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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Here we got the music video for the David Bowie song "Ashes to Ashes" from 1980, so this one is approaching its 40th anniversary briefly after the deaths of Bowie and his cast member Steve Strange in here. The director is David Mallet, an Emmy winner now. It runs for under 4 minutes, so really not too long of a watch, and the dominant colors here are pink (especially) and blue. Sadly I must say that the overall outcome here did not really impress me that much, neither in terms of the song nor the video, even if I can see why some consider it kinda iconic. It sure is a lesson in style really, but also a bit of style over substance I'd say. I have heard a lot from Bowie and I liked a lot too, actually I tend to prefer his lighter stuff compared to this one here or also compared to what he made at the very end of his life. Anyway, back to this very experimental little four minutes here. Maybe I need to rewatch and relisten at some point in the future and see if I re-evaluate my verdict, but for now I have to give it a thumbs-down and I don't recommend checking it out. Somehow it just doesn't feel very Bowie to me. Go for something else.