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  • This is one of the most unique anime series I have watched, it didn't depend on action sequences, heroic fighting, intrigue or showy effects to tell a story as is the style for such animation series, instead it relied on believable strategy's and actual storytelling, it genuinely felt like a good adoption from a Sci-fi novel as is the actual case.

    The Sci-fi anime is focused on Space Warfare between two Inter-Galactic Powers, the story is told by showcasing the lives of two geniuses who clash against each other over the years. Their lives are as dissimilar as it can be yet they parallel each other in achievements. This is as much a biography of these two as a military sci-fi.

    The animation and music are mediocre at best but serves the purpose as the focus of this series is the storytelling and it does have an interesting story to tell.

    As of now, I have only seen the first part of the expected trilogy. I loved it enough that I have started seeing 20 years old anime based on the same series that too in Japanese Subtitles.
  • ItsJustSlater30 August 2022
    The term epic is way overused by people nowadays but under the dictionary definition "noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style" it fits in this instance. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is epic.

    LOTGH is an adult anime, not for sex or language, but because it was not made with overreacting characters whose eyes bug out or the characters whole color change. It is mature and well thought out with no child like gimmicks. Those used to regular loud and obnoxious animes may find this boring by comparison.

    The scope of it is truly huge, with battle fleets of 20,000+ ships and citizens numbering 20,000,000,000+ under one regime. They show you not only the main characters and their back stories, but the tactics used in massive fleet battles and the politics involved in such massive empires.

    I've watched the first two seasons multiple times and impatiently awaited season 3 from Funimation. I just recently checked and saw it was available so I'm rewatching season 1 and 2, that way I'm fresh on everything before eagerly heading into number 3.

    I haven't watched the original as I was unable able to locate an English dub so I can't comment on how closely it follows the original. But as far as a standalone show is concerned it is 'epic'.
  • As a fan of the original anime I was cautiously excited to check out this reboot. One of the major drawbacks of the original was the animation particularly in space battles. I oozed excitement at the thought of these flaws being improved upon using modern computer generated imagery. However, I came to be deeply disappointed enough to come here and write this review.

    The storytelling is extremely fast and leaves the viewer confused. In one episode alone, Yang Wen-li goes from a cadet barely out of diapers to Rear Admiral in the span of 25 minutes. Huge jumps in time leave the viewer perplexed as to what's going on, and historical expositions come off as lazy as they could have been cleverly mentioned offhand or in a context that made sense for the arc. The plot moves at the speed of light and gives no time for the viewer to relax and attempt to understand the bigger picture.