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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Tina was an insensitive B from the very start to Joyce. Here she is, the woman marrying her dead daughter's husband and becoming mother to her daughter's child, and she shows absolutely zero sensitivity for Joyce's feelings.

    From their first meeting Tina is short and cold towards Joyce and should've been more empathetic to her situation of having to watch this stranger take her daughter's place and could've been nicer to her.

    I think it would've been appropriate for Tina to privately discuss the issue with her and try to let Joyce know she isn't trying to take her daughter's place and shown some respect for the situation.

    But she did none of that and treated Joyce like a nuisance rather than see her as a grieving mother having to watch another woman take her daughter's place with her grand daughter.

    At that point, I was rooting for Joyce to use her psycho in law ways and do away with cold, heartless, self important Tina.
  • Well, LMN usually makes the female look like a gullible stupid fool- this time it's a guy- Brock. Don't know which is worse- his gullibility or his enabling of Joyce. In real life and real love, he would believe the woman he claims he loves so much. Too many coincidences that it is unbelievable and no one would believe that Tina would screw up soooo many times. The three stars are for Katie Leclerc- she is wonderful.
  • lavatch6 November 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    On the surface, Joyce "Nona" Miller is the doting grandma to little Harper, whose mother Lorna was killed in an auto crash when she was arguing with her mom. Nona took her eyes off the road and has never forgiven herself for the death of her daughter. But Nona's deranged mind has taken her beyond the level of a guilt-ridden control freak. Instead, she has become a dangerously obsessed sociopath.

    Dr. Brock Nichols has relied on Nona to help care for little Harper after Lorna's death. But Brock has recently met Tina Williams, who has endeared herself to little Harper. Nona becomes insanely jealous and begins to make Tina's life a living hell.

    Tina and her savvy sister Ellen catch on to Nona's tactics. But Brock is amazingly slow in recognizing the antics of his obsessive mother-in-law. A major casualty as a result of Nona's diabolical scheming is her dear husband Duane, who has a weak ticker. Due to all the stress, Duane has a heart attack and Nona refuses to give him his pills as he is struggling on the floor. Ellen is also a victim of Nona, but somehow she is able to survive a fall onto concrete from a second-story balcony. Ellen escapes with only a broken wrist.

    One of the most interesting characters was Mimi, the mother of Tina and Ellen. At first, Mimi admonishes Tina to "make nice-nice" to her future mother-in-law. But Mimi shows up at just the right moment to become the heroine of the film. She comes to learn that "nice-nice" will not work on No-No Nona.
  • This movie was re-released as Mad Mom, 2019. It's a good movie with a lot of suspense and drama, with a few good laughs added in. Worth watching.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What I wbjoyed was the ending! The crazy murderess (killed her own daughter and husband thoroughly deserved what she go, a maximum securit psyche ward!!!!!