, and I loved the storyline and how it unfolded.
  • Greetings from Lithuania.

    "The Evil Within" 2 is a terrific game for those who love survival horror action games. The story was epic, and surprisingly touching at the end. Gameplay was terrific, as well as the world that was created here. Music was great as well as voice acting. And also villains in this game were really interesting.

    Overall, "The Evil Within 2" was amazing game for me personally. I love this genre and this game was all i wanted and more.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    TL;DR - Sebastian is a compelling character and his motivations are understandable.

    Even though the game-play is uneven at times the excellence in Art design and above average game mechanics keep it from being a failure.

    Just think playing Liam Neeson from 'Taken' through a horrifying and haunting world with a sprinkle of Inception thrown in, It's a pretty good combination.

    The Good - Art Direction. This was hands down the best aspect of the game.

    The enemy design, character design, environment, boss design, weapon design; you name it was all high praiseworthy.

    Though the graphics were not exceptional, but it was competent enough to support the excellent Art Design.

    Sebastian had some interesting shoes to fill, initially he seemed pretty one note; I honestly lost count of how many times he said 'What the Hell'.

    But as the game went on we see the cracks in his psyche brought about by his life, his failures and his fears; loved the few instances we spend in Beacon since I did not play the original game.

    Which brings me to my next point, the story was well paced with it's flow; even though I did not play the first game I got a pretty good grip on where Sebastian was coming from and got into his motivations comfortably.

    Personally I felt the horror elements were a little stronger than the action-shooter elements in the over all story, which was a good thing.

    The game-play a little uneven at times makes up for it's flaws by allowing a very fluid combination of stealth and shooter, added with a good amount of weapon choices kept my play-through engaging.

    Voice acting was competent and well done for the most part, sometimes too good as the in game characters models were not as expressive and the dialogue was not the best either.

    Collectibles were fun and worth the time fleshing story and giving usable rewards for exploring.

    The Bad - As i said I found some of the game play a bit uneven, melee combat being the primary loser.

    It was mostly non-existent and downright a little naff at times with the Axe the only melee worthy weapon but downside being a one hit break.

    At least one melee weapon should have replaced the 'Survival Knife' aka Kitchen Knife since it was mostly useless in head to head combat and was just a stealth thing.

    Aiming was a little off at times as well especially with the crossbow as some of bolts were less misses and more just phasing through the sides, sometimes when enemies were running up close the aiming would come at a detriment of FOV almost giving a sniper feel and obscuring environment.

    The Bosses were also a bit dull save for the final boss and Wallace, but T. Wallace only for me since I did not play the first game; but I assume would have felt like a cop-out/boss rehash for gamers who played the first game.

    Even though the final boss mechanics were decently varied I wish Myra would have got some more proper character development, maybe actual interactions with her inside STEM and gradually seeing her deteriorate into 'The Overprotective Mother'.

    Myra's sacrifice though heartbreaking for Sebastian was a little overplayed for me since I did not really interact with her as Sebastian outside very small cut-scenes.

    Same could be said for 'The Administrator' and the whole concept of all minds connected to STEM which seems a little stupid for an all powerful organization to be doing, just seemed all too convenient to allow for the 'Happy Ending'.

    Even with my issues I am hard pressed to say this is a bad game as I usually rush through the main story of TPS games in general save for the ones I am really enjoying, TEW 2 was one of those.

    I spent roughly 20 odd hours going through every nook and cranny of the Levels finding collectibles, ammo pouches and slides.

    Conclusion - Would love a sequel since the concept of STEM is pretty vast and being clearly influenced by Inception which is one of my favorite movies, but maybe this time around let Sebastian's Book remain closed and maybe we start a new story with a new protagonist since I'd really hate for Castellanos to be forced into STEM again.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    For people who are used to video games, this title has nothing new, the bosses and puzzles are far to easy, ammo is abundant, saving is frequent, and whist the title has great graphics it lacks a coherent plot line.

    Once again you take control of detective Sebastian Castellanos, to enter a STEM system full of twisted human like enemies. The game glosses over any reason for doing this or why the idyllic town called Union has fractured or indeed why their are enemies here, suggesting that it is a mystery that you need to investigate. It soon becomes clear that the typical enemies can be ignored, and the bosses are as weak as the plot that attempts to string the unconnected murders together.

    Watch anyone playing the game and all you hear is them referring to other games like 'oh this is like...' where they have already been there and done that, as if the creators of the game have literally taken parts from other games they like and put them together patchwork.